Private Tales The Scarlet Price

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Erin the Black

Mercilessly Merciful
Character Biography
The wall loomed ahead. Erin continued to plod along, clank of heavy armor the only companion for miles. Every square inch of his impressive and imposing frame was encased in steel so that only a narrow slit for his eyes showed any flesh at all.

The perfect avatar of Her Justice. Even if the faithful could not see it.

Aside from the burden slung over his shoulder whose shallow breath was a counterpoint to his own deeper, he was alone. His legs were weary, his back ached for more than the scars carved into it. He had carried the woman for a day now, careful to keep her away from the great blade on his back. His arms would tremble if he had to pick that great slab of steel up and wield it.

Armor splashed with burgundy, the scent of old blood and sweat curling round him in the dead air of the woods. The blade, too, was painted in dried crimson and worse. Its edge notched and scored and blunted with years of use in the name of the Lady. His horse lay dead behind him. The stallion had been bartered for the life of the woman. Of course, what that really meant was that he had to choose between his companion and transportation and another human being.

As if there was any question which he would pick. He was afoot now, after all.

The road into Vel Cirak was empty at this hour, twilight nipping at his heels. Ahead, the lesser city glowed; lanterns and candles lit to keep the darkness at bay, the wall protecting Vel Anir from the outside world ablaze with light. The disgraced inquisitor stopped in the road at a rise, and looked upon the gates. Civilization lie ahead of him. It had been a long time since he had last set foot in civilized lands. He was not entirely certain how he felt about it.

Here was deceit and lawlessness. How could it be otherwise? Even among Her own halls, the wicked had managed to sow their seeds.

Even so, the heretics had found themselves a nest out in the wilderness too. It was that which concerned him now; those that would prey upon the weak. If they could reside so close to a city, then there were greater troubles present. But perhaps he could gather information here and then return to mete out the justice of the Lady himself.

But first, he had to find a place to take his unwanted charge. She would need help. He could not give it to her...but he could make it so others did not join her in her fate.

Unseen grimace, Erin continued on toward the city. Questions, answers...and retribution lie in his future. Hopefully not trouble with the men on the gate, but that was one problem for the near future and not for now.
  • Yay
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
The journey from Vel Castere to Vel Cirak had spanned over three long days; his sleek black mare proved to be a reliable companion, as she always did. Despite the growing exhaustion, he persisted with the same unwavering determination that he demonstrated with every mission given to him. By the end of it he found himself almost in uncharted territory, a remote corner within the Anirian territories. The borders of Falwood stood before him, cloaked in mystery, a realm he had never before contemplated exploring had it not been for the order from his superiors. The dislike for non-human beings among Anirians was no secret; Garin, in particular, had a strong disdain for elves.

Rumors swirled of numerous assaults occurring just beyond the city limits, causing unease among the populace. The decision to deploy a squadron of Blackguard soldiers would have undoubtedly sparked fear and panic. However, a different approach was taken as Garin, a seasoned knight, was tasked with venturing into the unknown to uncover the truth behind the attacks. This mission was far beyond the boundaries of his usual endeavors, offering a chance to expand his knowledge and deepen his understanding of the world beyond the kingdom he knew so well.

Despite his high uprank, he chose to remain humble and grounded in his actions. While he had the freedom to indulge in the finest lodgings and meals at the inn he stayed at, he always opted for the cheaper items on the kitchen's menu and refrained from ale altogether. Garin never let success or title influence any potential desire. He was always content with the simple pleasures of life and tried his best to remain true to his humble beginnings. In a world filled with constant displays of wealth and self-indulgence, he chose discipline.

His entire first day in the city was consumed by questioning numerous local authorities and conversing with a select few citizens; yet, it proved to be an unfruitful task, as he was unable to make any progress. As night drew near, Garin found himself seeking solace in the corner of a tavern. Alone with his thoughts, he pondered what little information he had gathered in silence, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and contemplation. The knight was never one for idle chatter; he preferred to let his actions speak for him, a sword in hand often serving as the chosen form of expression.

After savoring a small meal, he ventured outside to take in the fresh air, the same ebony armor adorning his body since morning; the odor he emitted smelled awful. Several guards suddenly appeared, their urgency rather obvious as they rushed past him towards the gate. Despite their movements, Garin's eyes observed that their swords remained sheathed, which reassured him that there didn't seem to be a threat of danger. However, the sight of it all piqued his curiosity, causing him to pivot on his heel and follow their path.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Erin the Black
He stopped just short of the gates as soldiers with halberds half lowered their weapons and stared at him uncertainly. Eyes swiveled between him and his unconscious charge. Erin kept his stance wide, head turning toward the least hesitant of the sentinels.

"Get her a healer," he grated as others arrived. There was an edge to his tone, as if he could not believe that they would not already have called for one. He hadn't hidden his approach - not that he could, massive and loud as he was. There would have been amusement at so many sent here for a lone man if he weren't exhausted already. "The others are dead, but I was able to pluck her from the murderers."

He wanted to call them heretics, but in this warm land so far south most were heretics of the faith. The sword of the Lady reached all points of this world, but her Word had not. Clearly, as only the faithless would prey upon innocents.

The traitorous though skirled round his head. The wicked are everywhere. He grimaced behind the mask.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
Garrin walked casually towards the gate; his steps were now more determined. As he approached, the figures of the guards he had glimpsed just earlier came into sharper focus. Now they were stationed like sentinels at the entrance. Garrin continued on, covering the distance until he reached the opposite side. His arrival would not go unnoticed; amidst all the silver mail and plates, his presence was formidable, encased in dark armor that gleamed with intensity.

Based on the words traded among the guards beside him, it seemed as if someone was in search of a healer to bring to this precise place. His eyes roamed over the man clutching the woman, churning a multitude of inquiries in his head. A genuine touch of uneasiness shone in his eyes then, as it seemed she was barely holding on. Garin was not one to automatically size up every man he encountered; his inner confidence did not require outward displays of dominance.

The man clad in deep burgundy armor appeared almost agitated, though the observer could understand why. "What happened?" he questioned, fully aware that it might not be the most opportune moment to inquire, but he was trying to stall until the healer arrived.

As seconds ticked by, the distant sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. A murmur of voices was heard through the stone walls. Others were arriving. Suddenly, a figure emerged from around the corner, dressed in white robes adorned with intricate symbols. The gentle sway of their movements suggested a sense. The Blackguard guessed this person to be a cleric, the healer, and perhaps the best hope for keeping the woman alive.

"Please, lead her through our gates and into our sanctuary," the mysterious figure pleaded with the unfamiliar man as they stood at the edge of their territory. From the landscape surrounding them, it was evident that the injured woman was most likely Anirian. Without hesitation, the guards formed a path, allowing an opportunity for the man to pass through effortlessly with their weapons lowered.

"They will not harm you," Garin reassured him. His voice was low. He attempted to lock eyes with the man, as though to convey his sincerity. "You have my word."
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Erin the Black
Eyes within the shadowed recesses of his helm regarded the newly arrived impassively. Of course Garin could see neither that nor the set of his jaw as his eyes swiveled between the men and the arriving cleric. Annoyance swirled in the back of his head that none of these self-proclaimed defenders had even offered to take his burden from him.

The Seeker paused a moment, as though listening for something that only he could hear. A chuffed a laugh and started forward again.

"I was not worried about harm befalling me," Erin said to one soldier in particular. He was more finely attired than the others, but he offered the same respect to him as to any other. Which was to say, the cool aloofness. "The Lady guides my hand and offers me Her protection." He nodded his head towards the nameless woman over his shoulder.

Saved by chance. The fellows that had done this to her would not be able to say the same quite soon. Her head lolled, body boneless as he took the measured, ground eating tread of someone who intends to keep at it until the journey is done.

"Please. Lead the way. I have carried her for days now." Tone filled with admonition for delaying him. He nodded towards the cleric.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
Garin stood there, his curiosity piqued . The man's response left him puzzled, unsure of who this mysterious lady was and what role she played in all of this. As he gathered his thoughts and lips parted to speak, the healer responded to the man by making a commanding gesture for him to follow her.

Regardless of the motive, the Black Guard was convinced that he possessed more knowledge than what he had gathered from the townspeople over the span of a day

As the healer started to make their way back through the opening in the wall, they expected him to trail behind. While the art of healing knew no boundaries, it was certainly safer inside the city. The once lively streets had fallen silent at this late hour. Not far away stood a horsing stable. It was not the most ideal setting, but certainly more discreet than causing a commotion in a tavern nearby. The sound of hooves echoed through the air as several horses were tied up nearby, while flickering lanterns offered a only a glimmer of light. Once under the shelter of wooden beams, the healer gently advised easing her onto a bed of soft hay that seemed more welcoming than the cold ground beneath them.

All of the guards had departed by now, and for a time Garin could hear their footsteps echoing in the distance. He gazed out into the vast expanse of the forest one last time. Despite the ominous aura, he grasped onto a flint of positivity, convinced that this mission would be a quick and successful one; his own heart longed for chambers of Vel Castere, where he often sought peace and sanctuary. Finally, he would make his return to the city.
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Erin the Black
He wasn't entirely gentle with the unconscious woman as he set her to the ground. Her head only just didn't bounce on the floor as he set her down. Her hair was matted with dried blood on one side - the side she had been struck on before he could cover the ground between him and her captor.

"She is your problem now," he said in a gravelly growl at the cleric. He had done his part in her rescue.

Rising from his knees, he turned away and looked at the soldier that had remained behind when all the others had left. Erin was comfortable around such people, even if their ranks tended to include numerous heretics. It must have been something about going into foreign lands.

The Seeker flexed the muscles in his back and shoulders, trying to work some of the soreness carrying his unwanted charge had imparted out. With an unseen grimace, he stepped forward. "Here to escort me? If so, I would find a place where men gather. If not, direct me to one." His words were weary and did not match the stance, that of a stoic. Direct, to the point.

Where men gathered, rumor was to be found. Certainly, someone would know more of the violent parasites in the woods. It was always wise to gather what information you could before dealing with a problem as ephemeral mist.
  • Bless
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
The healer's gaze fell upon the woman as her frail body was sprawled out on the ground now. She seemed to have a passive acceptance of the task despite the man reassuring her of certain duties. The dim light of the room added to her already pale complexion, making her seem more like a corpse than a living being. Every breath she took felt like a reminder of her delicate state. The healer could sense that death was looming over her, ready to claim her at any moment.

Soon she began to chant in an ancient language; her body swayed in rhythm with the words, as if channeling energy from the world around them. The victim’s chest slowly began to rise and fall with shallow breaths, but it was only the beginning. The words continued to flow, attempting to pour more vitality into saving the woman’s life.

As Garin stepped into the room, his eyes immediately fell upon the battered and bruised woman lying on the floor. His attention then turned to her savior, his face hidden beneath a helm. Garin's curiosity was piqued again, and he couldn't help but approach the mysterious figure. He shifted his head slightly, trying to catch a glimpse of the face behind the mask.

"I'm here to inquire about what happened out there," Garin returned, raising his voice just slightly over the healer's chants. There was a sense of urgency in his tone. The scene before him made the Black Guard uneasy; he despised seeing women and children in pain. Perhaps it was the one weakness in his hardened existence.

Feeling the need to discuss the matter in a different setting, Garin gestured for the man to accompany him back outside. The open space would allow for a more open and honest conversation without the presence of the recent victim casting her shadow over them. He thought it might potentially alleviate the man's irritation-- not that the knight could blame him for it.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Erin the Black
Erin paused in the act of leaving the stable, turning to look back at the soldier. "Ambush. She," he said as he indicated the unconscious woman being tended to by the chanting cleric, "was lucky that I was near enough to hear."

He scowled and faced the Black Guard. "A bit of a stretch, lucky. Three wagons, two fired. Several menfolk nearby. Dead." Another glance at the woman. "Seems a couple of the churls decided they wanted some sport before cutting her throat. Bad news for them."

He recalled the visceral rage. Not only was it against the Law to do such things, but it was morally repugnant besides.

Flashing images in his head. One standing, laughing as he pointed to the Seeker. Flicker. Dismounting, crossbow bolt in his horse.

Flicker. Blade out, fear reflecting in eyes. Blood. Satisfaction.

"They won't bother anyone any longer." Dried blood on his armor was testament enough to that. "She wants the rest of them. And so do I," he added flatly. The only thing to be seen in the eye slits of his helm were hard, hard eyes. Fitting, as he was a hard man.
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  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
Before they had time to depart from the stable, he was already feeling overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge he gathered in just a few sentences. Between these morsels of information, he couldn't help but take another glance at the chanting healer. The soft glow emanating from her body seemed to flow into the injured woman. She seemed to stir slightly, her leg twitching as she lay still.

With each passing second, he was gaining a better understanding of the situation at hand. It was now apparent that the attacks were carried out by humans, a fact that piqued his curiosity and caused an influx of internal questions to arise. Before, he entertained the thought that it was the work of elves, or perhaps that was merely his desire; a convenient excuse to claim a few of them with his own sword.

Based on his appearance and the crimson stains marring his armor, Garin wholeheartedly believed the man's words when he said to have fended off multiple attackers. There was no reason to doubt him. In a manner that was difficult to articulate, the Blackguard couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration and appreciation for the act of standing up for another human being. However, he wouldn’t display it.

The last part of his words left him feeling slightly puzzled, as the man mentioned her desire for vengeance too. It made him turn to glance at the wounded woman once more. From the way the knight underwood everything, their targets did not seem to be a formidable army, though it was possible that there were more of them wherever they may be camped. "We shall ride out soon and assess the situation," he proposed, although a part of him believed that they may even be able to track their enemies under the cover of night, catching them off guard and gaining an advantage.

It wasn't that his intentions were to be dishonest, but rather, he was still cautious and wanted to gauge the other man's reaction to his response. Gesturing towards the stained burgundy armor, he continued. "We could depart at first light. Perhaps a bit of rest would benefit you before our journey begins. I could see that you are given a room and are properly fed." Garin attempted to show a clear inclination towards joining in on the task of gathering additional information about the attackers, or potentially even implementing a solution, as it wouldn't attract as much attention compared to if he were to leave with a large battalion of soldiers from Vel Cirak.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Erin the Black
He paused mid-step.

"I must leave immediately. It has already been two days. Provisions would be enough." His words were clipped and short out of exhaustion. He looked back at the soldier in quiet assessment. His eyes went back to the cleric, unseen lips twisting in distaste. Magic in the hands of man, a thing relegated to those blessed by the Goddess. He did not know this cleric's affiliation, and honestly the knowledge would gain him nothing.

"We depart now if it is to be a 'we'," he said. Weariness weighted the words as heavily as his eyelids. He pushed through, relying on techniques taught to him decades before. It would delay the inevitable, but the journey to be made was not one to make in a single day, let alone a night. "The name is Erin. Was a Seeker for the Grey Lady. I still serve."

He didn't expect the title to mean anything so far south. He expected his name to mean even less.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garin Darmarr
More details continued to pour in, catching Garin off guard. When he heard that the distance he had traveled was two days' worth, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect towards the person who had brought the injured woman this far. However, it was also evident that this person was not one to be trifled with as he showed no signs of slowing down, an indication that he was driven by a desire for vengeance.

"Garin. I serve the Republic now. Well met," his voice was calm and composed as he brought a hand over his chest in an act of humility. The name Grey Lady didn't hold any familiarity for him, but it piqued his curiosity, and he made a mental note to inquire about it later on. "It seems like you've traveled quite a distance," he remarked. His tone filled with interest. He couldn't remember the last time he had ventured out of Anirian Territories.

With a subtle gesture, he motioned for one of the other guards. With a quiet voice amidst the constant chanting in the background, he exchanged a few words with the younger man, giving him specific instructions to prepare a sturdy horse equipped with provisions that would hopefully ensure the success of the journey to come.

As he turned his attention back to Erin, his eyes locked onto the helm. "I assure you that the woman will be well protected within these walls," he stated firmly. Without another word he strode off and passed by the rows of stalls. He could hear the whinnies of the horses, their powerful bodies shifting in their sleep. The glow of lantern lights cast shadows stretching down the walls.

The Black Guard found his mare, stroking her neck affectionately and whispering a few words as he began to saddle her up. He would guide her just outside where he hoped to meet the foreigner. As he further guided the horse to the entrance of the stable,he found himself almost appreciative of the late hour. For in the cloak of darkness, the prying eyes of the common folk were less likely to catch a glimpse of the man in blood-stained armor. Garin couldn't help but think that the less attention they attracted, the better.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Erin the Black
Now. Erin didn't miss the added word, but he did not comment either. Filed away the tidbit for later perusal if it was needed.

"Across the breadth of the world," he agreed. Chased by doubt and regret and righteous indignation at what the pillar of his faith had become. No, no - never that. It wasn't the object of faith that was the problem. It was the trappings that had been built around that faith. The weakness and vulnerability of man and his desire for self-enrichment.

"I have done what needed to be done for her. She is on her own now. My business is that of punishing those who violated Her Word." And also attacked him and killed his beast of burden. Minor additional details that nevertheless added their weight to the burden.

Erin made his way out without another word, stopping in the entrance and knuckling his back. The light was quickly fading from the fiery sky, the stars winking into existence as the sky turned bruised colors. He looked up at the approach of a horse, noting the same soldier from before. "I hope you do not intend to dissuade me from delivering the Lady's justice," he rumbled as the man came even with him.