Bellatrix DeVere

Bellatrix DeVere

Biographical information
Oban 26 Brigadoon
Physical description
Human Female 5ft 6 One never asks a lady such things Brown Grey White
Political information
Historian, Art Collector
Out-of-character information

"There are many Wonders in this world that have been lost to the wheel of time. We have clues as to where to find them, of course. Clues dotted throughout the annuals of history, in scraps of parchments or on the cave walls. Items such as the Dagger of King Liodon, said to be able to trap the soul of those it kills; or the Horn of Valour which calls to the Cursed Dead who rode into the Battle of Hadrial.

It is every Historian - every Collectors - dream to hold such items in their hands. But the true adventure and excitement comes in unravelling the puzzle that leads to their discovery."

- Bellatric DeVere, Personal Journal vol. 4


Trix appears very similar to most noblewomen of Oban. Slenderly built with muscle geared more towards the dancefloor and library than the fighting ring, she possesses a certain grace to the way she walks. With her head held high and an expression one might call disdain permanently etched on her face, she can come off as quite an arrogant looking woman.

She wears her long brown hair up in a bun and tend to favour the fashion of wearing big skirts, corsets and the such. Trix prefers the finer things in life which can be seen in her expensive taste in clothes, though she at least has the money to afford her superior taste. She will always be found with her signature hat and her grandfathers old rapier - the first historical artefact which started her on her career path.

Skills and Abilities

Intelligence: Being a noblewoman raised in the Kingdom of Delraida, Bellatrix was not afforded the luxury of having a choice of career paths. As such she dedicated her life to that of a scholarly profession; history. She has an wealth of knowledge on unique and obscure parts of Arethil's history.

Languages: In conjunction with her historical knowledge, Trix is absurdly good at languages. Whilst she has suspected her gift might actually be magical in origin she has not questioned it. However, she is able to understand any language even if she had never studied it before, and can also read any language. Trix only needs to be able to hear or see a bit of a language to then be able to speak it fluently too.

Rapier of Queen Illisandra
: Her grandfathers rapier is actually the legendary blade of Illisandra. It is said that the Queen of Oban, who went mad with the abilities she possessed, put a tiny bit of her soul into the blade when she killed herself with it. As such the blade contains a mystical ability to make the wielder an exceptional bladesmith at the cost of their energy.


Bellatrix is a stubborn, arrogant woman who has an insatiable desire for knowledge. She can often go off on random tangents of conversation or lose track of time with immersed in an interesting topic or conversation. As such she can appear scatter brained at times too.

She has led a rather sheltered life as a noblewoman and can be a little dim when it comes to the realities of the real world. She is also used to getting her own way and can throw a fit when people aren't quick to come to her heel when she demands it.

Biography & Lore

Trix was born in the Capital of Oban whilst her parents, the DeVere's were visiting the King and paying homage. Lord and Lady DeVere were delighted when their daughter was born and raised her was the exemplar woman of Delradia society. When her younger brother was born when she was six however, her parents turned their attentions to the heir of their estate. Bella's education and general upbringing was taken up instead by her Grandfather.

It was her Grandfather who installed in her her love and fascination of history. For hours she would pour over his expansive library and query the hidden gems of the world. When she was older, he even took her a long on a few of his excavations to learn the proper way to unearth Arethil's secrets.

When he died Trix inherited her Grandfather's 'hobby business' and continues the careful studying and hunting of the hidden wonders of the world.


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