Tyto looked down at his Gi. It really was beyond salvaging at this point. He'd be sad to see it go, but its not like he didn't have anything to remember his master by. He gestured towards his dojo crest.
"I'd like to keep this or have it added on. They can sew it on to whatever I get right? Do you think they'd have a Gi, or at least something close? Maybe something with a hood! What colors would it come in? I haven't had new clothes since I got the Gi! What if-" Tyto was getting so excited, he almost forgot. "Wait. I wouldn't be able to pay you back. I have no money." He said, avoiding eye contact. He had let himself get too excited.
"I'd like to keep this or have it added on. They can sew it on to whatever I get right? Do you think they'd have a Gi, or at least something close? Maybe something with a hood! What colors would it come in? I haven't had new clothes since I got the Gi! What if-" Tyto was getting so excited, he almost forgot. "Wait. I wouldn't be able to pay you back. I have no money." He said, avoiding eye contact. He had let himself get too excited.