Private Tales The Many, Who are One

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
She’d have divulged where she was taking Atandil if she’d known the destination, but the direction was the only information available to her. Even that knowledge took continued effort to obtain, and Raëlta continually worked her magic to ensure their path remained true through the chaotic and shifting landscape they tread through. It seemed that nothing remained constant on their shared journey. The world, and even the air around them twisted and shifted, freely changing in most any quality that could be conceived. Yet despite the drastic differences, there was a sensation of sameness that lingered. Yet no matter how different, there was still a sense of unity that grew more evident as they travelled on.

The sun ahead dipped lower and lower as they continued, until it met the horizon. Firm ground gave way to shallow water, splashing around their footsteps at the two took to wading through it. Raëlta heard an indistinct sound from Atandil – the beginnings of a word incomplete.

“Atandil?” She inquired, curious about what prompted the indistinct noise. A streak of light above them caught her attention as soon as her head turned, and soon she was gazing skyward with him to view many more streaks of light that joined it. Against the black backdrop of the sky, the lights danced and twirled in a mesmerizing pattern, and only then did Raëlta gleam an idea of what they could be.

Grateful her ability to perceive the world around her was once again sharp, as a closer inspection confirmed her first suspicions true. She could just barely see the shape of little limbs within the flits of fast moving light.

“Shorai sprites.”
She explained, as she continued to ponder. Ever since the war, their mere presence was unusual, but to see so many at once was unheard of. While not normally an omen, the priestess could not deny that what they saw must be a sign.

“We’ve scarcely seen them since the war...and never in such numbers.” She spoke as she continued to watch.

What were they doing? What could it mean?
