Private Tales South for the Winter

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"I do suppose there was a flaw in my logic," he said.

It was an admission he rarely made. However, it was something whispered behind his back frequently.

He drank the rest of his wine. Paetr decided it was certainly best warm. By the time it was cold it was decided old and cheap wine hidden by spices. Rather delicious warm, slightly bitter and unappealing cold.

He took Seryn's hand and drew her back closer to his orbit. As he led her towards the ice rink, the flat palm stretching across the small of her back was a rather familiar gesture that would reveal their comfort in touch.

"We could make a special moment out of anything and... Oh they have shoes you have to put on!"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn dazzled the attendant of the ice skating rink with a smile, telling him which fit of skates she required. She moved to a nearby seat so go through the process of donning the skates and tying the laces securely.

"Have you done this before, Paetr?" She had only begun to learn since residing in the Winter Court, and was wobbly at best, but if she kept to small distances then she would not topple over her own feet as much.

What if he were a true prodigy at the winter sport? Perhaps he could keep Seryn for falling over the ice and hurting herself. He could teach her to improve!

"Come on now, my sweet. Join me!" She grinned, standing and testing her balance on the snow.
  • Love
Reactions: Paetr
"I have not!" Paetr declared.

He tied on his boots and stepped out onto the ice. He found his centre of balance and watched those on the ice. They kept one foot pointed forwards and pushed off with the other.

"I'm sure I will pick it up quickly," he said as he pushed off.

Paetr swore as he wobbled and then lost his footing. He skidded to a halt beside Seryn, backside on the ice.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn's gloved hands went to cover her mouth to stifle the squeal of surprise as she watched Paetr loose his footing and fell onto his backside. It was comical how he slid her way and came to a stop, and the Duannan could not help the laughter that pealed out from behind her gloves. Her eyes narrowed with amusement, happy to see her partake in an activity she enjoyed.

"Oh, Paetr!" She got down on one knee and took both his hands, grinning like a child. "Here, let me help you. Hold my hand and I will do my best to teach you."

The Night Court Lord was much taller than her, but Seryn had a good sense of balance to her. Signe had often told her she had great core strength, but Seryn preferred to watch her sisters dance than taking part herself. Once Paetr got back upright, Seryn gripped his hand and smiled up at him. "Bend your knees a little. Do not keep your legs straight and stiff, that will only hinder your movements." She instructed and started to move slowly.
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
"Perhaps these shoes are the wrong size," Paetr replied with a small huff.

He took the offered hand. He placed his other on the ice. The cold from it wouldn't affect him anyway.

Paetr might have made more of a fuss, but that smile of hers held his attention. Perhaps for Seryn he could suffer a little embarrassment if it made her happy.

"Bend your knees a little. Do not keep your legs straight and stiff, that will only hinder your movements." She instructed

"That sounds a lot like how to start leaning a blade!" he replied.

"Ah!" he went as he started to wobble. Placing both blades down he was able to just keep going in a straight line beside her.

"How do you stop??"
  • Bless
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
"You will need to turn your feet inwards, to a point!"

Seryn moved to skate before him, her actions taking her to go backwards, but it was the easiest way for him to mimic her movements and for her to see how his progress went. She smiled the entire time. Her cheeks did not tired from it either, for the Lusce female had reason to be so happy.

"Then you will simply just start moving again!"
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
Paetr pushed his toes inwards. He had to stop himself from falling over forwards, giving an undignified wave of his arms.

The fae lord, a powerful Duanann and last in a line of powerful creatures slowed to a stop. Seryn slipped through his fingers.

He looked down at the boots that had clearly betrayed him. He slowly turned his right foot out to try and push off, wobbling after her.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn looked giddy watching him take those tentative steps, watched as he got the hang of it before she slid closer to take his hands and pull him with her. All around the ice, Seryn guided him at a slow pace until he got a better feel of his movements. It also gave her time to study his face, to realise that she had indeed fallen in love with this male that provided so much of what she had been missing out on.

"You truly are remarkable, Paetr. Nothing can stop you from mastering it." And she smiled, so proud of her intended.
"You truly are remarkable, Paetr. Nothing can stop you from mastering it." And she smiled, so proud of her intended.

"Ah of course I will master this!" Paetr said.

With her observation his confidence was restored in full. He could take on any challenge.

"But I think I would like to leave the ice now..."

They headed for the edge of the ice. Walking on the grass was more difficult and he found a rock to sit upon as he removed his skates.

"Now... would you like a dance?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
She knew he would not take long on the ice before moving onto the next thing. Seryn had gotten used to his whirlwind, especially when they had first met and had stolen her for a moment of privacy.

But dancing with Paetr was always her favourite thing to look forward to. It was when she could be the closest to him without partaking in passionate throes of passion. Seryn could look up at him, study him, and feel his strength as he took lead.

Following him to the edge, she gracefully climbed onto the grass and leaned beside him to remove her skates. Her cheeks were flushed, as they so often were when in his presence. "I always would dance with you Paetr. That is how you, after all, won my heart over."
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
"With just a dance?" he mused.

He put his boots back on, stood up and held out his hand for her.

"Are you saying that another with a better step might have stolen your heart from me?"

Paetr laughed as he helped Seryn to her feet. He hooked his arm through hers and pulled her close.

"So where have they laid out the dance floor or should I just follow the music?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
"Well, of course, there was the moment you first spoke to me..." She smiled, enjoying the feel of being closely against him again, as if this was the course of most natural. "I will forever be in my brother's debt for introducing me to you... his most cherished friend."

Seryn had thought of that night plenty of times. Saang could have introduced any of their other sisters, but chose Seryn because she was the most loveliest of them all.

"I do not think there is any dancing per se, my Paetr... but perhaps the music players could be persuaded into song. You are a guest of the Night Court, surely they could gift you one song?" They way they looked at each other made it obvious they meant something to one another. Seryn could barely keep herself from looking away, but she was entranced by the male before her. His taller frame always felt like shelter, comfort of home.
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
"But of course they could!" he agreed firmly, though he looked put out by a lack of a dance floor. It was a pleasant enough fete, not quite the debauched night court winter gala.

"Do not think yourself too much in his debt, we became a match quite on our own."

Paetr stepped away. The band had taken a small break. They didn't look overly amused as he gesticulated and made his demand, but they soon started to play.

Taking Seryn by the hand, he led her past the band. Away from the crowd and into a clearing in the trees. There was not much privacy to be found, but it was enough. He took her hand in his own and pulled her flush to his chest.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
To be somewhere quiet with him again thrilled her, but now that she was promised to him, Seryn could only think of his words he had told her before whisking her away from prying eyes.

"What did you mean before? When you said that we became a match on our own?"

Had she remembered their meeting diferently? Or perhaps she had been so happy to be seen by her brother, to be doted on by him, she thought he was the reason for this happiness with Paetr? Again, her thoughts went back to being fated, as mates often were.

But she did not want to get her hopes up. Mates were rare to find, and oftentimes not in the same lifetimes.
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
"Do you think that we would feel this way just by being introduced?" Paetr asked.

He pulled her gently into a slow spin, glancing over his shoulder back through the trees towards the fête. It amused him to think that her tights still carried the damage from their journey over.

"He might have carried out the introduction, but there is something different between us. Do you not think?"

"At least I hope so," he continued with a smile. "I am not simply the first one to show and interest in you?"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn bit down on her lip.

"I do... recall feeling something different the moment we danced." Seryn had not ever shown such keen interest in a male before. In the Night Court, she avoided eye contact during the events she was to attend in hopes of being married off to secure alliances, but Saang only agreed to a few dances with males he trusted to be near his sisters.

With Paetr, she had been falling fast, as if they had unfinished business in their past.

"Saang always discouraged any lords that wanted to court me. He always said their intent was..." something she cannot repeat, even before Paetr. "But never did I wish to be courted by them."

But Paetr, she had written to Saang profusely for any news about Paetr. Whether he thought of her or not.

Whether they could marry as soon as Paetr made his intentions known.
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
When she bit at her lip it made his heart flutter. Perhaps in all his words and promises the shape of his own feelings had changed.

He was a man who always wanted the next thing. Coveting Seryn who would make such a fine match was natural. In all his letters and with all the delays, he thought to himself that his longing had only grown and become something deeper.

"Well he should not have let you out of his sight," Paetr mused. "For I have many intentions for you dear Seryn. And only some of them are honourable."

"We shall return to the Night Court and make any arrangements. You will be mine Seryn."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
"I will pack my things tonight." She looked up at him with earnest. "I... I have waited too long in this life for someone like you, Paetr."

Seryn had lived many centuries mote than him, but if... if they were mates, it would be well worth it all.

Even as her world became lonely, Paetr remained a salvation when others may have just left her behind. No matter his intentions, for she certainly became privy to such things, Paetr never abandoned her. If his letters would be expected to be too long without correspondence, he would send something to remind her of him.

Her future being his wife never appealed to her more.

"Tonight, Paetr. I want to go home with you."
  • Love
Reactions: Paetr
"Then..." he replied, "I shall miss you a great deal tonight and wait for you early at dawn to take you away."

He gently swayed her to the music. No one was watching them. They moved together and simply enjoyed the peace.

Paetr leaned back and frowned down at her. He kept both hands at her waist.

"I think I misunderstood, you want to leave tonight?" he asked.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
She nodded adamantly.

"Why wait when there is nothing left for me here?" Was Seryn's counter. Her gaze never left his as they forged a path of elegant footwork to the song being played for them in the distance. She always adored whenever they got a chance to dance, and now it was as if it were second nature. She trusted in his steps, his experience, and her own quiet love for dancing was no longer over shadowed, Seryn was comfortable to be in his arms and staring into his eyes.

Green eyes were fiery, that Lusce determination set there. "None of my sisters reside there no longer, and... we are free to do as we please it seems. One sister went to war, one followed the call of admirers, and the other... vanished. It is just myself in that house, and I want to come home Paetr."
  • Devil
Reactions: Paetr
"Well..." he said, seeing the fire in her eyes. For once, he was quite silenced by her expression. He simply swayed with her in his arms.

Paetr gave a small shake of his head, as if drawing himself back to reality.

"But of course you are so bold!" he declared. "Why you might have seemed a timid creature, but of course I could always see the strength in you!"

It was an absolute lie, but it fit with Paetr's delusions about his own intelligence.

"But I can only offer the inn we found along the way. A slight glamour required to keep the mortals from asking questions."
  • Bless
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn smiled adoringly up at Paetr. He knew the words to set her with confidence, to fill her with affection.

"The... the inn?" Her smile faltered only a little but then she nodded, smiling up at him happily. "I shall begin to pack my things tonight... we have accumulated quite a few things here in than we had brought with us..." Her face fell entirely. "Oh no... Paetr... I do not believe we have enough trunks to fit all the dresses I have made, and then there are the cosmetics and hair accessories, the jewellery..."

Perhaps tonight was too hasty. There were affairs to attend to, and that most certainly meant not parting with the things she had accumulated that made Seryn who she is. "I cannot leave the dresses behind. Or the cosmetics..."

The cosmetics and preening of her hair was the only routine she had here. The only thing to keep her wits about herself.
  • Love
Reactions: Paetr
He nodded slowly. At first there was a look of disinterest on his face. Then that slowly morphed into panic.

He glanced over her shoulder, actually looking for one of his advisors. This was outside of his comfort zone. He considerations for women's garments only went as far as a remarkable awareness of what he could and could not remove with his teeth alone.

"If you do not want to leave anything behind then nothing will be left. Whatever you need."

Both eyebrows went upwards. Having dedicated his great mind to the task, he had some suggestions.

"What if we bring enough of you things for the journey and I arrange to have everything else transported after us."

He would do no such arranging. It would shortly be someone else's highest priority.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Seryn Lusce
Seryn stopped their dance and simply wrapped her arms around him. She squeezed tight, her face resting at his chest as she poured all her thoughts and feelings into that embrace. "You are the most thoughtful, Paetr. Truly and honestly."

He knew how to deescalate her worries, how to sooth her anxieties.

She knew him to be her true match. Had hoped that this tether between them that grew slowly surely meant that she had found her mate after all this time.

"Thank you. A perfect idea, and one that will not delay our travels by much." She was glad for it, eager to be with him and onto their future.
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr