Private Tales The Pact Made With Bloody Hands

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
She could very well do the job herself, but when it came to certain names in society, it was better to keep the suspicion far from herself and her family name as much as she could. To handle this personally would also be a mistake, for the rapture she would impose upon the guilty party would be unfair. Lale would enjoy herself too much, perhaps become too drunk on revenge until she was satisfied the sentencing was fulfilled.

That was why she needed another to carry out this job.

Someone unafraid to take the details of the job seriously. Someone that would ask no questions and do it for a handsome amount of coin.

It meant slipping out from her home, navigating the pristine and washed cobbled streets of the influential and wealthy. The protected district that did well to keep the riffraff out, a luxury Lale had been grateful for when attending societal events... but it did not guarantee that the wrongdoers could also be part of this side of the city. They were like her, protected by power names and wealth, but it was no excuse to commit dastardly actions and not expect retaliation. Especially when it was upon Lale's own blood.

"Where can I find him?" She asked for the third time, and the niceties were coming out forced as her patience began to wear thin.

"I told ya! He's busy! Go sit and wait. I'll bring ya a tankard to keep you company." The barkeep dismissed her yet again, and Lale found herself smouldering with frustration and annoyance. She withdrew herself from the space in front of the bar, turned on her feet and stalked to the table nearest the staircase. Business was slow this time of the day, as if the time between the lunch rush and the dinner hours were set aside for such a lull. Even with the quiet and lack of customers, the tables could have done with a clean. Immediately, Lale was sure to keep her sleeves off the table by the way they stuck to it and gave off that stale scent of ale and whatever else.

He had written to Lale's initial letter with he location of where she could find him, but his lack of citing a time to meet was then taken upon herself in her correspondence after that. She had stated she would be there at half past three in the afternoon, but she had been waiting for him for near twenty minutes now.

Her patience was wearing thin, and she had half a mind to go upstairs and knock on every door until she woke up the mercenary.

This could not wait.

Lale wanted to see the blood leave her target tonight.
  • Haha
Reactions: August Oreno
He made her wait for it.

And wait for it.

And wait for it.

It was to make a point. A creature like Lale Carvyre was used to being handled with silk gloves. Her every whim catered to and then some. August Oreno did not care for that whatsoever. So he made her wait and enjoyed some sweet wine while looking down the courtyard from his room.

There were benefits to having connections in every major city and even some of the smaller ones.

Eventually however the barkeep would come over to her, hat in hand, indicating that Master Oreno could see her now.

A few minutes later-

"Ah, darling, I was surprised to hear from you. I imagined we wouldn't see each other again after our last misadventure." Drawling as he smirked over his shoulder to her.

Lale Carvyre
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
Making her wait did no good on her patience. Nor did it warrant him a smile, as if she would ever grace him with one since the last time she had hired him. Lale was a prickly sort, and August was in no way a gentleman that would respect her standing in society.

"I am afraid your name is the only one I can think of that will do a sufficient job." Lale sidled up beside him, following where his gaze had been before she entered the room. "Hm. Quaint view."

If one enjoyed such mediocre sights.

"Are you available tonight?"
Lale Carvyre

"Mm... I seem to remember you telling me last time anyone could do what I do." He purred softly, glancing towards her and taking her in.

Lale was lucky she was gorgeous.

Because everything else about her frankly pissed the fuck out of him.

"I am always available..." A beat there. "For the right price." Smirking there as he walked away from her and towards the cabinet. Revealing a bottle of red, pouring himself a glass and after a gesture towards it he'd pour her one too if she agreed to it.

"What are we doing tonight, darling?"
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
She did not look his way as he surveyed her, for her attention was still fixed on the view. It was quaint, yes, but there was a tranquility about it that kept her fixed in place. Once he offered her a glass, she turned to pierce him with her gaze. "Yes, anyone can do what you do, but I pay you more for the premium of your discretion. You seemed to have handled that previously without fault."

She could not deny it. The compliment was earned, even if it tasted bitter upon her tongue.

"Tonight," she began as she wandered over to receive her poured glass, "I need you to make a spectacle. It's the largest party before the summer season begins, and every insufferable noble would be in attendance." Her eyes, still fixed him with determination. "I need everyone to see me so that I am not tied to this."

Similar constraints to the last job he had done for her.
A sharp smile.

"Oh you and your silly need have your reputation clean." He purred softly as he walked on over to her. Glass offered and then tapping his against hers.

"To our continued... Partnership." August sipped from his glass and watched her curiously.

"Who is the target? And how painful an end are you envisioning in this case?"

Torture had happened the previous time.

Was that still the desire here?
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
"If my name stays out of the game, it keeps you in it too. And with payment." Her experience with him told her he was not shy with stating his price, that his confidence and admittedly efficient work deserved the higher amount he asked. If she were to settle for cheaper means, who was to say the job would be done to her satisfaction.

She lifted the glass, sniffing the contents before taking a small sip to taste. Begrudgingly, it was good. "I want this man dead. You choose how it is done, but the body needs to be discovered nearby the festivities. Peferably when a lot of the guests are too inebriated to understand what it going on."

Then Lale's face fell a little. Changed to something more... disarmed.

"My eldest brother was the one to ask me of this. To handle the organisation of this job with the instruction that the target be left with this letter on his body." She placed her glass down to retrieve the slip of parchment, no seal and hand lettering not at all befit for a noble of educated means.
Which was exactly why August didn't complain too much.

She paid well and the jobs were relatively easy. It didn't mean he'd ever stop poking at her about it though. That was the other side of the benefits, she was really pokeable.

"Mm, so you don't care if he is hurt beforehand or not. Quick kill and putting him in a place to cause a spectacle is enough."

August nodded.

"Sure. My usual going rate then. Plus half more because of the risk of discovery. There is little I'll be able to do if someone turns out a bit less drunk and discovers the corpse on me."

He'd accept the letter and look down on it quizzically.

"Is this a set-up, darling? Does your brother wish to implicate someone specific with this?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
It was on the tip of her tongue to explain to him her family's reasons, but it was not something he needed to know in order to do the job.

She liked his services because he did not ask questions.

Taking her glass once more, she chose to resume her place by the window in which the sad courtyard still remained. "No, no. I have my uses for you, and I will not be leading you into any set up besides that of our own agreement." She washed her promise with a sip from her wine, choosing to savour it's slight sweetness while she was still invited into his quarters. "I know you are loyal to the currency in which I pay you, and you have not disappointed me yet." And until he does, then she would hire him for his services.

That was how mercenaries operated, was it not?

"Every one will be inebriated. It... is not the usual sort of event meant for nobles. This one is invitation only and held it utmost secrecy for every sin will be committed tonight by those in attendance." Lale however had her own way of keeping sober, or at least be more present in order to keep up appearances.

"Your target is the host. Known for being the worst for all activities."
A soft blink there and his hip brushed hers as he turned to her.

"The host..." But he didn't sound worried, no, he simply sounded fascinated. "Mm, that will be fun." He took a deep swallow from his wine next.

Really letting the taste savor on his tongue while watching her with interest.

"Plots within plots, hm? You are interesting, darling."
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
"If the gods will not cull the idiots from this world, then someone must take up the mantle."

And yet she needed her hands clean. She needed to play the angel heralded by chorus and heavens. Reputation was fickle, and her own family's state may have been forgotten for now, but with this death, her family will be spared yet again. August did not need to know the details of her plots within this plot, but that was the way she played these games.

It was always best to be one step ahead of those that do not know they even stand on the board.

"Disappointed that I am not the meek type of noblewoman?" She took a step to the side, putting a foot between them.
He slowly reached out, letting his fingers brush her jaw, before tilting her head up by her chin.

"Mm, disappointed? I wouldn't say so." August murmured softly while looking down at her. "It makes it more fun as far as I am concerned."

Especially to break you... tame you.

August didn't add that part, but she'd see it in his eyes anyway. The challenge offered from touching her so casually.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
With a grace awarded to her by her lessons and upbringing on etiquette, and without spilling her glass, her hand shot out to wrap around his wrist. Her fingers barely wrapped around, but her grip was taut.

Her eyes were storms waging above.

"Clearly." Was all she said before pushing his hand away from her chin.

"Best to keep your hands to yourself. I will not be paying you for anything further." There was a bite to her words as her eyes still glowered up at him.
  • Devil
Reactions: August Oreno
He smirked there.

"Touchy, touchy." He murmured as he looked down at her, reversing the grip she had on him, until it was his fingers wrapped around her wrist. Guiding it up... just a touch and his grip was like steel. Squeezing there a little before finally letting go after the point was made.

"You ought to relax, miss Needle. Everything is being done for you... all you have to do is have my money ready. By the end of the night your target will have left the mortal coil."

August finished his glass while walking past her and back towards the window.

"You are free to go, darling." Over his shoulder, simply dismissing her.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
She had not finished her glass, nor was it proper for her to finish it in the same fashion as he had.

And so Lale left it on the table even if he deserved it thrown into his face for handling her like he had. There was of course no other reason than him being a beast of a mercenary and unknowing of good graces.

"Do not forget. Tonight, at the Lord Hawell's city home. Do not come looking for me. Do your job, and you will see payment tomorrow."
He turned around to watch her leave.

Eyes flicking down to her ass.

August was almost distracted enough to miss the condescension. Almost. Maybe he would have done as she asked if it had been without it. But... who knew. As it stood he got to work. Figuring out exactly where the man would be, what he would be wearing, what his defenses and security was like.

The night of the party?

The murder happened without fanfare. One moment his target was alive, the next his throat was cut deep and violently.

August deposited him in a place that would be easily found.

Then he withdrew into one of the buildings nearby. A place where he could easily overlook the growing crowd that was exclaiming in horror... the screams of the women, the gasps of the men. As they realized that their host had been brutally murdered.

August was rather happy with it.
Her presence here was not of her desire, but her brothers gave her consent to appear part of the fray. They had attended parties like this before, a night of all out debauchery that will never be spoken about nor ever found out by anyone that had never received an invitation. Lale herself had not been invited, but the invitation foolishly invited simply the name, Carvyre.

It was intended for her brothers, of course, and only the youngest of her three elder brothers was in attendance alongside her. Griffin Caryvre gave his sister a lasting look, one that carried vengeance and determination. He would leave it all up to her, as her brothers have always done when it came to cunning plots and plans.

She was to be the spectacle. To be the one that would be the shiny new thing before the festivities truly got carried away.

It was well past midnight now, and she had lost track of where the target and host had disappeared to. The rules of the night were no judgments, and to not say no.

Griffin had slipped Lale a vial meant to protect her from any hallucinogens offered to her tonight, a precautionary way to keep her wits about her this eve.

The two noblemen sat either side of her had been kissing her neck for some minutes, but as she leaned against the wall, frowning, all she could think was whether August had done his task. It was with anticipation she listened out for screams, for yelling and fuss. Has he finally failed her? She was hoping so, for dressing him down in multitudes appealed to her after he foolishly held her face like he had earlier that day.

She could remember the cocky expression he wore, the drawling of his...

"You like that?" One of the men asked.

"Keep going." She replied in the flattest tone, but they were far too gone on alcohol and recreational activities to notice.
Once it was clear that the party was well and truly ruined he left the window behind. Instead tracking down Lale. That part was easy enough, he had seen her and two noble boys sliding into one of the many private rooms of the house.

He wasn't jealous. They weren't sworn to one another and never would be, but August did see an opportunity to ruin things.

It would be amusing enough to do that.

Perhaps it would be a surprise to Lale when suddenly the door opened to her private room.

"My oh my." He said with amusement. "Am I interrupting something?"
  • Angry
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
At first, she thought her brother would be the one to enter the room. Perhaps to tell her to get up, they were to leave as a body had been found.

No such luck.

Instead, the hulking shadow in the doorframe was not the familiar silhouette of any Carvyre son. Tall and lean, but this body filled the door that would make it difficult for anyone to pass by him.

The two men writhing against her and suffocating her neck in kisses and trailing tongues paid no attention to August's interruption, or most likely did not hear him.

"You should not be here." She hissed, unmoving from the wall beside the fireplace. Her eyes narrowed at him, but the quirk of her brow was the question she had to ask without word.

Is it done?
Eyebrows flicked up a touch more at that display.

August knew it would be something carnal and lustful. But she looked almost bored, sandwiched between two gorgeous men. He wondered what it took to get a cold viper of a woman like her going. Maybe it involved whips and collars.

Even with all of that in mind he inclined his head to her question unasked.

Yes and the crowd is getting larger.

He only had to take two steps before he was in range to grab both noble lads on the collar. "You know who this is? This is Lady Carvyre... and if her brothers saw you like this, they'd rip you to shreds." And he lifted them both up, one in each hand, as if they weighed nothing at all.

"So this... consider it luck."

As he unceremoniously threw them out the door and locked it before they could collect themselves.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
The outrage was quick to flood over her face.

"Leave them be!" Her words were more an order than a protest. Either side of her felt too cold now with the sudden extraction of her two alibis.

She left the wall she had been leaning against, standing in the middle of the drawing room as her eyes pierced the mercenary with astonishment as he discarded the two men and promptly locked the door behind them. "You do know my brothers would have not done such a thing."

They did their duty by teaching her how to defend herself should anyone try anything against her.

"If it is your coin you are after, does it look like I carried it on my person?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
An order he didn't even contemplate to obey.

There was no hesitation in his gesture. No, he just deposited the two men like a sack of potatoes outside, locked the door and then turned to her. His eyes on her, warm, leaning into the door for now. "Oh, yes, I do, but they didn't."

Only then pushing himself off against the door and taking a step towards Lale Carvyre.

Another step.

"Mm, no. Looking at what you are wearing-" His eyes flicking down and up again. "-I would be shocked if you managed to hide a bag of gold."

Another step. Slowly herding her into a corner or against the wall.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
No matter the steps she took to put distance between herself and the mercenary, he was very much like a predator on the prowl and scenting her. He was a wolf as she was the rabbit, and he was used to catching his meal.

"The payment is as it were last time. To be collected from the docks." She hissed. No, not a rabbit, but a feline hissing at him.

Lale bumped into the wall she had just left, and like a fool, had stepped into the corner as a last refuge from his advances. She tried to stifle the rapid rising and falling of her chest, not wanting to show that she very well was on the verge of panic. All that bite she had now diminished the moment he towered over her.

"I need to go. I need to be seen by the others and return home once the body is found." Her eyes were wide, staring up at him as her breaths came out shakily. Was she pleading with him?

No, she was still the rabbit.
He smiled at her hiss.

"Oh, I know. I am not looking for that payment." She tried to get away from him, side-stepping around him, but he'd simply grab her by her shoulder and push her right back into the corner.

"No... you can stay right here. Those two noble boys will verify you were here the entire time... and that you are clearly occupied by someone else. There won't be anything tying you to what happened." Now that he was standing over her, now that his body kept her trapped in that little corner? August once again slowly ran his eyes down her body... and back up again to meet her eyes.

"I do like what you are wearing right now." Oreno said with a little smirk as his finger reached out to run against her neck, where those two lads had been mauling her flesh with their lips and teeth.

"Mm, darling, your skin is all red and sensitive..."
  • Angry
Reactions: Lale Carvyre
Now that his attention was upon her, Lale felt sickened. There was a churning in her stomach, that he now placed a hand on her like he had when she met him earlier that day. He was the type that liked getting what he wanted, and Lale felt inclined to teach him not to be so liberal with his touch.

His fingers grazed the sides of her neck, brushing the base of her throat as he crossed to the other side, and she felt her breath trap itself there as she stiffened. His comment on her attire made her shrink, her cheeks flushing due to being seen by someone unwanted... That she was only in a dress that had it's sleeves precariously upon her shoulders and waiting to slipped off, but only to be held up by the corsetted vest that showed her figure.

Lale's hand went to her thigh. It was a wonder no one else had found this on her person all night given that there was one layer of her skirt to cover it.

As soon as her fingers curled around the hilt of her dagger, she unsheathed it and went to stab whatever part of the mercenary she could.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: August Oreno