1. Core Lore
  2. Bhathairk Undercity


The foundations of Bhathairk go deep, but there is deeper still. There are only a few ways into the Undercity. Most are known only to a few. Some have been sealed by superstitious Orcs despite requests from scholars to investigate.

There are no records of a city being at this site. Few who have seen it or read the accounts believe it was built by Orcs. Yet it matches no description of typical Dwarven architecture.

There are empty streets and houses constructed of smooth, identical bricks. Perfectly straight tracks are said to be etched into the roads. Despite this, the most startling story is of the lamps that line the street.

They are said to be made of glass, remarkable in itself given the cost. Not only that but perfectly smooth glass that doesn't break when struck heavily. Something the most talented artisan cannot produce. Few believe the wildest stories: that some lamps still burn with a bright green flame.

[2]Recent accounts have caused consternation among some historians. The personal journals of the great wizard Gildesh have long been studied, particularly his famous Last Sojourn. Thought to have been visited just a few years before his death some four hundred years ago, he gave an account of a buried city with very similar features. Gildesh believed the lamps were magical in nature and "regretted having to leave so soon, but to stay would risk failing to reach the artifact before Khalldryn."

Historians tracing the route had believed these ruins to be north of Elbion. If Gildesh had been so far east the site of his final battle with Khalldryn the Necromancer would be hundreds of miles from where current searches are taking place.

As it is, accounts of the Undercity are frequently disputed. There are reported signs of the odd squatter, but not of any significant recent habitation. However, many explorers have not returned from the undercity, but this is more likely to be from a collapse or becoming lost in the deepest labyrinths. Until the Council of Bhathairk allows more significant expeditions the secrets of the undercity will remain buried.

  1. ^Source: Undercity
  2. ^Source: Lamp PC Gamer

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