Private Tales The Fall

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Mhmm..." Feyre mused idly as she dragged a sharp nail down the lists. Some names stood out more than others and her gaze snagged on the exchanges of large amounts of coin. She sat, taking a piece of blank parchment and dipping the quill before she penned the names in elegant script.

William Rashmund
Lucian Farrow
Cecile De'Marco

"Find out what information the staff have on these for a start, I'm sure more will crawl out of the woodwork once threats are made and blood is spilled..." he growled quietly. "Lets see who proves themselves to be valuable, or not." she slid the parchment toward him, and continued turning the pages until the parchment ran blank.

Her lips curled at the numbers, and the tome slammed shut with a triumphant thud. "Looks like we won't have much of a problem where recruitment is concerned." she looked up at him smugly. And there was still much more yet to take...
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
A hundred men-at-arms lined the road. A smattering of white tents were still being taken down. They would reach the estate by noon. Lord Thomas Kell had provided orders to secure it and follow Feyre's orders.

But there had been more.

Find a chance to seperate her from the tiefling. If the opportunity arises, kill him. Keep her on the estate and sent word as soon as you have confirmed the Baron's death.

I want her kept in place under she agrees to marry my son. Then we will have truly secured the deal I wanted.

"Farrow's lands are closest," Raziel replied. He smirked. This was just the kind of political knot he liked to untie. All these Lords and ladies who thought they played a grand old game. They were there by blood, not by wit. He liked to prove that point.

"Kell's men should be here soon to secure the estate and dissuade any immediate action.

"I will find out who might have sat in on any meetings. Let me know if you need any of my services," he said. He gave a mischievous flick of his tail and turned to leave the room.
  • Scared
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre's eyes followed Raziel as he left the room, a glint of satisfaction dancing in her golden gaze. She was well aware of the delicate dance they were engaged in, a symphony of power, intrigue, and revenge. The information Raziel would uncover could be the key to dismantling the remnants of the Baron's influence, and Feyre relished the thought of watching each supporter fall.

As the door closed behind him, she turned her attention back to the parchment before her, the names etched in ink like a sentence waiting to be passed. Feyre rose from the desk, smirking at the thought that the Baron's study, once a symbol of oppressive authority, was transforming into her war room. The legacy of the man who had tried to erase her would crumble, and she would build something new from the ashes.

Some time later, as expected, riders were announced and Feyre made her way to the window, gazing out at the sprawling estate below. Thomand Kell's men were arriving, a silent force that would secure her hold on the manor. As the noon sun bathed the landscape in golden light, Feyre knew that the days ahead would be fraught with challenges. But she welcomed them with open arms, for each obstacle was an opportunity to assert her dominance, to rewrite the narrative that had once sought to bury her..

Kell's man who met in the foyer was wise enough to try, but he failed to hide the fleeting surprise in his expression as he looked over her. She smiled, and looked even less like the ruthless maniac he'd no doubt heard that she was. "My Lady." he said, but he did not bow and it irked her. He moved, too, without being dismissed, his gaze wandering the hallway as another five men filtered in behind him.

"If you would not mind, my Lady, until we are sure that the manor is secure.. For your safety." he said, gesturing toward the sitting room on his left. Feyre's brow rose incredulously, her smile most certainly gone.

"Excuse me?" she demanded with a scoff. "This is my home, I secured it." the redhead argued with a scowl. But one man took her right arm, another, her left, guiding her insistently to the sitting room, much to her ire.

"We were instructed to ensure your safety, my Lady, please relax, we shan't keep you long." he assured.
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  • Scared
Reactions: Raziel
Raziel was questioning some of the staff closest to the Baron as he heard the soldiers filtering in. He had been trying to find out who had been closest to the private meetings the Baron might have held or managed his letters.

Raziel heard them moving, room by room. The soft jangle of leather and metal.

He suspected that Kell would try and negotiate a strong position out of this. He would seek to place himself as Feyre's closest advisor. Perhaps the easiest way to do so would be to quietly bury the tiefling who had her ear. Raziel decided to make himself scarce.

Thomas Kell walked carefully into the drawing room. He handed his walking stick to one of his own men.

"Feyre!" he said, wearing a mask of a smile.

"I am impressed."
"This is absurd." she hissed as she shot a disdainful glance over her shoulder, her fiery gaze meeting the eyes of the soldier who had dared to interrupt her stride, glaring at him as he closed the door.

As the door clicked shut, the sitting room enveloped Feyre in a silence that felt more like captivity than safety. Her eyes flickered to the window, contemplating her options. The audacity of being forcibly guided in her own home fueled a simmering anger within her.

Cursing, she picked up a small side-table and had been on her way to launch it at the door when it opened again and she halted, settling it down like the picture of seething elegance.

"Thomand." she scowled, taking note of the lack of title or formality as well as the condescending way he spoke to her. Feyre's eyes narrowed, and a wry smile played on her lips. "And I am unimpressed. As considerate as you are to ensure my safety," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of sarcasm. "I assure you, I am quite capable of handling myself in my own home. I do not appreciate being dragged in here like a delicate flower in need of protection."

The air in the room crackled with unspoken tension as the two locked eyes, each aware that the game had only just begun.

"Get them out. I did not invite them in."
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"I offer my apologies," Thomand said quietly. He glanced at one of his footmen and gave an angry shake of the head, for her benefit.

"They did not even want me to come. Afraid that the Baron...the late Baron would have loyal people in the household who might still be a danger. You can all leave me now."

They did not go far. The door was left adjar, two armed men waiting on the other side. They had already dug up the shallow grave and confirmed the death of the previous owner. Annoyingly, the tiefling hadn't been found.

"I wanted to discuss your future plans?"
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Feyre
Alone with Thomand Kell, Feyre's gaze remained unwavering. The simmering anger within her threatened to boil over, but she held it in check, a picture of seething elegance despite the tumult within.

Where the fuck was Raziel?

She knew well that Thomand's concern for her safety was nothing more than a thinly veiled power play, but whether she liked it or not, she was vulnerable right now, and she needed him and his men until all of the rats were smoked out. As much as she loathed the games these people played, she'd have to play along, at least for now. She'd enjoy winning, though.

"And what about my future plans is it that you'd like me to discuss with you?.." she asked, gesturing to a seat as she decanted two glasses of whisky. She handed one to him, and her lips curled sweetly as she took her seat in the Baron's chair. Her chair.
Thomand smiled, took the offered glass and sat down in the offered chair. He could play the game as long as she did.

"The Baron has a small garrison in the town twenty miles away. If they get word - such as from an escaped member of the household - they could be here tomorrow. I will of course leave enough men to deal with that, but the affairs will need to be well in order in case someone else decides to remove you from this position. He had other nephews."

"You might consider succession planning to take a firmer hold of your position. You did arrange to free my son, who remains unmarried..."

He sat back in his chair, took a sip of whisky and let that sink in. Thomand was not as astute as he thought he was and in this case he decided to rush ahead.

His smile was forced. The expression made him look even older.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre remained expressionless as Lord Kell divulged information that was no doubt intended to frighten her. She watched him over the rim of her glass and sipped slowly, allowing a pregnant silence to fall between them as thoughts tumbled through her mind.

Slowly, she swallowed, her tongue collecting the remnants of whisky from her lips. It was a fine drink, and she instantly regretted wasting even a drop of it on the worm of a man sitting opposite her. Her lips curled into a coy smile, the expression failing to meet her gaze.

"I will most certainly consider it."

She wouldn't. Not for a fucking moment. The Kell's would not take what was hers, not after everything she'd done to get here. She had taken what was hers and she'd be fucked if she was about to marry some lecherous swine and hand it all over. But oh, they wanted it..

"Perhaps, when the dust settles and we've ironed out those potential issues that you speak of, I might meet with your son to discuss such things. You are right, it would be wise to discuss, succession." she nodded stiffly.

The soft smile she wore was so stark in contrast to the fire that burned in her chest, and her honey eyes snagged on the ornate letter opener on the desk in front of her. 'In case someone else decides to remove you from this position...' Opening his throat right now would most definitely be unwise, but her fingers itched to grasp it and do just that. 'Remove' her, as though she were a cat curled up on a plush armchair, that could be so easily moved. Well, she was fucking feral, and she was going nowhere.
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
His smile thinned. Separated from her demonic companion, he had assumed that she would fold quite quickly.

In fact, as he had imagined this conversation, he had pictured her grateful for the offer of a strong alliance and his personal wisdom.

"Perhaps at this point, we should consider a public declaration of courtship then?" he offered. "That would maybe send the right..."

There was a tap at the window. Before either of them could move a hand of shadowy strands manifested around the iron handle and turned it.

Raziel climbed in through the window and brushed a stray twig from his shoulder.

" My apologies," he said, offering a deep bow. She would recognise his tail twitch in amusement.

"I was taking a little turn around the gardens finding some space to be alone and saw you both through the window. What are we discussing?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre's jaw tightened at the urgency with which Lord Kell worked to take hold of her claim, the smile that twisted on her lips was anything but friendly. Her gaze though, shifted to the window and there was no mistaking the flicker of amusement that crossed her cold features. She rather enjoyed the shift in Lord Kell's demeanour also.

"There you are.." she quirked a brow, swirling the whisky in her glass. "We were just discussing my succession. Thomand has proposed a marriage to his son. He's concerned you see, that someone may take it upon themselves to remove me from my position here." she frowned in feigned concern, every bit the picture of a helpless maiden on the surface, and below, a coiling serpent ready to strike.
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"Well that is an excellent point you make Thomand."

"That is Lord Kell to you. A commoner does not address an Earl so."

"Quite. Your men seem quite busy searching the house, but I can assure you that we've been thorough. There are no loyalists left here. At least none that we're not watching closely."

Raziel smiled and approached the desk. He sat casually on one corner of it. His tail uncoiled slowly and came to rest across Feyre's lap.

"Bit early for a marriage, but I admire the bold proposition. I think you reach, Lord Kell. Your son is a free man now. The Baron who kept you under your thumb is gone and your lands will be in a much better place for it."

"Children," Thomand moved onto. He was content to downgrade his offer, knowing that he would have the tiefling caught and murdered before the week was done. "Should the Lady have children, perhaps that would be another route to an Alliance in the years to come? Not to even the ledge, but to strengthen the area."
Feyre's gaze shifted from Raziel to Thomand, her eyes narrowing in mock contemplation, but her jaw tightened.

Children? Was he really so fucking desperate?

"I must admit, Thomand, your suggestions are intriguing," she mused, her fingers tapping idly against the glass and her honeyed tone belying the venom in her gaze.

"However, I find myself more inclined to consider alliances built on trust and mutual benefit. Am I so insignificant a thing that I would not be granted the opportunity to get to know the man before he fathers my children?" her brow quirked. He didn't care, of course he didn't, she knew well enough how it worked, but she wasn't some daughter to be auctioned off now.

"All in good time. For now, let us focus on the immediate challenges at hand and ensure a smooth transition of power in the region." Her words carried a subtle threat beneath the veneer of courtesy, a warning that she was not a pawn to be moved at will. The room hung in an unspoken standoff.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Raziel
Raziel waited. The tip of his tail snaked back and forth across Feyre.

She's mine, not yours, he thought to himself. She was not exactly his pawn, not how Thomond wanted. She was becoming a force of nature herself and he was now just a willing observer, providing the occasional nudge in the wrong direction.

"Quite. Well. Yes."

Another moment of silence.

"You understand that when you have more of the Baron's men under control that my people will need to be securing the streets of the towns in my little corner of the region? But I will of course be ready for when you need me."

With a new price, Raziel thought to himself.
  • Smug
Reactions: Feyre
Her attention fell to the sinuous movement of Raziel's tail in her lap, and a wry smile played on her lips as she traced its graceful path with her eyes. Once, the mere thought of such a gesture would have disgusted her. Yet the tiefling, once an object of her disdain, had become an indispensable ally, and the subtle caress of his tail now carried a far different weight. In this intricate dance of power, his presence was both a shield and a weapon, and she found herself oddly comforted by the possessive touch.

Feyre's eyes held a glint of steel as she turned them again upon Thomand. Yet another power play did not escape her notice, and she was quick to seize control of the narrative.

"Of course, My Lord." she replied with an air of graciousness, though her words carried an unspoken assertion. "Securing the streets will be a collaborative effort, one that benefits us all. Your assistance will be duly noted and appreciated when the time comes."

Her gaze shifted to Raziel, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The tiefling's loyalty was to her alone, and the unspoken understanding fortified their alliance. Feyre's fingers idly traced patterns on the rim of her glass, a contemplative expression on her face.

"As we navigate this delicate transition, cooperation is key. I trust that your people will play their part in maintaining order. Until then, let us work together to ensure the stability of our shared interests."

Her words were a careful dance, concealing the underlying assertion that she held the reins of this newfound alliance. Feyre understood the importance of projecting strength, especially in the face of those who sought to undermine her authority. The room held a charged atmosphere, each participant acutely aware of the shifting dynamics and the unspoken agreements that would shape the days to come.

"Now, if there's nothing else, I have much to do.." she smiled and drained the glass of whisky.
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"That is all, it was good to have some time to talk with you," Thomond replied.

He forced a smile and glanced at the Tiefling. The demonic creature had been a dark influence on the girl. Even if removed, it was going to take some time to bring her around.

Still, he thought to himself. One aspect of her explanation was true. Even if he could not further his cause, he was in a stronger position than a few months ago. He had a measure of influence and was well placed, but this move came with risk and he wanted greater rewards.

He could be patient, if needed.

"Let me make sure my men are settled. Let me know if there is anything you need."

The door was closely softly.

"That," Raziel said as he sat on the desk and turned to face Feyre, "was quite magnificent. Were we not so busy I would want you to mount me on this desk just to get the point across that you may do as you please."

"However, I do think he intends to murder me if he gets the chance..."
Feyre's lips curved into a sly smile as Thomand excused himself, leaving the room with forced pleasantries.
Raziel's words drew her attention, and her gaze shifted to him with a chuckle, the sound low and conspiratorial.

"An interesting idea.. Later, perhaps." she smiled, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"As for Lord Thomand," she continued, her expression turning more serious, "he's a threat, but a predictable one. We'll need to keep a close eye on his movements. And if he thinks he can eliminate you, he's sorely mistaken."

"When things are more settled and we rip out the weeds..We'll deal with Thomand." her head tilted, and she drew a steadying breath, containing the rage that re-ignited at Thomand's audacity.

"I'll break him. Then I'll kill him, and every other fucking suitor that thinks they can have me or what's mine until they all get the message."
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"Later of course," he laughed. It had been more for the notion of Thomond's disgust as anything else.

For once, Raziel had to be a calming measure. He did not have to be. It would have been more amusing to watch her path of vengeance cause all kinds of chaos and then burn itself out. He was actually starting to care about her winning her battles.

"I suspect he might not have the patience and drive to really be a threat. Opportunistic, that's what he is."

His tail gave a dismissive flick.

"If he's comfortable I suspect he will just stop being a problem over time."

Raziel felt slightly disgusted at himself for giving real, honest advice with no strings attached. No mischief in mind.

"Besides we have people more deserving of our attention. The problem is, I don't really want to leave you alone with Thomond just yet. Which is why I've sent a letter to a former associate. They can bring our trouble makers to us..."
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre's expression tightened at Raziel's casual dismissal of Thomand's potential threat. The flames of her anger flickered beneath the surface, fueled by the audacity of the man's proposal.

"Did you not just hear him suggest that I marry his swine of a son?" She retorted, her voice sharp with indignation. "He thinks he can walk into my home uninvited and take what I have worked so hard for? What is mine? He underestimates me, and I won't tolerate it. I'll ensure he 'stops being a problem'..." she sneered at the devi with a spark of determination in her eyes. Feyre was not going to allow the slight to go unanswered, especially when it threatened to undermine the control she was fighting so hard to secure.

As Raziel mentioned a former associate, curiosity overpowered her lingering irritation. The prospect of allies and the means to deal with their adversaries intrigued her and seemed to thaw her disposition slightly.

"And who might this former associate be?" she inquired, her tone shifting from anger to a calculated curiosity.
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"Oh well if you want to undo him for his behaviour that's quite different," Raziel said. It was hard to take her tone badly when he was so proud of the monster she was becoming.

Mostly at his own work in helping to take her down this path, but that was the price of arrogance.

"The Harlequin. She does not speak but she is one of a handful of people on this world that genuinely unnerve me," Raziel admitted. "She will need payment and very, very clear instructions on how any task is to be completed. She had a habit of taking liberties."

  • Nervous
Reactions: Feyre
"I think I'd enjoy watching that." she said absently, her lips pursed and her gaze distant, until they narrowed slightly at the mention of the ominous 'Harlequin'.

"The Harlequin," she echoed, the name rolling off her tongue with a mix of intrigue and caution. "How theatric.." her eyes rolled, a slight tinge of jealousy lacing her words. The thought of enlisting the help of someone who could unsettle even Raziel sent a shiver across her back, but she pushed aside any apprehension.

"I'll trust your judgment in the matter," she said, her tone firm.. "I'll prepare whatever payment is necessary, and you can ensure that she understands that we cannot afford any missteps."
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel
"If the job was not difficult, they would not deign to take it," Raziel said. "But they will see it done."

Raziel glanced at the door. His tail gave an irritated flick.

"We have some key supporters of the Baron to move out of the way and some that need to be punished."

His heart skipped a few beats at the idea of watching Feyre learn to take her time getting information out of someone who had wronged her.

He had to tread carefully. He could easily end up on the wrong side of that blade. Feyre could call Thomond back into the room, declare that she would marry his son in exchange for the tiefling being hung drawn and quartered.

"Once you have your own garrison then Thomond can be dismissed."

He left that word open to interpretation.
  • Smug
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre's lips curved into a subtle smile at Raziel's words, a glint of anticipation gleaming in her eyes. The prospect of retribution against those who had aligned themselves with the Baron filled her with a sense of grim satisfaction.

"I have no doubt they will," she replied, her voice carrying a steely resolve. "And punishment will be meted out to those who deserve it." she added nonchalantly.

Her gaze lingered on Raziel, a silent acknowledgment of the trust she placed in him to carry out their plans with precision and discretion. She understood the delicate balance they treaded.

"We will ensure that Thomond's influence wanes as swiftly as it waxed," she continued with a small smile.

There was a newfound determination in her demeanor, a fire burning bright within her that refused to be extinguished. With Raziel by her side, she felt emboldened to face whatever challenges lay ahead, and confident in their ability to emerge victorious. So long as she could trust him...
This wasn't a war. Not like the kind Raziel had seen and - on more than a few occasions - instigated.

It was a local territory dispute. Too small to draw the attention of kings and real professional armies.

Feyre had her supporters to take back her father's title, but the ded Baron still had family and supporters.

A small encampment of spearmen and archers held on the hill above the town of Nanditch. Thomond's people had been reinforced, but the town had stone walls and they lacked the siege equipment to force a breach. The Baron's nephew was mayor of Nanditch and had orders to hold them here before they could march on Feyre's home.

On this Heart and Hearth day Raziel did not write a letter. He delivered a gift.

"Feyre!" he called out. She had the largest tent in the camp and her guards were used to the tiefling coming and going. Not normally with a person over one shoulder.

Raziel threw the bundle down. He yanked back the hood, revealing a face screaming in terror into the rag wrapped tight around her mouth.

"The mayor's only child," he pronounced. "A gift."

The tiefling offered a wicked smile and a deep bow.
  • Smug
Reactions: Feyre
Feyre did not rise from her seat immediately. Instead, she remained still, fingers laced together atop the small wooden table in her tent, eyes locked on the terrified girl now trembling at her feet, no older than sixteen. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across her face, making her unreadable.

A long, heavy silence stretched between them.

Then, slowly, she stood.

Her gaze flicked up to Raziel, assessing. Calculating. The tiefling's wicked smirk did not waver, but there was something expectant in his eyes. He was watching her, gauging her reaction, waiting to see what she would do with the neatly wrapped gift he had presented.

Feyre let the moment drag a little longer, the weight of her silence settling like a noose around the girl’s throat.

Finally, she spoke.

"A gift, for me..." she said, stepping forward. Her tone was calm, almost gentle, but there was something colder beneath it. "And tell me, what do you expect me to do with it?"

Her fingers brushed over the girl's cheek, barely a touch, and yet the girl flinched as though struck. Feyre watched, tilting her head, intrigued.

"Use it for leverage?" she asked smoothly. "Or to send a message? Or do I simply punish the Baron's blood?"

Feyre inhaled slowly, savouring the weight of the decision before her. The mayor’s only child. A bargaining chip. A liability. A symbol.

Her lips curled slightly.

"If I send her back in pieces," she mused, tracing a slow circle around the girl, "her father will rally harder. He will fight like a man with nothing left to lose. Desperation makes men foolish… but also dangerous."

The girl whimpered, thrashing weakly against her restraints. Feyre ignored her.

"If I keep her," she continued, "he will hesitate. Fear will worm its way into his spine. He will wonder every night if she still lives, and if tomorrow is the day he receives proof that she does not."

Her gaze slid back to Raziel. "That is the kind of war I want to fight. One waged in the mind, before the battlefield."

She crouched down, fingers closing around the girl's chin, forcing her to look up. "Your father will know what it is to be powerless," she murmured, voice soft as silk. "To be at my mercy."

She turned back to Raziel, and this time, she smiled.

"I accept your gift. And I'll reward it."
  • Yay
Reactions: Raziel