Private Tales The Minotaur and the Angel

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography

"Bollocks. That can't be a fuckin' Leshy then."


Jhyrran was sat cross-legged in the middle of the town hall. It was not normally good business to respond to a bounty by telling the ones posting the fee that it couldn't be real.

"Leshy stick to their territory. You haven't been spreading into those forests so they wouldn't bother you. Also you said two came at night. They don't work together."

The group looked at one another. The middle-aged half-elf who the elderly man and woman seemed to look up to was clearly annoyed.

"Jhyrran, was it?"


"We've lost three people in those woods. Then two...specters arrived in the night. They stored down the east wall with vines and killed half the town guard. If they're not Leshy then... Well we don't know but the silver pieces are still there."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Cirice
Cirice was no monster hunter and certainly no bounty hunter, but there was something so profoundly dark radiating from the forests she had been circling day and night for well over a week. This darkness had not been on her radar at all until now, and had put a halt in her plans to cleanse a nearby village of its impurity. Cirice was most displeased with the change in her plans. More displeased when after many days, she still could not pin the source of this forest's corruption.

She always worked alone. Even those who had been brought up in the Radiant Light were unwelcome in the presence of Cirice. None were pure enough for her to consider an equal.

She realized rather quickly that there were few options regarding this...thing going on in the forest. She'd seen the bodies from afar, half the guards dead and stray bodies popping up in the trees. She could either burn their entire forest to ash and hope somewhere, hidden in the trees, she would eliminate the darkness, or she could enter from beneath the dense leaves and find whatever lurked there.

The village adjacent to the forest was the reason she found herself in a nosedive, falling from the skies like an iridescent, burning angel. Too many innocents could burn if she was not careful. If they died, she would be no better than the monsters they feared.

With a loud thud, she landed in the grasses nearby and stormed into the town hall. "Leshy? What is this 'leshy'?" Her voice demanded answers urgently.
  • Devil
Reactions: Jhyrann
"Look, if there's silver I'll go find whatever these things are. Just don't like being caught off guard," Jhyrran explained.

Dan'ys - at least that was what Jhyrran thought the half elf was called - still looked annoyed at having his wisdom questioned by the outsider.

With a loud thud, she landed in the grasses nearby and stormed into the town hall. "Leshy? What is this 'leshy'?" Her voice demanded answers urgently.

The three locals sat bolt upright at the commanding tone. Jhyrran glanced casually over his shoulder.

He jabbed his thumb back at the new arrival.

"Didn't know you got elves with wings down these parts so maybe I am wrong," he said with a shrug. "You all invite her?"