Fate - First Reply Wooded Woes

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Ain't Dead Yet
Character Biography
Vulpesen's blade glittered in the light of a single moonbeam as it swept at the monstrosity before him, knocking back a claw that had been aimed to tear open his chest. The response to his efforts was a loud screech that send his ears ringing, and only instinct reminded him to jump and roll away from the clawed fingers that swept at his head, aiming to shred his face to ribbons, if not remove it from the rest of his body. "Crux. I hate Mnngals!"

The creature swooped back up to the canopy and gripped onto the branches before staring down at him. Hate filled black eyes stared down from that dense foliage, curtained by long dark hair that travelled down the creature's leathery winged back. That hair might have reached her waist if she had one, but her torso stopped just below her chest where there dangled enough giblets that Vulpesen was thankful his time as a soldier had prevented him from bouts of nausea at the sight of such visera.

"Got a mission Mr. Torrevaso," he growled as another screech heralded yet another swooping assault. "It eats babies Mr. Torrevaso. Should be Easy pickings. For a grown warrior." Vulpesen rolled away again, feeling a length of his own dark locks get sliced off by the Mnngal's talons, close enough that one of his pointed ears gave an irritated flick in that direction. "Might have mentioned it could fly and had short swords for fingers!" He turned and crooked his fingers at the Mnngal, sending a crackle of lightning at the beast which whirled away once again into the branches, frustrating his attempts at an accurate shot. "Puffed up triplet bastards."
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