Private Tales See how the Fates Their Gifts Allot

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Finest Dancer and Courtesan in the Land
Character Biography
Hanoi seems to have made herself comfy in the Shallows and its tavern. She made some good money from all the dancing (and providing “companionship” to any willing customer that pays her well) she has done throughout her stay. Each new beating of the drum, she has been able to move to its new rhythm to the enjoyment of the tavern goers. A strong lass of many moons, continuing to stay strong though dance (and the elixirs she often frequents a shop for). It helped her survive this long on her own, an orphan without a home. Sleeping with other people, dancing each night without rest and near exhaustion with the hope for a bowl of stew and a warm bed (with a stranger) was better than being hungry and cold on the streets.

However, as good as her lot may be right now, she has become quite bored. She is a traveler, she can’t stay in one place. She is a free bird and must fly out of her cage. She decided tonight, here and now, that she should continue traveling the vast land. Right after sleeping with an adventurer, she needs the extra money for her travels.

The next morning, she wakes up in their bed. Collects her money for her services. And makes off, but not before getting some more of her elixirs from the small shop, thanking the herbalist for her services, and then she makes off to the city gates passing through the Shallows. Perhaps she might meet someone along the way, perhaps she should change her mind. The wind flows freely like herself, and wherever the wind blows, she goes.
