Born as the lowest of the low, Azad, or Az as most call him has for the entirety of his life scraped along in whatever way he could.
Never meeting his parents, and never having much of a work ethic either, Az sort of simply slipped into the life of a thief. Joining quickly with the urchin gangs, the young boy proved from an early age to be clever, quick, and entirely willing to lean into whatever solution allowed him to do the least amount of work possible.
This rather shortcut-centric attitude quickly lead Az to develop his skill not only as a thief, but a charmer. Growing up, Az often took the role of chief-planner within his little gang. Sending others out as what he called 'howlers', Az would use other urchins as distractions while he broke into Palaces and homes of the wealthy. Stealing only that which wouldn't be missed, a clever tactic which saw him well fed but never running afoul of the city watch.
As he grew older, these tactics only became bolder, and Az would think of various schemes and plots to more easily get the coin he so craved.
Yet as he became an adult, life on the streets didn't ease up.
With a powerful independent streak, Azad never joined any of the larger criminal gangs that operated within Thanasis' underbelly. This meant he frequently ran afoul of various underground organizations, either by pulling jobs on their turf or outright stealing something they themselves had their eyes on. More than once Az was nearly killed in retribution, and more than once his charm and knack for coming up with things on the spot has saved his hide.
His habit of getting into trouble has never left him, and most of Az's life has consisted of running from one problem to the next.
Recently, having grown tired of the constant run of his turbulent life(and also in flight of yet another gang coming down onto his head) Az has decided to join the Rising. Hoping to claim himself a Dragon, and the life that it comes with it.
Though just how he managed to enter the competition at all, is a question he would likely simply answer with a smile.
The Shadowed Death
Though most Dragons are terrifying, powerful, and arguably without equal in their inspiration of awe; The Shadowed Death is decidedly none of those things.
Named by a particularly funny scholar of Thanasian lore, The Shadowed Death is a usually rather diminutive dragon no larger than a grown ogre's forearm. Having been recorded as two feet long, snout to tail, the Shadowed Death cannot breath fire, is barely capable of flight, and has been called more of a 'chicken' by even the esteemed of Thanasis.
Not entirely derided, the strain of Dragons still maintains maintains some decorum in the annals of Thanasian History but has mostly fallen by the wayside. No clan has taken an interest in breeding them, and for some reason there is little scholarly or even colloquial knowledge on what the Shadowed Death's even do. A fact which in it of itself might garner a clue as to their actual abilities.
Unlike those Dragons capable of razing cities with fire or building whole walls with a stomp of their feet, the Shadowed Death instead displays it's talents in its complete seeming lack of them.
The magics of this diminutive Dragon are integral to how it managed to survive. Instead of a boastful breath or powerful jaws, the Shadowed Death carries an innate ability to disappear. Not to turn invisible, but to disappear. A shroud seems to surround the tiny creatures, rendering them as little more than scenery to those even closely looking. An effect that seems to readily slip through the bond to the Shadowed Death's soul.
This uncanny knack is surely created through some innate magics of the creature, however both this, and it's other gifts are shrouded in mystery. The Shadows have never been particularly exalted by the powers of Thanasis, and those who bond them tend to have reputations most in society would shy away from.
Perhaps this is why the Shadowed Death's tend to have another name; 'Thief Dragons'.
Named by a particularly funny scholar of Thanasian lore, The Shadowed Death is a usually rather diminutive dragon no larger than a grown ogre's forearm. Having been recorded as two feet long, snout to tail, the Shadowed Death cannot breath fire, is barely capable of flight, and has been called more of a 'chicken' by even the esteemed of Thanasis.
Not entirely derided, the strain of Dragons still maintains maintains some decorum in the annals of Thanasian History but has mostly fallen by the wayside. No clan has taken an interest in breeding them, and for some reason there is little scholarly or even colloquial knowledge on what the Shadowed Death's even do. A fact which in it of itself might garner a clue as to their actual abilities.
Unlike those Dragons capable of razing cities with fire or building whole walls with a stomp of their feet, the Shadowed Death instead displays it's talents in its complete seeming lack of them.
The magics of this diminutive Dragon are integral to how it managed to survive. Instead of a boastful breath or powerful jaws, the Shadowed Death carries an innate ability to disappear. Not to turn invisible, but to disappear. A shroud seems to surround the tiny creatures, rendering them as little more than scenery to those even closely looking. An effect that seems to readily slip through the bond to the Shadowed Death's soul.
This uncanny knack is surely created through some innate magics of the creature, however both this, and it's other gifts are shrouded in mystery. The Shadows have never been particularly exalted by the powers of Thanasis, and those who bond them tend to have reputations most in society would shy away from.
Perhaps this is why the Shadowed Death's tend to have another name; 'Thief Dragons'.