Cinnamon Dethewright
Cinnamon has an open, friendly face, her reddish-brown hair usually pulled in a braid over one shoulder. Standing of average height, with average build, there isn’t much that stands out about her, as she does not seem to carry herself with the mannerisms of a fighter. Except.. There’s a *feeling* about her, that can be unsettling especially to anyone who is sensitive to magic, and it’s only heightened by the fact her eyes are crimson, the color of freshly spilled blood. The astute might also catch glimpse of what looks like an old, scarred up series of wounds on either side of her right shoulder, like a giant mouth bit down there. Just below it, on her shoulder blade, is a large, dark rune tattooed into her skin.
She usually carries a single dagger at the small of her back, wearing simple clothes of a loose blouse underneath a simple dress, often with an apron overtop. Her pockets almost always seem to have carefully wrapped treats in them -- cookies and small bits of cake, and it is common to see her with a smudge of flour or dash of sugar on her face or clothing. There is a golden locket around her neck that she wears tucked into her shirt.
She usually carries a single dagger at the small of her back, wearing simple clothes of a loose blouse underneath a simple dress, often with an apron overtop. Her pockets almost always seem to have carefully wrapped treats in them -- cookies and small bits of cake, and it is common to see her with a smudge of flour or dash of sugar on her face or clothing. There is a golden locket around her neck that she wears tucked into her shirt.
Skills and Abilities
Most Important
Cinny is skilled in one particular thing that she does exceptionally well: cooking. She seems to have a way with food, creating absolutely delicious concoctions from even stale or almost-ruined goods. It is something she obviously enjoys, as she is at home in almost any kitchen and almost always humming or singing as she does so. She has an uncanny ability to look at someone and seem to know *exactly* what they’d like to eat at that point, something that almost borders on magic.
Oh. And she turns into a large seven foot tall walking rage beast called a wendigo when hurt or stressed.
Oh. And she turns into a large seven foot tall walking rage beast called a wendigo when hurt or stressed.
Curse of the Wendigo
Cinny is cursed, and when subjected to pain or stress transforms into a large, hulking creature called a wendigo. Wendigo are beings of rage and violence, resistant to damage and quick-healing, but weak to sources of fire or light. Most wendigo, once transformed, lose all sense of reason or logic, but Cinny usually has a rune etched into the skin just above her chest that burns off when she transforms. The spell in the rune means she is able to “hold on” to a portion of her personality, allowing the wendigo to reassert a degree of her intelligence once she is transformed. This, however, must be replaced by a mage such as Andrea each time she transforms.
Cinny also has a rune tattooed permanently on her shoulder that links to a spell that allows Andrea to siphon off Cinny’s magical energy, allowing the mage to effectively force a transformation from wendigo back to her human form.
Cinny also has a rune tattooed permanently on her shoulder that links to a spell that allows Andrea to siphon off Cinny’s magical energy, allowing the mage to effectively force a transformation from wendigo back to her human form.
Mage Hunting
Cinny, and by proxy, Andrea, use this ability when facing mages or other creatures who are harming innocents or otherwise using their powers for nefarious purposes. They have been hunting mages for several years now and are well-practiced in doing so.
Cinny is sweet, warm, and caring. She has a motherly way about her, a reassuring, comforting way to her that just invites one to relax around her. Well, once you get past that pesky skin-crawling feeling that often clings to her. Her kindness is genuine, however, her concern not the least bit faked. She finds it difficult to turn away anyone in need, no matter how big or small, tough or innocent, armed or not they might be. One might almost label that gentleness to her nature “naivete” … except for the incredible sadness that lurks in the corner of her smiles, the testament of someone who has lost an unimaginable amount.
Biography & Lore
Cinny grew up in a small farming town outside of Elbion named Tallus Ridge. She had a happy childhood, spent running through the fields and learning to care for her father’s homestead. She had three older brothers, all of whom watched over her and doted on her. Growing up, she never had any drive to leave her hometown, especially not after the innkeeper’s son, a young man named Jarren, asked for her hand.
For the next four years, her life was perfect. Their inn was on one of the main roads into and out of Elbion, so they never were at a want for business. They had two children, a boy and a girl, and despite the struggles and hardships always seemed to come out stronger together.
Then, one night, a man showed upon their doorstep, sick and fevered. Cinny wasted no time in caring for the man, giving him soup and what medicine she could. It seemed too late, however, because he became gravely ill… and then, began to change. He warped into a large, ferocious beast, biting Cinny and killing several of the patrons in the inn before smashing his way out and disappearing into the forest. The town wasted no time in calling for aid, bringing several hunters and monster-slayers into town.
There are conflicting reports as to what happened next. Everyone agrees that the man was cornered by one or two of the hunters -- from there, however, there are wildly conflicting stories. The monster, a wendigo, went on a rampage, and by the end of the night a good half of the townspeople were dead -- including Cinny’s family. Some survivors spoke of a second wendigo, clashing with the first, others speak of a mage who was able to pull the humanity out of the monster… regardless, by the end of the night, there were no Dethewrights left in the town of Tallus Ridge.
Since then, Cinny has travelled with a dark-haired mage by the name of Andrea Tolsuna, going where they are needed, all with that determined smile on her face.
For the next four years, her life was perfect. Their inn was on one of the main roads into and out of Elbion, so they never were at a want for business. They had two children, a boy and a girl, and despite the struggles and hardships always seemed to come out stronger together.
Then, one night, a man showed upon their doorstep, sick and fevered. Cinny wasted no time in caring for the man, giving him soup and what medicine she could. It seemed too late, however, because he became gravely ill… and then, began to change. He warped into a large, ferocious beast, biting Cinny and killing several of the patrons in the inn before smashing his way out and disappearing into the forest. The town wasted no time in calling for aid, bringing several hunters and monster-slayers into town.
There are conflicting reports as to what happened next. Everyone agrees that the man was cornered by one or two of the hunters -- from there, however, there are wildly conflicting stories. The monster, a wendigo, went on a rampage, and by the end of the night a good half of the townspeople were dead -- including Cinny’s family. Some survivors spoke of a second wendigo, clashing with the first, others speak of a mage who was able to pull the humanity out of the monster… regardless, by the end of the night, there were no Dethewrights left in the town of Tallus Ridge.
Since then, Cinny has travelled with a dark-haired mage by the name of Andrea Tolsuna, going where they are needed, all with that determined smile on her face.
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