Thank you all.


I think that it's time I made it official.
I am leaving Chronicles.

Now there's bound to be some talk about why so I'll say it here and make it plain.
I have not been enjoying myself here for a while now and I have chosen to leave because of it.
There is no one specific reason.
There is no cause other than I am no longer happy here.

That said, I want to spend the last part of this announcement telling you all how much I have enjoyed my year and a bit here and that I wish you all the very best. You all deserve it.

I've had some really memorable times here and I don't plan on forgetting any of you any time soon.

While here I have been allowed to exercise creatively in ways I feared I had lost when I first arrived so I thank you all for helping me get back to that. I don't plan on letting those muscles slack again.

The time I spent here with all of you meant a lot to me. Genuinely.

Thank you all.