Anastasia Lemorgo

Anastasia Lemorgo

Biographical information
Malakath 63 Fal'Addas
Physical description
Dragonborne Female 5'5 ft. 122 lbs. Off-Platinum Blonde Yellow Sands White
Political information
Out-of-character information

"I came on wings of stormlight; neither a whisper nor a threat. A maw of lightning consumed me and so, too, did I sustain myself of its power. And still, I pray on silent pardons for a forgiveness I do not deserve."


Delicate, soft, friend-shaped. A pair of bright eyes, literally and figuratively, see the world through the lens of youthful exuberance and hopeful optimism. A gentle pudge of her face holds delicate features like a broad cheekbone and pouty lips, with her blonde locks draping down in rebellion to further shroud her innate beauty. Annie has always carried a slight heft wherever she goes, unable to shake her hatchling baby fat; now it rests in her thighs and hips which tend to spill out from overly tight clothes, and in the midsection of her tummy. Tender self-awareness of these traits lead her to disguise her true body beneath layers of clothing.

Physically, dragonborne and humans are much alike with their humanoid shapes and arrangements; though dragonborne boast a pair (or occasionally two pairs) of prehensile wings from their backs and a fan-like tail that extends out just above the buttocks and hips. Long and spindly, strong and smooth, with sharp spines or talons or hooks - these wings are as much fashion as they are part of dragonborne culture. Annie's wings and tail bear the soft, yellow coloration of a dragonborne destined to soar and catch the weathered winds of encroaching stormfronts. A stormborne, as rare a breed as can be found.


Forever dressed in her ceremonial flight gown, Annie is linked to her final days among her clutch by the black and gold ensemble she wears nearly all the time. A corset-like one-piece adorned in black fabrics and glittering gold, the "flight gown" is a cultural centerpiece of dragonborne life; worn by younglings during their ceremonial first flight. It is a sort of uniform which allows the back to be exposed for full rotation of the wings, and cuts off above the hips where the stabilizing tail fins begin. Annie's bears twin drapes that flow from her sides and disguise her tail as a skirt when not in motion. This skirt is often the only article visible beneath the commoner's rags and cloaks and pants she wears in her day to day. Unable to hide or disguise her yellow-gold horns, she finalizes her costume by clasping her wing talons in a hug-like position to wreathe her from the shoulders down.

Skills and Abilities

- Flight
- Can communicate with the winds
- Potential for magic
- Fluent in several dragon tongues


Free-spirited, compassionate, and running with the wind. Anastasia was raised knowing the skies and the thunder were her authority and strives to heed their command. This often leads to abrupt and sporadic moments of "empty-headedness" wherein Annie seemingly stares into space and mutters to herself. Ramblings of "the skies" and "the stormlight" are far from uncommon in this quasi-reptilian's company.

Biography & Lore

Anastasia was born not only to a loving father and mother, and into a clutch of brothers and sisters and assorted siblings and cousins, but to a stellar gathering by the name of Vazyr Major; The Bolt That Illuminates Night. Gifted in the aerial arts and magical manipulations, she was cultivated by the high priestesses of her coven; of which her mother was made matriarch. Anastasia was not of royal blood but instead held in a form of sacred vassalage and revered as a young prophet. She was given the privilege of arcane study and so used her gifts to better the livelihoods of her people. Generous, uplifting, selfless.

Nary a harsh word could be levied her way, but such niceties could not stand between dark hearts. Fueled by the mutterings of political unrest, a lone saboteur seized a grim opportunity to shake the "façade" of peace. The afternoon of Anastasia's coronation into the priesthood had come. Dated on a summer solstice of divine significance, decorated by the high, coastal bluffs of Malakath, and backlit by a sweltering heatwave. A cry rang out as Anastasia took her seat atop the altar throne, an arcane hand reaching into her very being and sundering her magical connections. In a mere flash of moments, Anastasia had become overloaded with the arcane and took to the skies in a hot explosion of lightning. Thunder bellowed, storm clouds brewed and the seas churned as the young dragonborne ascended higher and higher - all in an attempt to spare her loved ones.

Anastasia soared high into the clouds and, without a moments hesitation, out over the tumbling tides. Blinded by her own overflowing power and fear, she flew and flew until her wings gave out and the spark within flickered into a dead pulse. She awoke some days later in the care of fae creatures. Severed from her magic and frightened of her own potential, she made a silent vow to remain untethered from the storm and maintain the safety of separation from her homeland. Living now among the elves of Fal'Addas, the lost priestess spends her days pining for the skies and stars; feet burdened by the anchoring earth below.


Voice Claim : Daisy Ridley
Anthem : Orphans by Coldplay

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