Private Tales The Sun Won't Go Down Tonight

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Flawlessly Born
Character Biography

"Why are its wings so short?"

"I wonder," his mother murmured, a famed raakgui tamer that had caught the eye of one of the intendant families. "Do the wings remind you of anything in particular?" The cat-like head bumped against his mother's scarred hand and purred as she scratched behind its snow-white ears full of fluff. Enkai regarded the prominent tan eyebrows that protruded from the forehead instead of whiskers. He looked over the tiny, powdery wings without a definite design though spots of white and cream intermingled with each other.

"A moth?"His mother's smile was all the confirmation he needed.

"Silk moths are no longer able to fly. I wonder if it took centuries of stunted moths to create a raakgui that holds their instincts while still being a pet." Enkai raised a dark brow, and his mother chuckled. The moth-cat seemed attached to her. "I think it's one of a kind, aren't you?" A high-pitch meow was an answer only his mother could understand. "Intendant Nuyen will find much pleasure with this." She coaxed the raakgui into a cage, shutting the delicate metal door. She placed a red sheet over the cage and stuck a paper talisman onto the cloth. Enkai busied himself by tying a rope around the cage and then fastening it into two straps to wrap it over his shoulders. "Remember, do not let it see the outside world." His mother warned. "It must remain inside, stunted and meek-- a pet only for Intendant Nuyen."

"I know, I know." He huffed, looking over to his mother, who fixed his attitude with a twitch of her lips pulled tight. "You don't have to worry, and I won't let you down, I promise." Enkai grinned big and wide, smiling as she did, all teeth and without fear. "I'm going to be a shaman soon. This will be as easy as catching fish with a net."

R E D D I S T R I C T; S O N S H A N

Enkai had only been to the capital of Aetochi a few times with his family. The journey was a long one, even if Enkai made sure to keep a swift and steady pace. The ferry slowed him down thanks to heavy mists that refused to let up for three days-- and while Enkai saw the traveling wisps belonging to an elemental raakgui, he knew better than to make it leave before it was ready to move on. The old man had questioned him about what he carried in his birdcage, suspicious that Enkai didn't feed it.

The ride over the river was quiet when Enkai couldn't offer much more than a smile and a joke.

The soon-to-be shaman looked down at a map, sidestepping out of the way as a cart pulled by oxen hurtled down the large main road crowded with every sort of somebody one could imagine. Dark eyes glanced over those brightly dressed or sometimes over the hats or weapons they carried. This differed from Blue District; people looked less like they had gotten a big whiff of durian here, but the merchants were far more aggressive than the groups of gangs that he passed by.

  • Popcorn
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Dingo and Misora

Music played loudly on one merchant street, accompanied by rhythmic claps often mistaken for drums, but in fact were the sounds of calculated bamboo sticks being used in a folk dance. There were two boys and two girls, bare foot as the boys controlled the sticks in unison, tapping their sticks and moving them together to the centre, tap, outer, tap tap. The girls, long skirts bundled into one hand, skipped and jump with skill and precision to not get trapped in the sticks. The fact that a band of musicians accompanied them with song was an added bonus, attracting the stares and attention of people passing by.

Misora spun, lifting one foot and she stepped into the centre and hopped twice continuing the dance with a large grin on her face. Tinikling was one of many folk dances that originated from the island of Kinnoishi, the territory renowned for it's mineral resources and trading, and the ancestral seat of the Nuyen clan. It was rare for the dance to be performed in Sonshan, but Misora and her cousins felt like giving a display.

Clack, clack. She knew this dance better than most, had done it so many times that she often wrapped cloth over her grey eyes and performed the steps blindfolded.

Once the song and dance came to an end, Misora laughed loudly. It was a performing high that she felt, breathing heavily to catch her breath as her hands went to undo the knot to the cloth covering her eyes.

"Oh..." It proved difficult for her to undo it, and with it so snug over her eyes, she could only move the blue cloth enough for half the visibility in one eye to lead her towards Rina, her Nuyen cousin. "Can you help---"

She turned, but had not seen the young man walking past her as she knocked into him. Unable to see, it threw her off course and suddenly, Misora fell on her arse.

"Mimi!" Hands grabbed at her, helping her up, and all Misora could do was smile sheepishly.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Dingo
Most shamans were quick on their feet, and Enkai liked to think of himself as just as silent and agile as the others in his clan. Sometimes, he even thought to himself how he was even more nimble than a few of them, though he had the sense not to voice it aloud. He knew he would be able to prove it someday soon. As he went through the busy street, partially checking his map every other second and doing his best to sidestep out of oncoming traffic, it surprised him that he nearly got his head lopped off by a man carrying bags of rice flour on either end of the bamboo pole.

He bumped into someone, felt the cage jostle, and could hear the moth-cat raakgui hissing in displeasure. There was a gasp and whoop as Enkai spun, taking too many steps and getting caught in the sticks. A woman gave a laugh, jumping out of the way as he fell over, ankle still caught within the sticks.

The cage's door clacked against the iron, the talisman slipping free just as Enkai tried to get on his hands and knees. He grunted, worried that he twisted his ankle until he felt a wisp of cool air over his head. His jaw dropped open, looking up at what many couldn't see: a raakgui that had gotten free and was riding along a breezy current with a single flap of its white wings.

  • Stressed
Reactions: Misora
Her blindfold came undone much easier after her collision.

Misora looked around, apology at the ready on her lips as she turned to look at the racket of iron crashing. "Pasen payan po! I am so sorry!"

She wandered over to the young male, crouching down to be level with his face. "Are you hurt?" She held a hand out to offer him assistance back to his feet, her face full of apology and innocence. Her cheeks were flushed, but with her mixed parentage, she had inherited the pale complexions running the her father's family. Her cheeks were always pink, and once she had one drink, they burned red.

They flushed with dance, with exhilaration.