Private Tales The Tomb Of Araltheus

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Alana Solace

Character Biography
It had been a little bit since Alana had joined in on a raid much less with Northern raiders. She neither knew who they were nor what their purpose for their raid was. The only thing she had knowledge of is what her contractor had given her. She had traveled to the northern land, to that particular spot in order to find and take a map that would lead her to a tomb of treasure. The Tomb Of Araltheus. The Pirate Queen and her crew had heard many tales about the tomb during her travels and when she got an offer about it, Laughed as if her contractors were great jester... that was until they showed her the amount of money she would gain and the facts that led them to believe the tomb existed. So here she was, in the middle of a raid, fighting anyone who got in her way.

Upon making it further than most, an explosive substance was set off near her which sent her flying across the sands of the medium size camp that was being raided. A northerner, as she would call them, flew at her with his blade trying to finish her off which she blocked with one edge of her sword before chopping his foot with the other edge. The Northerner yelled out in pain before Alana swiftly got to her feet, got behind her opponent, kicked the weak point of his legs sending the northern to his knees, before piercing her sword through his back and straight to his heart. Without another moment to waste, she retrieved her double-edged sword from the dead northern before making her way back onto the path that would lead her to the entrance of the camp. Her crewmates fought in different places of the sandy beach, clearing some ways for their Captain.

She finally stepped foot into the green surface of the camp which was heavily under attack. She dodged skillfully around fights, only using her sword when she need to. Upon heading towards a small tent with many treasures, Alana could see someone pick up the map that she was sent to find. At this sight, Alana picked up her pace.

Stygr Rhogarsson

  • Dwarf
Reactions: Stygr Rhogarsson



Raiding. It lie at the heart of every Ragnarra Clansmen. A piece of their storied past as raiders, conquerors, warriors. Their Clan bore a long history, but from lands from the east, having only arrived to their current home, a generation or two prior.

He had arrived with his usual fleet and had even coincided his attack with a self-proclaimed Pirate Queen, a title he looked forward to seeing in action. "Jackdaw! Hit them with a volley!" He ordered as their longboats neared the beach. Most of his men would continue rowing, as some wielded shields of their own to defend against the incoming volley of arrows. Stygr didn't cower behind a shield, he stood atop the dragon head, the arrows hitting him snapping and glancing off to side.

His Dwarven quartermaster would grunt an acknowledgement to the order and growled out. "Volley! Cut down these dogs!" A hail of arrows would fly from the longboats and sail over the heads of Captain Solace and her crew, cutting down enemies as they charged.

The dragonboat lurched as it beached and Stygr would jump down, landing in the sand and drawing first his axe from its loop on his belt. His men would follow suit and they would surge forward, advancing beneath the rain of arrows. With the pirates fighting their way up the path, Stygr would lead his raiders to the cliff face, scaling their way up the rocks.

Using axes and picks to aid in their climb, the raiders would manage to scale the rock face quickly, with Stygr and the first group of his warriors swarming the defenders. Jackdaw and his wave of climbers would anchor ropes and toss them down for the rest of the raiding party.

Stygr roared as he charged a pair of defenders, one of which launched their javelin at the berserker, only for the weapon to seemingly bounce off of him on impact. Fear washed into their eyes as he closed, his axe finding itself buried into the side of the defender who threw the javelin. Iron bit through the chain vest, assisted by the berserkers strength.

As the man buckled and fell to a knee, Stygr would turn and release his axe, his right hand catching the incoming blade of the second. The left would then grab the belt of bladesman and with a mighty heave, Stygr lifted him heavenward before slamming him into the green grass. The berserker then drew the seax from his belt and dragged it along the mans throat, silencing him.

As his men swarmed the camp, the pirates too began to emerge from the path, having fought their way through. Stygr would enter the first tent, where a slew of papers, charts, maps, various treasures and the like were splayed across the desk. The first map, he would pick up with one hand, inspecting it thoughtfully while his other hand gripped tighter around the hilt of his seax.

Suddenly a woman was in the tent with him, her gaze shifting to the map in his hand. There seemed to be a haste about her. "So I take it you're the Pirate Queen." It was more an observation, then a question.

Alana Solace
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Alana Solace