Knights of Anathaeum What lies in the Deep

Threads open to all members of the Knights of Anathaeum group
Character Biography
Rin had a feeling her trials would be soon and she could feel her nerves beginning to grow. She wouldn't know when the trial would be, not until until the Knight Captain of the Dusk came to retrieve her. But Rin had made her choice. While there had been more recognition of the help that she'd given when she'd worked with the Dawn, she felt like she'd truly made a difference when it came to working among the Dusk. It was likely that no one would ever hear of what she did to save the people of the Spire, but she didn't need the recognition. Knowing that through her actions, she'd saved any number of people from a horrible end was more than enough for her. She didn't need to be front and center to make a difference and that fit where she wanted to be.

The cool evening breeze rustled the grasses as she moved toward the old well. Now seemed the best time to go make a wish for the success of her trials. She knew some of the older knights frowned on such a tradition, but at the moment Rin felt that any thing that could help she'd take. The trials were secretive so no one except those that had taken them really knew what happened and the most anyone would ever say is that each member's trial was different.

The stones of the well began to rise up as she neared her destination, the rope that held the old bucket swaying in the wind. Rin had drank from the water more than a few times and she knew that it was crystal clear and held a sweet taste. Sharp in it's purity. Likely there was a source of freshwater deep under the ground that fed the well.

The squire placed her candle on the edge of the well, the light reflecting faintly off the stones. She leaned over the edge to look down into the darkness. She didn't expect to see very far. Rin held out her right hand, fist closed around a coin. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "May the fates be in my favor for the trials." She whispered softly into the night before opening her eyes and then her hand. The gold of the coin flashed in the light of the candle almost hanging in midair for an instance before it began to fall. It was quickly out of sight. She strained to listen for a faint splash at the bottom of the well though she didn't hear it.

Turning around, she pulled herself up to sit on the stones and looked up at the sky above feeling slightly less anxious now that her wish was said. The evening was so nice that she didn't want to go back to the dormitories yet. She was sitting in silence, when something started to echo softly behind her. She turned to look, feeling the hair on her arms standing up and a chill running down her back. The sound was coming from inside the well.
It was almost nightly that she found herself mulling over the events that had transpired since her escape months ago. She escaped death, a death that she had begun to welcome with complete open arms only to find a moment of light within the darkness. That light had led her to many places, meeting many different people and overcoming obstacles she didn’t realize she had. One of which was learning to trust people, learning that not everyone was out to hurt or use her like those in the past. It had taken some time to get passed the fear and though she’s still in the process of that, it’s far better than it had been.

She never imagined that she would be where she was now, learning not only about her abilities but about herself and her purpose in this life. Ash knew she had many to thank for this freedom, even if some wouldn’t see it so much as freedom like she did, it was those that also didn’t know where she came from and what she and endured. The Monastery and those within it were but a few she knew she owed many a debt too.

It was those thoughts that had her out tonight, joining the company of the sounds the night gave way too and the cool breeze that danced with white tendrils. With no true destination she let herself wander wherever her feet took her, while fingers played gingerly with a leaf she’d managed to catch as it fell. There was an added whisper to the noises that she wasn’t quite used to which had her pausing her steps briefly. She could barely make out the sound of the whispers, not enough to hear what was said but enough to make out that the whispers came from a woman.

Sensing no immediate danger Ash continued, curious as to who else had wandered out here tonight. She noted a woman sitting on the well, seemingly enjoying the night just as she was. Lips started to part to let the woman know was there when an odd, almost frightening sounds rumbled from the well. Teals looked from the well to the woman, at first thinking this woman was possibly conjuring something. Yet, the look on her face as she turned to look told her otherwise. “I can only assume that sound didn’t come from you?” Her tone soft yet still questioning as she continued to move towards the woman and the mysterious noise making well.

Nasrin Fyldirae