A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Emiliano grinned, a bit of roasted sweet potato clinging to his lip as he gave his companions a dumb and satisfied smile. "See," eyes narrowed with smug satisfaction. "He understands,"

Luce's eyes narrowed, seething. She stuck one finger out in the air, Emiliano so proud and busy stuffing his face, blind to the looming threat. She prod him with the digit, pressing down hard on a purpled spot along his arm.

It was a delayed torture. Enough to burn as the weight of the poke dug into swollen muscle and bruised skin. A cold agony pulsed through the boxer's flesh, it froze him mid bight. His eyes went wide, and he could feel the skin about his brows stretch back with shock.

Luce pulled back her single digit, lips wide and upturned with satisfaction.

A ghastly groan rasped out of Emi's throat as he doubled over in near silent torment.

"So, Dom," The old trainer Federico asked beneath his salt and pepper beard. His dark eyes still sharp beneath his heavy brow. "What's your team like?" he picked at a hunk of the roast, cut it into smaller pieces, and stabbed one little chunk with a fork before he popped it into his mouth, all proper like. He passed the food down. "They takin care of you?"

Dominic Valentino