LFG The Blood of Nobility

Character Biography
I desire politics!

I was watching the anime, 'My life as a Villainess: All routes lead to doom'
And became inspired to write cringe highschool romance, drama and snobbism amongst the nobility of Mardus.

The city of Mardus is a massive city to say the least. It was literally made by and for giants. Every house fits an entire community of normal sized humanoids, so nearly every house is treated as a village and ruled over by a knight, lord, baron or duke.

The nobility of this city is very refined, if not somewhat exclusive in its class system.
Two different factions of nobility exist in Mardania which pertain to this thread:
The Royal faction, which pledge themselves and their independent holdings to the ruler of Mardania.
And the Noble faction which also serves the monarch but exist as independent representatives of their own interests.

Regardless of their affiliation they send their children to the finest university available to further the education of their offspring.
The School of Script is that institution which raises the next generation of distinguished nobility.
The school is where noble children come to learn higher education whilst simultaneously making friends, allies and enemies amongst the student body.

Be as bold or brutal as you like, so long as it is done with the grace and professionalism of a true noble.

This is just the idea seed that's been planted. I am open to suggestions from interested parties.
If you want a place for the lore of your own noble house to be based, Mardania can certainly accommodate you! In fact I encourage it! Furthermore, if you establish an original house in Mardania I will add it to the lore page, along with a brief description!

The school is also open to attendees from wealthy merchant and business backgrounds, but it also serves as the countries most advanced school of magic and research!
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I have yet to open play on site, but I'm keeping an eye on this.
Coolio! Welcome to the site BTW! We all look forward to writing with you!

I should mention a few more details.
There is a second school, called the School of Oaths.
In addition to higher military and martial education for ranked military officials, this school also teaches nobles leadership skills and various knightly arts such as swordsmanship and jousting. They put on tournaments in which the students compete with each other and knights compete with each other. The line between the military and noble training and tournaments is rarely blurred, but not unheard of since most knights are also nobles.
(I realize this is confusing, I’ve not worked out all the details yet. The point is that the students get to participate in military training as well when they’re not practicing reading, writing and arithmetic.)

Also, there’s a hierarchy amongst the nobility which mostly has to do with the standing of the parents unless a student is the sole representative of their house.
The wealth and title of the parents trickles down to their offspring and how they are treated in public.

Listed from least to greatest:
(Apologies if I got the order incorrect)
  • Yay
Reactions: Pundigirion
I desire politics!

I was watching the anime, 'My life as a Villainess: All routes lead to doom'
And became inspired to write cringe highschool romance, drama and snobbism amongst the nobility of Mardus.

The city of Mardus is a massive city to say the least. It was literally made by and for giants. Every house fits an entire community of normal sized humanoids, so nearly every house is treated as a village and ruled over by a knight, lord, baron or duke.

The nobility of this city is very refined, if not somewhat exclusive in its class system.
Two different factions of nobility exist in Mardania which pertain to this thread:
The Royal faction, which pledge themselves and their independent holdings to the ruler of Mardania.
And the Noble faction which also serves the monarch but exist as independent representatives of their own interests.

Regardless of their affiliation they send their children to the finest university available to further the education of their offspring.
The School of Script is that institution which raises the next generation of distinguished nobility.
The school is where noble children come to learn higher education whilst simultaneously making friends, allies and enemies amongst the student body.

Be as bold or brutal as you like, so long as it is done with the grace and professionalism of a true noble.

This is just the idea seed that's been planted. I am open to suggestions from interested parties.
If you want a place for the lore of your own noble house to be based, Mardania can certainly accommodate you! In fact I encourage it! Furthermore, if you establish an original house in Mardania I will add it to the lore page, along with a brief description!

The school is also open to attendees from wealthy merchant and business backgrounds, but it also serves as the countries most advanced school of magic and research!
question 1: Does this extend to human nobility only or?
question 2: Are magically gifted individuals of noble birth (or at least those who are rich) permitted entry?
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Melina Calcutte
question 1: Does this extend to human nobility only or?
Here's the demographic breakdown of Mardus.

Population: 150,000
Human: 37%
Elves: 20%
Half-Elves: 18%
Dwarves: 10%
Halflings: 7%
Orc/Half-Orcs: 5%
Other Races: 3%

Mardania is an increasingly progressive culture. Nobility is not reserved to a specific race.

question 2: Are magically gifted individuals of noble birth (or at least those who are rich) permitted entry?
Of course!
The original purpose of the school was to serve as a magical college.
The school of Script offers a variety of magical curriculum for it's distinguished student body.

The school of Script is reserved for the refined and wealthy in general, but especially the Nobility. However, a gifted individual can attend the magic school on a scholarship.

I should also mention that there is a campus, to complete the cringe highschool/college experience!
  • Bless
Reactions: Eris Fulton
Here's the demographic breakdown of Mardus.

Population: 150,000
Human: 37%
Elves: 20%
Half-Elves: 18%
Dwarves: 10%
Halflings: 7%
Orc/Half-Orcs: 5%
Other Races: 3%

Mardania is an increasingly progressive culture. Nobility is not reserved to a specific race.

Of course!
The original purpose of the school was to serve as a magical college.
The school of Script offers a variety of magical curriculum for it's distinguished student body.

The school of Script is reserved for the refined and wealthy in general, but especially the Nobility. However, a gifted individual can attend the magic school on a scholarship.

I should also mention that there is a campus, to complete the cringe highschool/college experience!
Interesting! I could enroll a student, but also a professor or even a proctor if those roles are available for the taking.
Interesting! I could enroll a student, but also a professor or even a proctor if those roles are available for the taking.
Of course! Either of those roles are open and available!

Keeping in mind that the school of Script is not purely a magic school but also a sort of finishing school where the children of Nobility are prepped to enter high society.

If you make a professor you can cover one or multiple subjects with that in mind!
Or you can be a tenured professor focused entirely on magical research!
Of course! Either of those roles are open and available!

Keeping in mind that the school of Script is not purely a magic school but also a sort of finishing school where the children of Nobility are prepped to enter high society.

If you make a professor you can cover one or multiple subjects with that in mind!
Or you can be a tenured professor focused entirely on magical research!
Sounds like a deal to me. Something related to magic or self defense/combat. That should do.
I have a brewing oathbreaker theme to run by you. Let me gather my thoughts a bit more and I'll shoot you a message to see if it's a good fit. May also carry Magehunter theme, I'm highly considering this. The additional mention of a secondary school helps piece it together in mind.
  • Bless
Reactions: Melina Calcutte

A tall, dark, mysterious stranger attending a school of nobility!
Sweeping damsels off their feet with his inhuman charm and captivating gaze… who could resist!
More like....Count Orlok's thrice removed cousin whos hopped up on steroids and broad as a barn. Constantly wearing some kind of plate armor and lofting around either a very gnarly scimitar or a messer.
(he has a good heart, i promise. Fingers totally not crossed.)
We fill out a template and post it in here.

Name: Name of the group
Description: A brief description of the group and why people should join
Active locations: Name the areas of the map your group is active in-character
Wiki pages: Link any wiki pages relevant to your group (highlight the master page for your organisation)
Members: Tag the members who are forming your group
Threads: Link any roleplay threads where your group has featured
Banner (Optional): You may have a banner for your group that will appear beneath member's avatars. Must meet style of other banners (PSD here). 200x40px, bold, size ~18 IM Fell FW Pica font
Icon: Your group must have an icon (86x86px) this will appear when people tag your group members. It will also be added as an Emoji on the discord server and is required as a reaction to let people join/leave the discord chat room.

Mostly what I'm concerned about is the Banner and Icon, I don't know how to make those.
I can put this template on the Mardania page temporarily until it's filled. Then we can post it to the featured group applications.
From what I remember from getting the Cherry Rose featured, I had to show that we had a number of threads already going/completed. Could be misremembering though
That might be true, however there's already a lot of RP for the City of Mardus itself, and the country of Mardania outside of what we're doing here.
I just need to hunt those down again.

But we can wait till after this thread!