Barrin is an incredibly tall and stately looking figure. Dressed most often in a fine Black or Red coat, he keeps his hair and beard trimmed closely, stands up straight, and rarely even shows a hint of emotion. Most people who observe him think of Barrin as more of a statue than a human being. His outward appearance rarely changes, and his facial expression less so.Like many other Dreadlords he wears the symbol of his House emblazoned on his jacket. Unlike some others, Barrin does not hide his affiliation and is openly proud of House Virak and the fact that he has served it for so long.
Barrin's magic is an incredibly powerful and disturbed art the likes of which has not been seen in Vel Anir for many centuries.Though many in Vel Anir are not quite sure how Barrin's magic manifested itself originally, it is known that his abilities were incredibly powerful from the start, and in fact that it came as an almost innate sense. To most effectively explain Barrin's magic, one must understand his own nature.
The Dreadlord in a sense is not quite human. Though he was born of Human parents and his lineage is pure, the magic set into his core makes him something...other. Beneath the flesh of a man sits what can only be described as a demon, a being of toughened flesh, steel bones, and terrifying visage.
This in it of itself would make Barrin an incredibly powerful Dreadlord, but his true ability is to inflict this fate upon others.
Through an unknown means, Barrin is able to create a substance that 'infects' other beings with the same demonic infliction that sits at the heart of him. This substance takes the form of a black sludge, and with it he is able to transform and take control of other beings.
Among other Dreadlords Barrin has been known to be called 'The Demon King", though it is a name that he despises.
No one is quite sure where Barrin originally came from, however, like many other Dreadlords he spent most of his early life encompassed in the Academy.It was here that his power and skill became quickly apparent. He was an excellent student and showed an aptitude for both strategic thinking and general combat. His powers proved to be incredibly effective and he was quickly sought out by many of the Great Houses.
Ultimately Barrin fell under the sway of House Virak.
Though no one is quite sure why or how, Barrin chose to swear to House Virak at the age of Eleven after a single meeting with a then young Erich Anselm Sellon Virak. Ever since that day, Barrin has been one of the most loyal of House Virak's servants.
Upon his graduation from the Academy Barrin was one of the few ever Dreadlords placed directly into the First, his power and aptitude granting him the position.
Since then he has served House Virak loyally for over two decades, and unlike others had never sought to take the step of becoming an Archon.
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