Becca La Croix

Becca La Croix

Biographical information
Elbion specifically the Government District 26 College of Elbion
Physical description
Human Female 5'7 140 lbs Black Red White
Political information
A Maester of the First Order
Out-of-character information
Smiling One 10/20/20 Final Fantasy Wiki

Magic is a powerful tool that must be celebrated yet be subjugated to intensive study. That was the mantra that Becca La Croix repeated when she first attended the College of Elbion. A gifted young woman and one of the most promising students in the College, Becca had just been promoted as a Maester of the First Order after passing her trials with relative ease. Becca is an ambitious woman whose goal is to understand mysteries of magic and to push beyond its limits to unlock magic's full potential.


Appearance is the second most important thing to Becca just barely below magic. She was taught to be prim and proper growing up and to always take care of her looks. Though as she grew up, Becca began to rebel against her parents authoritarian grip and began to rebel a bit. Her dress is a passive aggressive retort to them, the young woman wears a VERY low cut dress with mix of black gray colors splattered on it with her cleavage displayed in all of its wonders (and sometimes pull items from it) mocking her mother who says that women should always look their best. There are two brown crossed belts placed on the upper parts of her sleeve. They are embedded with magical symbols which helps enhance Becca's magical prowess. Her already low neckline is supported by white and brown fur and her sleeves has lace edges.

In addition, Becca's gown is made up by an assortment of belts that are interlaced with each and has their magical enhancements and a way to mock her Father for his love for belts. She also wears a corset and stockings. Becca has red eyes and has her long black her made into various braids and a knot which are held together by an assortment of braids and beads. Becca is very fond of make up and perfume and is often cloaked in it whenever she passes people.

Skills and Abilities

Becca is a gifted mage birthed with large reserves of magic her spells are geared towards offense devastating her opponents with destructive and rare spells. With her Voodoo Doll: Franklin's help, she cast spells rapidly and often amplifies the power of her magical attacks. Becca specializes primarily in Elemental Magic but there are more schools of Magic that she has in her arsenal:


Becca is a curious and an ambitious woman, she was taught since childhood to never be satisfied and question everything. Her natural curiosity combined with her drive to always ask questions lead Becca to be somewhat of a recluse in her time at College appearing stern or moody. But deep down, Becca deeply cares about the College thanking it for satiating her curiosity while caring for her magic wielding peers. Becca enjoys reading about history of all kinds but particularly pertaining to magic and actually enjoys writing long thesis papers about theories and proposals. Becca is possesses an open mind and those who get the opportunity to know her sees that she has can be somewhat of a mother figure.

She also has a soft spot for toys specifically dolls and is seen carrying her childhood toy: Franklin one of Becca's first major College projects was to use Voodoo magic to have Franklin come to life. Becca employs Franklin to attack and to help channel her magical energy for more advanced spells and also gives her comfort when she's doubting herself. Becca is very protective of him and those who touch him will feel her wrath. She is aware of her beauty and uses it to her advantage if she can get what she wants. However Becca herself isn't interested in a romance of any kind, consumed by her studies of magic.

Biography & Lore

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