Fable - Ask Unscrupulous Understandings

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Aldebaran's eyes puckered in surprise. The plan was set before he could offer his spluttering protest; that hopeful cast of roles, that simple deception set upon his shoulders. A heavy mantle indeed. All too easy to be the defector for true, and yet...

He nodded, offered a bow, and set his gait back along the path. All too easy to take a mercenary's bribe, but the medic's bones ached with the stir of loyalty. He was too old for such games. A glance over the shoulder to the courier, to the lordling's aged retainer cemented this for him. Easy to take a new buyer's purse, and easier still to lay his feet in the steps set before him.

Raising his hands out in a play of parlay, stick tucked neat against an armpit as he drew nearer the guards on watch about the approach. He hazarded another glance behind him, adopting a crook of fear over his brow. A motion for quiet.

"The, uh, Damasque brat's not a click down the road," he said, voice a trembling whisper. He went so far as to lick his lips.

"I'm just a medic, captains," he said. "They took me from that inn, forced me to ride with their men. But, I want no part in this!" He jumped a little in the saddle, startled by the tenor of his own voice. Slouching further against the pommel, he crept another stride closer.

"I think, uh, I think they mean to make camp until the hours before dawn. They said something about that, before I left. They talked about, what was it? Fire? That must have been it. They talked about setting fire to the manse, maybe waiting for your watch to change..."

Serçe Dante L Damasque
  • Smug
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Serce nodded in agreement with the old soldier's assessment. It would've taken too much coin to the flip the Roost and the bastards weren't even likely to be good for it. The mage would've preferred if this could've been resolved with money. Alas that particular item is how they found arrived at this situation in the first place. Seemed it was blood from here on out. As often was the case when two nobles couldn't agree on something.

The mage was momentarily impressed that the young lord would offer himself as bait, but quickly reeled the sentiment back. Instead the old healer was to stick his head into the maw. There was no telling how the mercenaries would react. It was easy for them to believe in the greed of others but they could also be a paranoid lot. Better to receive the message and kill the messenger. As a seasoned courier, Serce was abundantly familiar with the dangers of being an envoy.

He watched with some worry as the healer set off towards the manse. Serce had become fond of the greybeard in their short time together.

"So what's the play old man?" the mage asked, turning to Gunter. The knight was clearly no stranger to battle. "Can't say I'm still all that keen even if we draw them out. Wondering if we can buy enough time to nab Ahronov and end this quickly. Otherwise its two a man. You know the set better than I." added Serce with a shrug. Of course all this hinged on how well the healer played his part.

Dante L Damasque Aldebaran