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  2. Dueling Wands

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Dueling Wands

Unknown Recent The College of Elbion



These are straight lengths of wood bound by steel and etched with magical runes of enchantment.


Unlike other wands or an Arcane Focus these Dueling wands have a singular effect and enchantment.
Once the tip of the wand makes contact with an opponent it delivers an arcane force, sending the opponent to the ground or flying backwards. This is a non-lethal force, but it's still dangerous by its nature.



Even students of magic need to have fun at times. These wands were created by the college to be used in sports and friendly dueling tournaments.


The wands deliver a non-lethal blast of force, there is no burning, zapping, or freezing involved. It's simple physical blunt force that can send a person about fifteen feet back.


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