Private Tales Vel Varan Nights

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

The coastal town of Vel Vara was still bustling into the night. During the day there had been merchant ships to unload and load, but in the evening their were drinks to had and barmaids to carouse. It was a raucous affair, but Kael was here on business. Vel Anir intelligence had found the Black Crows, a society of smugglers, had acquired critical supplies stolen from the Guard. They were planning on selling the supplies to the Twin Fangs, a local bandit troupe. Normally this would be a simple job, bring the guard to the meeting and seize both parties, but the Crows were consummate professionals, and extremely skittish. The Twin Fangs were named such for their twin leaders, Larian and Darian. Those two were the only ones of the Twin Fangs who were informed of the elaborate signals to begin the trade with the crows, and due to their knowledge of each other could easily spot an infiltrator.

Miracle and Kael therefore, had been chosen to neutralize and impersonate both without the Twin Fangs or Black Crows realizing. They would then carry out the deal and arrange transport of the goods to a location the Guard had specified, would handle reclamation. It was a challenging assignment for a pair of initiates, but Kael and Miracle were uniquely qualified to handle it as shapeshifters. Both initiates had been gathering information independently, before arriving at a spot just out of town to meet.

"I've confirmed none of the Fangs know the details of the meeting outside the twins. The gang seems to favor a bar called the Rusty Nail, but the Twins aren't often seen there."
Kael started. He waited for a moment, giving Miracle an opportunity to add, reinforce, or refute.