"Though the gates that stand between the mortal world and the immortal Realm of Chaos are now closed to me, still I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the cold furrow of mortal life."
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Excuse Jorge for his post in the 'Roleplay' section, he has now realized that this website is for a different kind of 'world' and will now post accordingly.
I'm a passionate reader of fantasy novels and their rich lore, so I'm constantly searching for new worlds to discover and people to connect with inside engrossing books.
There is a rising demand for something new that deviates from the clichés and rules of conventional fantasy literature. Here's my dark fantasy realm, Tales of Gwyn.
The ancient tomes are revealing themselves. Remember to go out and quest in order to gain supernatural powers such as Pebble Manipulation and Brick Touch.
Jorge seems to continuously trip down a single stair in his observatory, many bruises have been caused by this issue, so there will be renovating soon.
Interestingly enough, it seems that animating the wheels themselves in Jorge's electrical room was perfect to keep them running autonomously, therefore powering his tower.
The only price was sacrificing someone loved to "The Pit" as it was called by the man who sold Jorge this power.
Thankfully, throwing in a well-dressed mannequin fooled him, allowing Jorge to grab the page where the spell was written.
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Please understand that he makes no money out of this, it is just a personal platform of which to share his greatness.