LFG The Sharyrdian Order

Character Biography
Hello! I've decided to post this thread to see if anyone would be interested in participating in a group setting with some established lore. Much of this lore has been established through things like dialogue and exposition from my applicable characters, and the society and organization I have laid the foundations for needs to be built upon. I hope to do that with the help of others!

The Sharyrdian Order and the Aeraesarians are a group I have been slowly working on since I arrived here on Chronicles, and have strove to make it something kind of different within a world setting like Arethil. I hope you find this interesting!
For as much as anyone could say, for as long as Arethil had been the same could nearly be said of Aeraesar. Founded by some of those first to diverge from the ancestral city, the elf folk made for themselves a grand nation. For millennia did they persist in benevolent solidarity, striving to uphold what was said to be just. For eons did their holy city stand unchallenged, for ages did their land prosper.

Though it had been deemed many lifetimes ago that this would not always be...

The city lay in ruin. The land mourns of its curse. Even the sky cares not to show its light. A hundred and thirty years now have they toiled with their misfortune, and now in these latest days the demon's touch has come forth once more. But the demon's hold over their minds came to be thwarted by some unseen happening, something that some believe could only be the miraculous.

With the collective consciousness of the Shoraes still reeling from the demon's attack, the Sharyrdian council convenes to address their uncertain future...