Private Tales Somewhere Only We Know

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
He didn't reply to Vazia for a few moments, simply closing his eyes and taking another bite of his breakfast. Slowly, though, a smile seemed to spread across his face, and the Regis heir found himself shaking his head. It would have been rather distasteful to laugh at something said so earnestly and meaningfully to him, by the woman he'd only just begun to love, but he couldn't help a chuckle.

"You know just what to say..." Villam murmured, taking a drink of the chilled juice he'd poured beside his plate. "Never took you for the sweet-talking type until today, Vazia... but I feel the same way. Whatever this is that's happening between us, it's something. And that's more than either of us have had in some time." It was, possibly, a little bit of a stretch to compare his misfortunes to that of hers, to Aislynn's. Nevertheless, he felt a kinship with her in the pain of loss. Possibly it was that which had drawn them together in the first place.

"Tell me, Vazia..." The amusement in his voice gave way to concern as he prodded at the last of his food, his gaze distant and thoughtful. "When you once more wear the stone, when the void is around your neck again... Will you still be mine? Or is what we have only when you can tear yourself free of it?" What had happened between them last night, every second of it was the rawest form of bliss he'd ever thought possible. Was it only because she'd lacked the stone? The thought of waiting for their moments, of being shut out again... it was painful.

"Regardless, I love you. I will wait if I must."

Vazia Ferreira
  • Melting
Reactions: Vazia Ferreira
The tips of her colors were colored in the faintest blush. Truth be told, she had actually been quite good at sweet-talking, when she was younger and not as honest and saw only the good in the world. Aislynn had been a bundle of sweetness, and Vazia only wished for it back on a couple of occasions. She knew it would make others like her more, but most of the time, she was glad for her lack of innocence and the way she faced the world with nothing but the truth.

The unfortunate thing about the truth, however, was that sometimes it could be nigh impossible to dig up; like in the deaths of her family. She still did not know the truth of the why. She knew the how, knew exactly what had happened that awful night, but not why he had done those things.

Vazia finished her breakfast and drank her juice, focusing her mind on Villam, on the now, on the question he was asking her.

She was silent for a moment before responding. "I will always be yours, even when we're both dead in the ground," she paused briefly, "The stone is like a drug. If I can learn to rely on it less for my own personal issues, I will have more of myself to give to you,"

She had thought about this before, briefly. She could not say she would no longer love him with the stone on. She knew she would. She had Lale's political party to prove that she was still human with her stone, at least around Villam.

No other Void Guardian had been able to separate themselves fully from the stone, and once their service to the Absalon and Valentennia was complete and their stone taken away, they fell deep into madness and scarcely ever returned. Vazia knew that was a possibility when it came to her, but she also knew the other Void Guardians had had nothing to fight for. They had been alone.

Vazia was not alone. Not anymore.

Villam Regis
When the meal was said and done, and the only thing that separated the two of them was a table, Villam felt the return of a familiar tension. It was the same as he'd felt last night, only growing thicker in the air with every word of devotion Vazia spoke to him. Despite his fears, and his misgivings, the woman he craved more than anything readily declared herself his for as long as their bodies held shape.

It was all he could do not to round the table and return them to the safety of his room again. Hearing something so meaningful, so heartfelt from a woman he knew to be so closed off to the world, it only solidified how deep this connection they'd forged truly was.

"I won't leave you alone in the void. I'll see you to the other side."

It was a promise that would be difficult to keep, but Passion was nothing if not tenacious. Sliding his hands onto the table and pushing himself to his feet, that familiar look of steelish determination settles over Villam's eyes. "And we will talk to Solomon together when the time comes." It wouldn't do to leave her alone in such an uncomfortable scenario, not when he'd only just declared his intent to defend her.

"Today, though... is a different story." Villam slowly circled the table, stepping behind the chair that Vazia sat on. His hands rested on her shoulders, fingers pressing gently against her flesh as he released his breath and allowed his arms to wrap around her from behind. "It is the day after the Valenn Festival. We've no obligations, no expectations..."

Ever so briefly, his lips found her nape.

"Stay with me? Just a while longer?"

Vazia Ferreira
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Vazia Ferreira
Vazia kept her eyes on Villam as he rose and moved towards her until he stood behind her. She had recognized the same intensity in his gaze upon her that he'd worn the night before and it stirred something in her chest.

Her eyes fluttered shut as his hands found her shoulders and his mouth found her neck. She was quiet for a moment before she replied.

"I'd stay with you forever if you'd let me." Her voice was soft but she meant it. She knew now that even if something went awfully wrong, what was left of her heart would still be Villam's. She wasn't young and naive anymore. She knew the difference between love and infatuation.

After a moment Vazia stood up and pushed her chair into the table. She turned to face Villam, leaving barely an inch of space between their bodies. She looked up at him, her eyes roaming his face as if committing it to memory.

Villam Regis
Villam may not have been far off in age from Vazia, but he'd not felt these surges of emotion before. Perhaps, in some way, he was the naive one. In exploring her flesh with his lips, in tracing the shape of her body with his hands, he sought out the answers himself. Was this love? Or was this merely an attraction?

With every passing second, he grew more certain.

"Hmm... That doesn't sound too bad." Villam purred against her nape with a coy smile, stepping back as Ferreira sprung to her feet and turned to face him. In the span of seconds, things had gone from playful teasing to a palpable tension.

Ancients... Villam loved this tension, the way she looked at him, eyes alight with a dangerous cocktail of adoration and hunger. His hands reached to her hips, pulling her closer, closing that smidge of distance between them until their bodies touched.

"I feel as though I've seen that look before... only a night ago."

Vazia Ferreira
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Vazia Ferreira
Villam had a way of getting to the real her. To a place where she wasn't Vazia but she wasn't Aislynn either. And as he purred into her neck, gripped her hips, and pulled her towards him so their bodies were flush once more. Her entire body felt electric, and she sank into his touch. She knew his gaze of desire upon her was reflected in her own eyes.

"What are you going to do about it," Vazia murmured, her voice low. It was perhaps the first time she had made any truly snarky, flirtatious remark. Even as Aislynn, she was more sweet than sassy. But the void had indeed changed her.

Her arms were pressed against his chest, her fingers gripping the front of his shirt. This closeness, this intimacy with him... she loved it and did not mind if she spent all of today and tonight doing nothing but this.

Villam Regis
"What are you going to do about it?"

Spoken to anyone else, those words would have been a warning. A threat from a dangerous weapon. Towards Villam, they were an invitation from a woman he loved. It was too indulgent, he tried to convince himself, to remain holed up in his home, to revel in Vazia's love, breath and body for any longer than he already had. No, he should be working, being productive, serving his people as he had for his entire adult life.

But it was just as he told her; there was no people to serve today. All was at rest. The Guardians would not be summoned, the Tower would not be in peril, and the city was at peace after a night of outstanding revelry. The very words he'd used to tempt her now swung around and faced the other direction, ridding him of his inhibitions and reservations. If ever there was a day to indulge, to steal away with her and never face the light of day outside his front door, it was today.

It was her and him, alone and with no responsibilities. How could he be to blame for what was only natural?

No sooner had he settled the conflict in his head had he claimed her lips once more with a sound resembling a growl, a primal response to the challenge she'd laid out to him. HIs hands wandered, sliding down her loosely clothed body, snaking underneath to touch her just as he had the night before. Eventually he found her hips, lifting her up off of her feet and pushing her back onto the table, taking only a brief pause to carelessly sweep off whatever remained on it as he laid her onto her back.

The tiniest flirtation from the woman of void and he was addicted. He wanted more.

And he'd bring her all the bliss in the world to get it.

Vazia Ferreira
  • Melting
Reactions: Vazia Ferreira
Vazia was glad to see the effect her words had on him. There was a moment where he did nothing, but then with a sound that brought goose bumps to her skin his mouth crashed down on hers. She moved her hands up to the sides of his face as his hands found their way underneath the loose shirt she wore.

She smiled into his mouth as his hands returned to her hips and he lifted her onto the table. He pulled back briefly to brush off the remaining dishes on the table. Vazia did not care if they broke or made a mess- all that mattered right now was Villam's mouth and hands on her skin. She let him lay her back on the table, and keeping her hands on the sides of his face pulled him over her.

Their lips met once more and the rest of the house and the world around them faded away. She moved her arms around his shoulders, holding him close to her as they kissed. It was as if they had never stopped last night- the passion and the desperate need for each other was there again as if it had never left.

Villam Regis
Last night had been a sensuous cocktail of emotion and bliss-- A combination of the connection that Villam and Vazia had slowly formed over time, and the physical need for one another that they could no longer hope to deny. This was different. This morning, there was a hunger even beyond what they'd shared the dusk prior.

The Passion Guardian could not remember the laces on his outfit coming undone, but in the blink of an eye his flesh was pressed to hers, his lips drawing trails across the soft skin of her neck, and his hands reacquainting themselves with all of the alluring curves she'd shown him only hours ago.

It was raw, carnal and unbridled. If their union last night hadn't occured, it would have easily been the most intense experience of Regis' life. Even then it was a close second. Between the two of them, there was no void, no emptiness. Only when they joined together did he feel that which he'd been missing, all of it condensed and shaped into one woman.

The kitchen lie a mess around them, something he was certain to get more than a few stern looks from the servants for when they returned the next morning. Though it was likely they would assume it to be result of a temper flare, rather than the passionate throes of bliss that had truly torn it apart.

Vazia Ferreira
  • Melting
Reactions: Vazia Ferreira
It was both similar and different from what they had experienced together the night before. That last thing Vazia had had between her and Villam- her awful, disturbing past- had been removed from between them. He knew and held her all the tighter.

His clothes that she had worn briefly now lay in a pile on the kitchen floor with the clothes he had been wearing. His hands and mouth explored her body again. They were skin to skin, sharing breath and love as if it would all be taken away from them tomorrow.

Vazia's arms and legs were wrapped around Villam as he held her. She did not mind the hard table under her back, or the mess in the kitchen around them- Villam was good at distracting her. She soaked up every moment, soaked up Villam. There would be a special little place in her heart for moments like these with him.

Villam Regis