Private Tales The Vollmund Archives: Of Golems and Goblins

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Gwendolyn Vollmund

Information broker based at The Raven Club.
Besides it being in the middle of absolute no where in the seret mountains outside of Elbion the old thing seemed like any other old library. Rain poured in sheets as solid pillars stood like sentries along its large black, oaken, double doors. The rest of the structure seemed to be made entirely of carved marble where it seemed to be part of the mountain entirely built into the side.

“Vollmund Archives.” Was carved in bold font above the door way. This was followed by the same title repeated several times over in a few different languages. “Knowledge earned is knowledge kept. Knowledge stolen is knowledge forfeit. “ read a small wooden sign. The words were written in a very flowing style and was hung next to a rope that stood to the right of the door. Another small sign with the same loopy, graceful, hand writing read..”Pull. Don’t yank.”

Inside Gwendolyn Vollmund was at her wits in. The Archives had been acting up lately and she couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Ever since last night section 4,455,345,789,463-H Kept switch places with section 773,832,846,123,894,457-B and some how the entire section on levitation spells had begun to well...Levitate.

This meant ever so often whatever made the books stop floating would randomly fall and smack her with on the head or land with a loud clap next to her.

And that wasn’t even the worst of her problems.

It seems the enchanted brooms had a disagreement with the enchanted mops that had spiraled out of control into a full blown turf war. They clashed and flung dirty water and dust bunnies at each other.

It was less than an hour into her day and she already had a dust bunny in her gorgeous white hair and a wet stain up her left foot from stepping through a door way and into a bucket she was almost positive was some sort of “trap.” Set by the mops for the brooms.

After bringing them all together and forcing a peace treaty under threat of all of them being zapped to dust and replaced by her did she finally have a moment to calm down.

She sat at her desk and checked a couple of papers.
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The journey through the mountains had been a treacherous one. Three different times, Cerilene lost her way. The rain wasn't helping, either. She made her way down a narrow path, pulling her hood down a bit to keep the rain out of her face. This was definitely the path her contact in Vel Anir told her about but she didn't remember it seeming that long on the map he drew. Maps were curious, inconsistent things. It was why she preferred her locator runes.

As she rounded another corner, she finally saw it. Breathtaking was the only word that came to mind. The marble structure seemed to be carved directly from the mountain, the halls seeming like they might run miles into the heart of the mountain. Vollmund Archives was written in many different languages along the front of the building; some Ceri recognized and some she had never seen in all her travels.

As she walked up the path to the front door, she noted the signs and the rope. It was curious, and part of her wanted to knock instead, but she gently pulled the rope anyway. She waited for an answer, looking around at her surroundings to make sure nothing dangerous was around. Seeing nothing, she turned her attention back to the door.
A deep tone sounded in the depths of the building. It traveled what seemed to be extremely far away before falling into silence. The doors slowly opened to reveal..

.A snow fox? It sat in a dark room lit by old torches in brackets along the walls.

The air smelled like dust, age, and old books. Not the cheeriest place. A wooden bench sat in front of a large blood oak front desk.

Behind the desk was a comfy looking arm chair with a scattering of maps, charts, journals, and loose leaf paper covered front to back in scribbled notes covered the desk top along with various other quills, old ink pots.

Books floated behind the desk and continued to run along the wall as far as any could see down it like a conveyor belt of some kind. Not a soul seemed to stir. The only noise being the air now billowing into the room almost extinguishing the torches. The fox looked her up and down before nodding to the wooden bench in front of the desk. Yet another small sign hung on the desk apart from all the clutter.

“An exchanger will be with you soon” It said in the same loopy writing as the signs outside. The fox then padded off into the large dark hallway to the right and further beyond the front desk. Right then a paper from the drakes floated to the ground having been upset by the wind from the storm when the doors had been opened. “Shifting sections? Possible flux in the-“ and it cut off trailing off into another language seemingly ancient.

It seemed most of the note was scribbled in various languages. Like she wanted to practice writing many all at once instead of one at a time. One word common, the next elvish, the next and ancient tongue the next in a random cycle of no two words being from the same language.

The sign then let out a small chime as it seemed to change in front of her eyes. The word soon seemed to morph. The letters sliding like snakes across the wood reforming in the word “momentarily.” Then just as suddenly it changed again With another small chime to “now.”

Gwendolyn had freshened up since this morning. her eyes and hair glowed white like the moon in the darkness of the place a trait unique only to elves if the Vollmund family line seemed to posses it.

Many elf scholars believed that it came from how dark and cavelike the archives were causing her eyes, hair, and even finger nails to softly glow in darkness.

She had been organizing a section of preserved droppings of various animals before it had decided to shift unexpectedly.

It had been a very crappy couple of hours.

It was prudent however.

She had a guest today.

Selina had scheduled an appointment a month ago and Gwen wanted to look her best. She didn’t get many visitors and those she did she knew very well.

Those who knew of the place kept it a very closely guarded secret.

A place that freely gave knowledge of many different kinds to anyone willing to pay was not something many wanted their enemies to know existed.

It was one of the curious ways the archives seemed to protect itself. While it could be easily stormed and raided with its lack of any defenses (or at least it appeared so.) or guards. It seemed that any that knew about it liked to keep it very close and kill others who knew of it’s existence.

Thus she swept into the front office as silent as a ghost seeming to glide along the halls like a wraith. She sat quietly and began working again.

“It wasn’t even there...Maybe if I..” she began drawing something. Glancing at an open journal for reference. She seemed almost pleased before the quill snapp while she was finishing up. She let out a growl of frustration before balling it up in her fist and letting small tendrils of lightening travel to it through her palm turning it to dust with a so

The whole time she seemed to have no idea that Ceri was there at all. “Useless.” She lamented in elvish taking a deep breath and continuing her work. Still oblivious to her first new visitor in 150 years.
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Selina had made the pilgrimage, finally. She had heard legends about this place but she had never thought she would actually get the chance to come and see it for herself, and with an invitation no less!
She arrived at the library, a truly impressive sight in itself! Just the sight of it had her mind swimming with possibilities, secrets she might learn and knowledge she might find. It was by far the treasure trove of knowledge that wizards of old sought to their dying breaths.

She approached the door and found she wasn't the first to arrive, evidenced by the fresh footprints in the snow before her and the fact that the door stood open and the person now stood in the doorway ahead of her.

She approached cautiously, but making enough noise in the snow to alert the stranger that someone was approaching so that she didn't startle anyone.
She came up to the doorway and peered inside.
Her jaw dropped open at the sight, there were already too many books in sight for her to count!
She gripped her staff tighter and politely stepped around the first person to enter the library, "Pardon me..."

She then approached the desk with the distracted elf and addressed her in a rather formal dialect of elvish that was just short of fluent.
"Greetings, friend Gwendolyn Vollmund the exchanger. I am Selina Altas the wizard, we corresponded before. I am here for my appointment?"
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Gwen looked up from her muttering with a distracted blink.

“Hm?” She looked away from her work closing the journal and stacking it on top of an already teetering pile on her left.

“Oh..of course. Your the one Raelynn the red spoke about. It seems you made quite the impression on her.” She said with her gentle voice seeming to flow from her lips like a pleasantly bubbling brook.

Her glowing white eyes seemed to pierce the wizards own digging into her soul much more aggressively than her gentle demeanor or calm expression would indicate. “Not many give the location of this place freely Raelynn herself searched for decades. So the fact your here now is testament to her faith in you.” She said breaking into a warm smile taking Selina’s hand clasping it warmly in her own.

“On behalf of the Vollmunds we welcome you friend Selina Altas.” She said responded politely to her privious greeting in elvish. She spoke slowly allowing her friend to easily understand her.

Far from patronizing she could simply tell her friend was no where near fluent in speaking her language and was undoubtedly much better at reading and understanding than speaking as many of her kind were.

Still the idea of a human being cleaver enough to learn her language. She was appreciative of the polite effort and formal phrasing she couldn’t help but feel endeared to this new comer one of the few humans she respected seemed to regard so highly.

She could see why. The burning hunger for knowledge burned brightly behind her eyes.

“Well I can take you were ever you wish. I only ask you allow me to accompany you until you become acquainted with this places quirks.” She said before she released her hand and gave the doors a wave causing them to swing shut blocking out the sounds of outside.

In fact all noise from the world around them seemed to be shut out as the doors closed. Leaving the room silent as a grave for a moment. It was then Gwen noticed the other new comer.

“Oh..” she said seeming taken aback by the appearance of someone not only new but completely unexpected.

“Who are you child?” She asked in elvish. Able to recognize one of her own kind she seemed to glide to face the girl.

“And what can I do for you?” She asked. While it was phrased lightly and with a warm smile the question felt as if it had a weight and bearing on wether she remained her or was tossed out into the snow and rain.
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Cerilene blinked in surprise as the first thing she noticed after the doors opened was a snow fox. The irony was not lost on the fox shifter. She tilted her head as the small creature disappeared into the darkness of the library and a sign seemed to appear out of nowhere, actively changing it's own letters to let her know someone was coming. She was still standing outside when someone else came up behind her.

The human politely slipped past her and made her way inside toward the elven woman now waiting at the desk next to the magical sign. The two spoke as if already acquainted and the human had an appointment. Ceri had no idea that libraries took appointments. She began to wonder if she was going to be granted access, a thought that had her off in her own world as the doors began to shut.

Quickly snapping out of her haze, Cerilene noticed the closing doors and slipped inside just before they shut on her. She let out a sigh of relief, then started looking around while the other two women discussed something she didn't want to pry into. She brushed her hair behind her pointed ears and perked up as the proprietor finally noticed her. "Oh. I'm Cerilene. I was told I might find information on a power source for a golem here..." She let herself trail off towards the end, suddenly feeling like all eyes were on her for such a ridiculously sounding proposal.
“I...see..” Gwen responded with a sharp look and a raised eyebrow.

Sensing her discomfort however her eyes softened.

“Well normally one could simply visit the college. Surely there are more easily accessible places to gain such knowledge.“ She placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

“As an exchanger it is my duty to ensure you find what you need and offer suggestions should they be welcome.” She said with a warm smile.

“So may I suggest you browse the rune and engraving section. I have no doubt you will find what you need but I encourage you to explore and see what else might catch your eye. That section is pretty stable at the moment..I think..” Gwen said pondering for a moment before continuing.

“Anyway as we are under staffed at the moment...and well..have been for the past century I suppose I could pull a guardian off of guard detail to show you the way..” Gwen said as her eyes suddenly clouded over glowing bright violet.

She nodded.

Her gaze returning to that of a dimly glowing white.

“They will be here in a moment.” She said as the same fox from before padded up to her. Beautiful deep blue eyes offsetting the brilliant white and ashen black accents on her tail and ear tips.

Three black dots sitting between her eyes she sat in front of Cerilene.

“What?” Gwen looked annoyed rolling her eyes and exhaling sharply through her nose. “Sister. I did not ask for you. I needed Kari.”

“Well.” Responded the fox before seeming to melt into wisps of smoke and light that formed into a girl shorter than Gwen.

Her eyes the same deep blue of the fox she had been just moments ago.

“She was busy. And besides I LOVE RUNES. I’ve read all about them and I know the section far better than you do anyway.” She said sticking her tongue. She couldn’t have been older than 13 but when she stuck out her tongue the inside of her mouth as well as her tongue seemed to be made of the particles of light and whispy smoke like energy.

Her skin and clothes seemed to be simply projected over the shape of her every once in awhile slightly fading and flickering revealing something not of this world.

An ethereal...thing..

that even the shape of the slight outline slightly revealed by her facade seemed a nightmarish creature masquerading as a young girl.

“You do not.” Gwen said folding her arms across her chest with a another sharp exhale.

A slight blush of frustration already staining her porcelain cheeks with a pink hue.

“Of course oh knowledgeable one. Oh great exchanger! Woe is me at the power of your intellect.” The “girl” said sarcasm dripping from every uttered syllable before blowing a raspberry.

“Just show her the way.” Gwen snapped. “Of course.” She said with a slight bow somehow coming across as both respectful and cheeky. “Please follow me Cerilene.” She said turning to the elf.

Her smile bearing as much warmth as a dolls and gods...her teeth. She seemed to have 2 rows of serrated fangs.

Every tooth a wicked knife blade.

She would wait for Cerilene to acknowledge her before taking her leave at an easily matched pace.

“Bratty little....” Gwen muttered as she watched them go before slipping into an ancient language.

Even if not understood the to e in which it was uttered made it clear its meaning was not something kind.

Turning back to Selina with an apologetic smile for the interruption.

Hoping that now at the very least she had had plenty of time decide where their first stop would be.

“Sisters..sorry about that.”She said her apologetic smile remaining.
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Selina waited patiently while Gwen handled the other guest, during that time she took the opportunity to look around her some more. This was a hundred time larger than the college library in Elbion, a thousand times larger!
All the arcane knowledge she could ever want... here, at her fingertips! Excitement rose within her chest as she contemplated the sheer volume of where she was exactly and what she could do here!

Ever since she joined the college she had a thirst for arcane knowledge, that's why she could never sit down and choose just one school of magic to focus on, she wanted to know it all, to learn it and then... She didn't know... Write about it?
It's the first time she actually thought about it... She wanted to know the answers to the universe, but never considered what she wanted to do with it...
Use it?
Use it for what?

She was in deep thought when Gwen returned her attention to her. She was a bit startled at first when she spoke but smiled and nodded in agreement, "I know what you mean, I have a sister of my own back home. She can be such a brat at times, but she's super helpful."
She looked around them and down a random hallway.
"I... I want to learn more about magic... I'm fairly skilled as it is, but I'm sure you understand that my thirst is insatiable. As a wizard and a scholar I want to know every secret hidden in magic. I suppose to that end you should lead the way, I've no clue where I can start looking for such knowledge in this place."
“I see..” Gwen said with a nod biting her lip softly in thought before waving for Selina to follow.

They plunged into the winding maze of books as old tomes dusted perfectly and looking prestine. Some were in recognizable languages some so old they didn’t seem like it’s title had been seen in centuries. “I usually don’t go in this far. Most seek specific knowledge.

She stopped at a section of shelves resting her hand on it her eyes glowed with a ghostly white magic that seemed to glow into the shelves themselves.

“But the archive will always provide.” She said with a smile as she flicked past the shelf with a gentle flick moved. A few others passed them at a blurring speed as she seemed to be flicking through them like the large pages of a book.

“” Gwen said flicking past them at an ever quicking pace. Halls covered in branches, marble shelves full of golden tomes, another dark hallway covered in chains. A guardian standing in it. Similar to Gwens sister he seemed to be dressed in glowing white robes as well.

His reflective skin desentgrating to reveal a twisted monster as his face and mouth were pulled part to produce a hungry maw of teeth. His eyes changing from a glittering green to the same glowing white of Gwens magic. They locked on Selina charging her with incredible speed before halting at Gwens raised hand.

“Just passing through Kylynn.” She said as the monster seemed to shift back to the glittering green eyed elf. “Of course.” He said with a smile bowing to Selina. “Enjoy your visit.” He said before walking back to his original post.

She flicked past again finally landing on a hallway that seemed..quiet. Like the gaping throat of a massive beast a slight breeze seemed to passed through the shelves as Gwen took Selina by the hand and pulled her further in and releasing her.

She would flick her wrist and the torches crackled to life.

“These are some of the oldest tomes written by some of the masters who laid the ground work for most of the magic schools. If you need any help with translations I can of course accommodate you in anyway you need.” She said softly before seeming to settle where she sat as she waited for Selina to explore to her hearts content. Always seeming to stay a foot behind her.
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Cerilene cocked her head to the side as the white fox reappeared, then was even more baffled when the exchanger started talking to it like a little sister. It didn't make sense until the fox shifted into a humanoid form that looked suspiciously like the elven proprietor. And yet not quite human... The younger girl had an incorporeal look to her; as if she were some ethereal spirit. Ceri didn't even know where to begin with questions, so she left them unasked, for now.

As the two sisters continued their banter, Ceri found herself looking around the library again. It was undoubtedly the strangest library she'd ever been to. Between the strange creatures lurking around and the bookshelves that moved as if they had wills of their own, it was no wonder her contact was reluctant to part with the location. She didn't care, though. She needed the information she came for. She needed someway to create a power source for the golem she was going to make. Finished with their conversation, the younger girl had turned back to Ceri. The shifter smiled at the spirit and nodded. "Please lead the way, Miss...?" She trailed of with an inquisitive tone, unsure of what to call the girl.
“Myra Stella Flores Vollmund. Nice to meet you.” She said with a slight chuckle shifting back into a fox and lacing through her legs playfully a few times before popping back up.

“But my friends call me Myra.” She smiled again. Her knife blade teeth reflecting what little light was in the archives hall. “I’m the newest guardian here so The others always make me do these kind of jobs.” She stopped for a moment.

“Well..?” She asked with a friendly smile as she led her new found friend down the long winding hallway.

“We have a lot of time before we get to the section you need. You seem to have many questions. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a new face but new faces always have a lot. It’s refreshing so ask away!” She said with a little flourish of excitement. Her 14 year old face alight with joy.
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Selina didn't hesitate. She grabbed the thickest volume she noticed off hand and immediately opened, flipping through the pages.
Selina's mind was special, it only took her a second to memorize entire pages of text with nearly perfect recall, this helped her rise to power so quickly in the difficult pursuit of wizardry. Whereas for most it took many years of intense practice and study to learn even the simplest of spells, excluding cantrips, it took her little more than it would take for a sorcerer to learn to harness their natural magical abilities. She worked hard and got it right.

The first book she grabbed was instantly mesmerizing. Event though it was written in ancient dwarvish she was fortunate enough to have had a dwarvish teacher that specialized in rune magic while she was with the college.
The book was an exhaustively detailed research on the somatic component of spells, the action of using your hands in a specific way to cast a spell, usually in conjunction with a verbal or mental component, and sometimes a material component is required for specific spells.
But the entire foot thick volume talked about the somatic component of spells. What was it that waving your hands around did to effect the flow of magic to summon a spell?
First it went into detail on how it might be necessary for someone with magic running in their blood, like a half dragon spell caster.

The writer explained that the body generates magic from the dragon blood within, and so it makes sense that when the sorcerer casts a spell that they must use something to focus or direct the magic in a purposeful direction so that it didn't simply explode outwards in all directions, thus a required hand motion or gesture to indicate the purpose of the spell being cast.
For a wizard casting spells the prerequisites are similar, but fundamentally different. Since a wizard has no natural magical affinity generated within themselves they rely on the magic present in the world around them, or in items they hold that contain magic.
The process would go as follows; The wizard gathers the magic to themselves using whatever magical focus is available, however the gathered magic remains externally manifested instead of internally. The magic is then taken and shaped by their incantations (or the verbal component). Once the spell is shaped it is ready to be cast, but since the magic is gathered externally it must be directed by both a free hand and the arcane focus used to gather the magic (Some wizards learn to use their hands as their arcane focus, thus removing the need for a staff or wand). This is why the somatic component can often be replaced by an arcane focus since it's multi-purpose is to both gather and direct...

The book went on, and Selina was thoroughly engrossed in the research contained in its pages, it was with great reluctance that she tore herself away and set the book aside to look at the rest of the massive collection. She looked sheepishly at Gwen with a smile, "Ummm... Do you have copies of these tomes? If all of the books here are this full of knowledge and insight as this one I would hate to deprive the library of its collection."
“Copies?” Gwen said laughing at her guests joke politely. “Oh..” She stopped laughing and bowed apologetically for her rudeness.

“I apologize for that outburst. I did not realize you were serious.” She placed a hand on Selina shoulder and stared into her eyes.

“Many have tried to make copies. Myself included. The copied words turn any journal to ash, crumble any stone, I have yet to see a single word of any of my books to not destroy whatever they are copied on to.” She said softly.

“I did not realize Raelynn hadn’t told you the rules of this place.” She looked slightly worried.

“This place is somewhere to be guarded and learned from. Deep magic even my family doesn’t fully understand governs the knowledge held within, and how it’s used..” She said. “The rules here are enforced to the letter child. Knowledge gained must be paid for. Everyone’s price is different.”She said gravely. Her soft tone carrying a slight chill to it. “The head of a beast, the scroll of a forgotten time, an arm.” She continued.

“Until it’s price is paid one will not be able to recall the knowledge they gained or how to return. Many have died in these quests. It is one of the ways our guardians are created.” She said her eyes as serious as a heart attack.

“You may stay as long as a week and afterwards your bill will be presented.” She finished as the silence and chill of the moment was broken by a crash that tumbled through the labyrinth of knowledge.

“Damnit to hell. Section 2,444,326,550,334 B must have..” She began in elvish before the rest of her rant was cut off as she tapped the shelf to her left and a door seemed to swing open from no where. She seemed to glide through before it swung back leaving no trace it had ever existed. A guardian approached her. Gliding down the aisle she looked her up and down. Rather than being an elf she was human. Or as human as the ethereal beings appeared.

“I am Heranna. The exchanger is disposed for a moment. I will serve as your guide.” She said with a strict tone. Her expression and eyes held the hardness of an old warrior and the no nonsense look of a proctor though she looked no older than 20.

The way she acted seemed like Selina was droppings she had been sent to collect and discard. Her very being seemed to scream “I have better things to do.”
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Cerilene chuckled as Myra shifted back into a fox and laced through her legs. It was refreshing to see a younger fox so playful. She was determined to have a playful fox fight before the end of the day. There was no doubt in her mind it would happen. "It's a pleasure to meet you Myra. My name is Cerilene Twotails, but you can call me Ceri."

She smiled at the young girl as they began down the hallway, suddenly weary about the supposed long trip to their destination. How big was this library and how vast was the knowledge within. Excitement started to build in her chest. Myra prompted her for questions, so the dam burst open with every question at once. She took a deep breath, then began, "How big is this library? How long has it been here? What exactly is your purpose here? What are you, anyway? Are you a spirit or an elf? It's not really important but I'm a fox shifter too. I also want to know about your interest in runes. Can you actually make runes or are you just interested in enchantments? I love both so I really enjoy my work. That's precisely why I'm here; so I can learn more and finally build the golem I've been working toward." She stopped to catch her breath. As she began walking again, she spoke once more, "Sorry. You broke the dam..." She gave the girl a sheepish grin.
Selina was a bit concerned. Yes she had heard of the price of these books, and that they might be extreme. She hoped that the bill she incurred was at least payable, but she was resolved to pay any price for this knowledge. For years she always felt so close to finally understanding, the finally uncovering the ultimate secrets of magic, but for so long it always remained just out of reach.
But now she was here, it could be attained, she just had to make it out with the price payed in full and her memory intact.

A new guide appeared as Gwen left to attend to some business. A less pleasant person, but that wasn't important right now.
She would also like to know how the library itself worked, what determined the prices, what enchantments were in place to keep everything in order, how some of the halls could move and how the books seemed to organize themselves.
Could she learn all that in a week?
Yes... if she truly put her mind to it... She could discover the secrets of the library itself.

She gave her new guide a friendly smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Selina. Gwen said something about those unable to pay the price of knowledge here were turned into its guardians. Is that what happened to you, if I may ask?"
Selina might as well have slapped her for the look she received in response to her question.

“N-No.” She said before fully regaining her composure. Her form flickered in her distress leaving flashes of the nightmarish picture of claws and teeth. Her shroud if beauty reformed and remained after a moment. Her composure regained words shifted from slightly stuttered to becoming sharp and immensely cold.

“I am bound to answer all questions and as you are new here and unaware of the rudeness of your request I will not hold it against you.. I was a price.” She said curtly before shifting to a position to Selina’s right leaning against the book case.

Her arms crossed and severe expression deepened. “And in the future I would refrain from asking other guardians that question. Few who guard these halls do so because of pleasant circumstances.” She she said with out looking at Selina.

Her eyes narrowed at the bookcase across from her. “Your all alike..” she muttered grumpily to herself.



She smiled as the dam burst forth. She nodded and seemed to absorb every word with a cute smile and understanding nod. “The true limit to the archives depths have never been fully measured. Most guardians spend several lifetimes here and still find new halls every now and again.” She said thoughtfully.

“And As far as I know it’s simply always been here. Our records go back farther than any establishment.” She said with a hint of pride in her voice.

“But as for what I am? I am a spirit bound to this place by birth. I..” She drifted off for a second. Her glass like blue eyes seeming to cloud over for a moment before coming back into focus.

“A fox shifter? That’s incredible! I’ve only read about your kind.” She said in a slightly awed tone circling the newcomer and examining her with new found wonder.

“I always wanted to be one..So now that I have this form I can!” She said with a laugh shifting from her fox form to her elf giggling.

“I’ve also studied runes for quite some time though it was after while I have studied them out of genuine interest I..I lack certain um..qualities required to preform them and put them into practice. The only magic I can truly use is the magic bound to these halls. And even then Im not doing much but acting as a conduit to direct and control the energy it provides me.” She said with a faltering smile that seemed to refuse to leave her face.
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Reactions: Selina Della Altas
Selina nodded. She expected something like this and she did regret asking, but it was a mystery, one that didn't seem overly difficult to solve.
"I do apologise, Heranna. But I'm a wizard and mysteries of magic are my whole purpose for being. And the more I know, the more questions I ask, the better I can understand the magic at work here."
She picked up another book and reviewed it's contents. A scientific breakdown of magically created elements. Fascinating, she flipped through it as she went on.
"Magic always has a cost. You could say that removing knowledge from this library requires magic, and the bill is the cost for that magic. But as far as curses go they will eventually wear off unless someone renews them. Let's say you've been a guardian here for a millennium, and let's surmise that the curse has to be renewed every fifty years or so. Who's renewing the curse, the library? Is the library sentient? Does the library determine the bill for each occupant, or is it simply carrying out the function of some massive enchantment? If so, who's keeping up that enchantment?
And then we have to figure out how the person or the library goes about renewing your curse. Does it personally seek each guardian out and renew the curse in person?

She grabbed another book. A study on rituals and curses. Might be useful. She began flipping through it as she continued running down her theory.
"While I can certainly imagine a library such as this manifesting itself and renewing the curses directly, it seems more logical that someone else is doing so. And tracking down a guardian to renew a curse in person is inefficient at best. If I were to do it I would have the guardians attuned to a central object, a magical gem or focal point. Then I would just renew the curse through that attuned object. That way I can attune several guardians to a single object and renew the curse for all of them at once."

She looked up at Heranna with an apologetic smile, "You see, I don't just want knowledge for knowledge's sake. I want to be able to use it to help others, and you obviously don't want to be stuck here for the rest of eternity. This is the culmination of why I'm a wizard."
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Cerilene nodded along as all of her questions were answered in turn. She perked up at Myra's excitement about fox shifters. She would have to transform at some point. It would make her day. Ceri's ears drooped a little on hearing that her new friend was unable to craft runes that she loved so much. She was determined to cheer her up, despite the fake smile.

She suddenly stopped walking and began to shift. It was slow, at first. Her hair started to grow as her ears changed from elven to canine. Then her tail started to grow as her body changed shape and size. Altogether, the process took no more than a minute and all that was left in her place was a slightly irregular looking fox in a pile of clothes.

She snaked her way out of her clothes and yipped at Myra, weaving through her legs playfully as the girl had done only moments earlier. Her tail wagged happily as she sat directly in front of the spirit, unwilling to go further for the moment.
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Heranna’s eye narrowed as she listened to Selina. “You sound like him.” She spat bitterly. “And I’m not “stuck here for all eternity.” My time was up centuries ago. I can leave.” She said with a frustrated intake of air through her nose.

“I chose to stay for Gwe-“ she paused as it seemed her temper had gotten the better of her tongue and she had almost said too much. “I stay to help the exchanger.” She finished with a slight blush. “Y-you know nothing of this place.” She said coldly.

“Most guardians are not brought her under happy circumstances but none are being held here. It’s our home and we protect it.” She spat. “You pursue knowledge and have no idea what you’ll do with. Sticking interchangeable meanings and reasoning as you sacrifice one thing after another.” She was shaking and her form flickered from that of an angry girl to the vicious beast her form hid.

“Until finally you have nothing left but realms of magic no human could hope to ever know and your dragging your daughter into a labyrinth to sacrifice her because you’ve come so far to know so much justifying it with inserted fabricated bull shit that helps you inch closer and closer to a fate worse than death!” She yelled. Magic flowing around her in her anger as she drew close to Selina. Her voice was cold as ice and was not the sweet voice she had been using. Instead in came out in angry guttural yell.

“I should kill you right now and spare those closest to you the pain of being in your blast radius when your thirst for knowledge ends you!” She screeched before she was shoved to the side. She sprang back to her feet. “That is enough.” A tall, slender blonde woman picked her up by the neck and slammed her into the book shelf.

The copies upset by the force all fell. Only to halt and gently float back to the shelf with a slight flick of the woman’s free hand wrist.

“She is a guest here and you would threaten her?” She asked coldly. Heranna struggling to answer fear creeping into her face. “I don’t care. Apologize.” She said commandingly dropping Heranna down to the ground. She fell gasping.

“S-sorry ma’am.” She said begrudgingly. “I said APOLOGIZE.” The woman said kicking Heranna in the back of her knees forcing her into a bow.

“Please. Forgive my outburst honored guest and friend to the archive Selina I beg your forgiveness.” She said as genuinely as she could and respectfully enough to not incur further wrath of the woman.

“You will not rise until your forgiven.” She said coldly. Before turning her attention to Selina. Her whole expression and demeanor changing to someone warm a friendly.

“I apologize for some of our younger guardians. We maintain the utmost respect for our customers and will guarantee your safety and well being.” She said with a warm smile and a graceful bow before vanishing into the aisle. Heranna lay bowed on the ground.

A sniffle escaped from where her face was pressed to the ground. Her shoulders shook slightly at the sobs she was trying, and barely failing at successfully hiding.
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Selina was taken aback. The entire event took her by surprise. And now the spirit guardian was on her knees holding back tears. Selina knelt down and spoke to her gently.
"I forgive you... But I'm the one who should be apologizing. I misread the situation and drew the wrong conclusions."
That' what she said, but the guardians words still struck her, they stung. Was she really willing to pay any price for knowledge? She's made sacrifices before, even went through a dark time where she joined a witches coven... for gods sake she cut out a mans heart once as payment for a ritual!
But could she be drawn into something that will require a much greater cost?

The thought made her shudder when she thought of her younger siblings and her parents.
But... What kind of wizard would she be if she couldn't find another way?
She remained seated on the floor and leaned against a bookshelf. She picked another tome, "The Nature of Magic, Part one."
She didn't look up at the guardian or open the book, unwilling to make eye contact after her blunder.
"I just wanted to understand everything... Even everything about this library. This library itself is a mystery of magic that I want to discover. Its rules, its enchantments and how they work... What causes the books to return to the shelves? What determines the price a guest must pay at the end of their time here?"

She ran her fingers over the cover of the book in her hands. "Even the knowledge itself that's kept here... If I can leave with my memory intact of even one of these tomes, I will consider myself blessed. if I can leave with the knowledge contained in two of these tomes I would be blessed beyond belief!"
She looked down one way of the hall and then the other.
"If the price for such knowledge is so great, as you say... Imagine the sacrifice the creator of this library must have made to gather all of this knowledge in one place..."
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Heranna got back up slowly but decided to sit next to Selina. Wiping her eyes she nodded. “I truly do apologize. You just talk so much like him it struck a nerve. But he would have never admitted fault. So perhaps with both made misjudgments.”

She said with a slightly bitter chuckle. “I can answer those questions. In the beginning this archive was apparently just a front desk and shelf. And soon a single wizard came.”

She spoke fondly of the tale like it was something guardians told newer ones.

“And a book manifested its self. His price was to write everything he knew of magic in a journal and place it on the shelf. He did and soon another came and another. And now this after however many millennia. Prices are always worth the price of the knowledge it isn’t random, but is contrasted to how valuable to the knowledge you gain is to you. A master of magic might very well pay simple gold or leave a tome of his or her own. However being a master the knowledge here would only boost his power and knowledge a small amount.”

She pauses for a moment clearing her throat and continuing.

“Even if he learns amazing things, he already knows amazing things thus he has only gone up say a step. But a wizard who is inexperienced and knows little. Knowledge like this would boost them by leaps and bounds turning them from an apprentice to a master over night if they are bright enough. Even if it’s the same amount of books and knowledges gained by both the master would only pay a simple 300 gold but the apprentice would pay with a soul.” She said.

“This place is a place for the already smart to have a hideaway. A place to stay and work with out interfering governments organizations or prying eyes not a shortcut to mastery. “ she said plainly.

“And you can always return. You would be wise to only read two tomes. Use the week to practice and truly learn them both.” Then she kissed her.

It wasn’t a very pleasurable thing for one her body and lips were as cold as a stone statue in winter.

And there was no romance as her cold slimy tongue pressed to the roof of Selinas mouth. She held it there for a moment and pulled away.

“The knowledge you’ve gained now is 40 gold. I estimate by the week you will have accumulated a 150 gold bill if you stick with just those two tomes. You are already quite knowledgeable..I’m impressed.” She said with slight surprise completely ignoring what she had just done like it had been as casual as shaking a hand or taking a pulse.


“No way!” Myra watched wide eyed and jumping up and down like a fan girl at a concert.

“No way no way no way!” She squealed as she watched the transformation with awe instantly shifting into her fox form as her fellow fox weaves through her legs.

While her transformation was a feat much less grand and achieved far more quickly given her spirit nature it didn’t take away from her beauty as a fox as she tackled Cerilene playfully rolling around.

“I can’t believe it! Your so pretty!” Myra said with a beaming tone in her voice that was genuine. Her troubles and task forgotten at the moment as she rolled around with her friend perfectly content to go no where at the moment as well.

Cerilene Twotails
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That... took her by surprise. She could tell some magic was going on but she had never been kissed by anyone before, let alone another girl, and it really wasn't altogether pleasant. As soon as Heranna released her Selina pulled away, wiping her mouth on her sleeve trying to get the feeling and taste of that cold tongue out of her mouth, she would have spat out the saliva but she didn't want to disrespect the library, or the guardian, too much.
Heranna gave her the current price estimate for the books she's selected so far. 150 gold was nothing to sniff at, but she could cover it. She brought along some valuable gems that she'd collected in her travels, she had them appraised at the last village and one of them should pay that price and then some.

But still, the feeling of that cold tongue in her mouth lingered.
"That's a neat trick... But there's GOT to be a better way to discern how much my bill is... What sort of magic did you use? I could probably come up with something right now!"
She pulled her spellbook out of its sheath on her hip and opened it up to a blank page, she produced a pen and ink and started scribbling down some magical formula.

Another question lingered in her mind. One of the consequences for being unable to pay the price was the loss of memory of the library, and all the knowledge gained there. How did that magic function, she knew of some rituals that altered memory, more often used in healing those with mental issues or dealing with trauma.
But was this a similar ritual or spell, or was it a curse? If so those things could be circumvented... Unless it was an enchantment... A spell or curse more often just suppresses the memory, but an enchantment or enchanted item could remove the memory and once its job is done it will simply end with the damage done, no way to reverse it unless you could mess with time, and that was a realm only the gods could touch.

She mentally sighed, best to stop trying to find ways around the rules of this library, she's not powerful enough to beat it... Yet...
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Cerilene giggled as she rolled around on the floor with Myra, licking her cheek playfully. The important thing was to get the girl feeling better and that was already successful. They rolled around on the ground wrestling for several minutes before Ceri got up.

Talking was always difficult in her fox form. She was able to, but she had to speak slowly or she risked rendering herself mute for a day. "I thank you for the sweet compliment. It is a slower transformation and I have to worry about getting in and out of my clothes, but it is nice... And nobody can resist this face." She sits down, cocks her head to the side, and gives Myra the most adorable puppy eyes she can muster.