Private Tales What Awaits Down Below

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Su Jun Seo

Character Biography
"Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward."
-Drew Houston
From the outset, things might have seem to have gone almost as business as usual. This was just one of those

It could have meant some sort of long lost treasure...and sure, maybe he could have sold it for a pretty penny...but he honestly could have cared less about the money. It was the adrenaline, the adventure that drove him to seek out a place such as this.

Funny...funny that this, this was his life now...almost seemed a life time ago...when it only had been a few years...he wouldn't have been intreasted in any of this...hell, he wouldn't have even been here to begin with. He would have been back there...but, thankfully, it was all over...and that was a good thing, because now, this was the next big least until the next big thing.

The bald man was sitting at a table in a tavern that might just as well been any other tavern in the entirety of the world. His concentration was focused on a piece of paper in front of him, on it a map of sorts with some details drawn out. It was late, and no doubt this particular fellow was in this tavern seeking a place to lounge for the night. There were not many other lounging about that night, so he stood out a bit, particularly in the way he looked. One might have glanced over by what he wore, seemed like the rags of any o'l peasant. But upon closer inspections, these so called rags were of a rather...foreign make.

Indeed, this man was muttering to himself, saying words that might have been gibberish to everyone in the tavern. The lad was deep in thought, as if he was plotting somthing for himself.
Faelin K'Abveirin