Letters To Take up the Pen

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.


The Scribe
Character Biography
Empress Most High,
Holy Divan,

It is with great humility and excitement that I write to you in acceptance of your offer of appointment to Imperial Scribe.

However, it would seem that my predecessor was somewhat... lax in his tending of imperial records. It will take me some time to sort out what has been not only left but seemingly
undone, as though carried out in some kind of vengeful act. I know this is not the case as far as my predecessor goes, as he came to an unfortunate end traveling the main road.

But I digress, and will use the autonomy and funding you have provided me to and end I believe will be of great benefit to the Empire.

Faithfully and truthfully yours,

Az'Marith Samsu-Ditana