Sand Hawk
North of Bhatharik, on the shores of the Ra Gnamb Sea, lies a small fishing society known as Qin. The inhabitants of this small fishing community are a modest birdlike race known as the Tayir. For centuries the Tayir have sailed, fished, and grown crops just inland. Mostly keeping to themselves they worship a living group of gods they refer to as the Nine Invocations. A small contingency of humans and dwarves inhabit the outskirts known as the foreign district. Many of these non-Tayir also worship the living gods of Qin. Within Qin the words of these gods is law, they adjudicate on all manners of life.
As the waves crashed alongside the temple of the mighty Sand Hawk a young Tayir with brilliant red feathers rushed into the yurt parallel to the great Sand Temple. The yurt was a modest little home and its resident was the current Arch Cardinal of Qin. The Arch Cardinal preferred to keep his home nearest his patron god, the Sand Hawk.
"Father," the young Tayir with the bright red feathers chimed, "very many foreigners, need one to help, not found one yet."
It had been ordered by the Sand Hawk himself that a foreigner be brought to the yurt for a particular assignment. The Arch Cardinal was bed ridden, suffering from a tragic illness that required medicinal herbs that grew further inland. There was a decree issued several centuries ago that any Tayir leaving Qin would suffer great hardships which is why the Sand Hawk required a foreign champion to assist in obtaining the life saving medicinal herbs.
The younger Tayir suddenly stiffened up when out of the child's hammock descended none other than the Sand Hawk. Falling onto his knees the hatchling began to press his face against the floorboards of his childhood home. "Great Sand Hawk! Did not see you! Forgive me, save my father!"
"Arise young Asalq, you needn't worry. The Motherly Dove has assured us that your father will recover. I merely need the help of a stranger, as was foretold by the dove," the Sand Hawk replied with a smile.
It was unfortunate, to raise morale the Nine Invocations had assured the villagers of Qin that none of the religious leaders would die this harvest season. And, then, the Arch Cardinal himself came down with the flux. A disease which could not be cured by magic, not even the great healing powers of the Motherly Dove. Its only cure was withenroot which grew much further inland from Qin.
Normally the Invocations would blame it on the Invocation of Futility. It was a divine way of testing them. But they couldn't allow a direct prophecy that was declared a month prior to go unfulfilled. That may inspire doubt amongst their flock.
Asalq arose from his bow, nodding his head, "I have many faith Glorious Sand Hawk."
They'd offered good pay, Sand Hawk merely needed transportation and the guidance of a species more familiar with the world outside of Qin. As this was his own Arch Cardinal he needed to attend to this matter personally and quickly. Who knows how many more days the Arch Cardinal could go without treatment.