Fable - Ask Stranded Self-Exile

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Character Biography
Snarling fangs and yellow gazes are the first impressions Kino gets from four circling wolves, their shaggy furs failed to disguise their thin frames. The bigger wolf drools at him, promises of an immediate, if bony, meal imminent in its vision.

It is too late for Kino to react when one of them leaps and sinks its jaws into his left shoulder, the others rushing in as he lets out a wail of pain and aggressively twirls around to swing the creature off him. It worked when the wolf is thrown into the rest, but at the cost of bleeding injuries on the same spot on his shoulder. Pain stings whenever he tries to raise his bark shield, yet he prevails as much he can when he bashes an incoming wolf to the ground, followed by bludgeons to the skull, killing it after it is fractured by the crude wooden trunk club.

Another rushed in and scrape a bit of flesh from Kino's leg as it sprints by. He stands his ground only to be pounced by the bigger cheese, both struggling to attain their own goals on the grass. Kino snaps his teeth shut when he lodged the club across the wolf's maw and uses his own fingers to gouge both of its eyes. Grunting painfully while the bleeding flows on, Kino overturns the wolf and quickly withdraws the club from its maw. Before it could bite again, the wolf feels its lower jaw snapped in an awkward place from multiple strikes by the club, and then it stops moving.

Only two of four wolves are left. Kino lets out a roar when the two pounced onto him, one biting and holding onto his other leg and the other hugging his face while receiving blows on its back from Kino's weapon.