Roleplay OOC The Last Days of Summer


The Erlking
Fae Courts
Character Biography
"We have been the puppets in their game for too long.
The last days of Summer have come to pass."

For the past decade the Summer Court had withdrawn from the world of mortal and fae alike. The Summer Queen has not been seen for almost five Hunts, and rumours swirl that she allows only a chosen few of her favoured courtiers to see her in her chambers. Other rumours say a creature has taken possession of the Queen and it is an ancient darkness that now peers out through her gaze.

Dark tidings have troubled much of the fae realms. Each Court has suffered its own catastrophe or troubles. They have not had time to pay attention to Summer's quiet withdrawal. In Spring, the sudden death of King Oberon sent the Court into a deep mourning and an ancient creatures stalks the woods. In Dawn, the Mists claim some of the highest ranking of their order, turning them into shells of their former selves. To the north, the Night Court is split and bleeding, fighting a war amongst themselves. In Day, the Queen struggles to maintain the facade that all is well and that magic fissures have not begun to strike the very fabric of the world around them. In Autumn, the King and his heir clash, creating rifts between the courtiers and in Winter, the Queen suffers loss and heartbreak.

Consumed with their own problems, it took a decade for the rulers of the Fae to begin to realise such events are not a mere coincidence...

To war, fae baes!

After three years of roleplaying the stage is now set in the courts for the big war against Summer. Recent events have unfolded that had led to the rulers of Autumn, Spring, and Winter to realise that Summer has not just been quiet but playing them all.

King Oberon's death in Spring was uncovered to be the work of the Summer Queen Tatiana. It was believed the two were once allies, hoping to take down the other courts and take more power for themselves. But the Queen betrayed him and infected him with a creature summoned from the darkest part of the fae's history. This creature can infect fae, turning them into nothing more than slathering, snarling beasts. This creature feasts on magic. The purer and more connected to one of the elements, the more appetising the fae is to the Shadow. Work has been done to uncover the creatures weakness which is magick in its rawest form.

In the Night Court, the King was said to have not chosen an heir between his two sons. This is in fact a lie. The King left behind a will which was burnt by a spy sent by Summer. Nobody will ever know its contents and its void led to the current civil war.

In Dawn, the Mind Mists which take a hold of fae who are very old has spread to most of the upper crust of the Dawn society leaving the young to kill them before madness full takes them. Whilst the symptoms appear the same, it is not the Mind Mists but an ancient magic which has removed a large chunk of Dawn's governing body.

Winter and Summer have been having light border skirmishes for the past two years, the fighting already escalating.

And in Autumn - the catalyst for the current war - Prince Lorcan's mate was kidnapped and tortured by the Summer Queens right hand man Mercutio for information on the Books that control the Hunt. In retaliation, Lorcan murdered Mercutio and declared openly Autumn was at war.

There are some other problems happening in some of the newer Courts you are also welcome to blame on Summer to get you to join the war.

Fae have not seen war for nearly 3,000 years and never on this scale before. These are unprecedented times to take down one mutual enemy. There will be no quarter. The Courts demand blood from the Summer Queen for her meddling.

Over the next few months there will be a series of fighting threads, spying threads, torturing (PG) for information, kidnappings, political threads discussing alliances etc. but please feel free to write your own conflicts etc. too. As mentioned, Summer has a lot of dark magic at its hands. They will not be easy opponents and the fae are about to find out they are not as immortal or invincible as they thought.

If you do write a thread relating to this big plot can you please use the tag The Summer Wars and pop links in this thread so we can keep track.

Buckle in bitches! x