Open Chronicles Riddles of the Fae beasts

A roleplay open for anyone to join


King of the beasts
Character Biography

An inviting tune of fae-folk often led many astray in the woods, but this time it seemed to congregate to the middle of an enchanted wood.
A meadow was where the singing had stopped into the most deafening silence to be unheard. In the centre of it was a large mossy glacial erratic upon which a small white unicorn, pristine as snow lay.
It was truly one of the rare fey creatures of legend rarely to be seen.

Yet why would it call out? And what did it hold between its forefeet that resonated with magic which was not its own?
Will it part with it?
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Urchin
Despite the pure, unadulterated innocence of this beautiful, enchanting, place, Urchin had entered the woods for a rather sinister reason. Deep in the forest, beneath the branches of the towering elm trees, grew a particular kind of mushroom with long, slender stems and a dark brown cap. While they might not look special, these mushrooms contained a powerful hallucinogenic that was becoming rather popular with the youth in the Shallows, and could be sold for 30 silver a pop! A nice, tidy profit for anybody who took the time to head that deep into the woods and ignored all the rumors of trolls and kobolts in the area.

In the middle of gathering his little treasure trove though, the lad was stopped in his tracks by the most beautiful singing he had ever heard in his life. What could it be? A few ideas ran through his mind as he started heading towards the sound, as if in a trance. Sirens? If it was sirens he should run for his life or risk a horrible death! ... But no, sirens lived in the ocean, and their songs couldn't be resisted even if you did recognize it. So, what else could it be? Dryads? Pixies? Elves? From what he understood, dryads were extremely shy creatures and would probably disappear back to their trees if they caught sight of him. Pixies were rather mischievous, and would probably toy with him for a few days before getting bored and letting him go. Forest elves were, from what he understood, the most graceful and beautiful creatures known to man, though they could be extremely territorial. There was no telling what they might do to the boy if they caught him trespassing in their forest. But the boy was just so enraptured by the music that he just couldn't help but continue.

What it found though was something far more magical, more incredible and more beautiful than anything he could've imagined. An honest to the Gods, unicorn! "Woah," Urchin whispered under his breath. He had heard all the tales of course, but never in his life did he think a low down nobody like himself would ever glimpse a creature so pure and so perfect! He just had to get a closer look!

As he took a step into the meadow though, the boy instantly noticed that the singing had stopped. Was it something he'd done? Had the unicorn seen him? Had he scared it? Not knowing what else to do, the lad extended his hand towards the creature, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together, the way he would if he were approaching any other wild animal. "'Ere horsey," his said gently, which was undoubtedly an extremely patronizing and insulting greeting to such a majestic beat. "Nice horsey. Pretty horsey. You're a beautiful horsey, yes you are. You 'ungry horsey?" he asked, envisioning the beautiful animal eating an apple out of his hand... Unfortunately, Urchin didn't have any apples. He did have one thing though! "'Ere horsey, I've got a nice, tasty mushroom for you," the boy offered, offering the creature one of the hallucinogenic treats he had picked earlier. "Num, num. Nice mushroom. Horsey want the mushroom? Come here boy, I ain't gonna 'urt ya."

A thought occurred to the boy just then. These mushrooms were worth 30 silver a piece... Eactly how much would a unicorn be worth? If he could somehow capture the beast and sell it... Sweet Gods above, he'd be rich! Rich beyond his wildest dreams! A man could live in luxury from the profits of selling a live unicorn! ... But it'd have to be to a nice person though. Somebody who'd take care of it and keep it as a pet. Not one of those nasty mages who'd chop the animal into pieces and sell it off for potions. The unicorn was far too lovely for that! If he could just gain the animal's trust... First, he had to get close enough to touch it. So Urchin was sure to move very, very slowly so as not to startle or scare the beast.
  • Bless
Reactions: Niðþern
The unicorn rose his head, perhaps at first a bit in confusion before smiling rather innocently at Urchin .

»I knew that mycelium, It's fruit a useful reward to the one who has been spreading it's seed far and wide. «
"Huh?" the lad muttered, freezing in his steps when he suddenly heard a voice. Looking around though, there was nobody nearby who could possibly have spoken. Eventually, his eyes fell on the unicorn once more and realized that it was looking directly at him. "W... Was that you?" he asked, completely dumbfounded. "You can talk?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Niðþern
The unicorn rose a brow as he eyed the kid shuffle around looking for a person simply not there.

»Truly, it is me who speaks, it is normal for m kind, « he nodded his head as a response to Urchin.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Urchin
"Oh..." Well, now he felt embarrassed, the boy slipped the mushroom back into his pocket and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh... Sorry about the whole horsey thing. I figured unicorns were just normal animals like cats an' dogs an' 'orses an' stuff. I didn't know you could talk proper like people an' that." Still unsure of how to behave in front of such a creature, Urchin continued to approach it slowly, as he had before. "That singin' before, was that you? I 'eard this real pretty singin' an' I followed it 'ere. Were that some kinda magic things ya did?"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Niðþern
The unicorn chuckled to lighten the mood. »Fret not, some horses may have a single horn, but rare are the true fey beasts like me.«
»That singing is of the faeries who serve this forest over which I cast my eye. Truly, beautiful is it?«

»You seem like a bright child, are you perhaps interested in a harmless game? «
»Fret not, some horses may have a single horn, but rare are the true fey beasts like me.«

"Really?" he asked, completely stunned by this knowledge. "Ya mean that ya get some unicorns what can talk and some what can't?" Wow, he was learning a lot about unicorns today. To think that some were beasts no different than your average horse, whereas others were highly intelligent creatures who could communicate through telepathy. Urchin wondered what exactly separated the two... And if there were some unicorns who could speak, did the same apply to other animals? All this knowledge was blowing his tiny little mind.

»That singing is of the faeries who serve this forest over which I cast my eye. Truly, beautiful is it?«

"Oh yeah," Urchin agreed happily. "It's real pretty! I 'ad no idea that all kinds o' magic stuff lived in this forest. I didn't see none of 'em faeries though. They must be real good at hidin'. Are they real tiny like in the pictures? Like butterflies an' stuff? Shit, I sure hope I didn't step on none of 'em," the lad thought to himself as he quickly glanced at the bottom of his feet... Nope. No squished fairies there.

»You seem like a bright child, are you perhaps interested in a harmless game? «

"I do?" he asked, surprised. Well, that was certainly nice to hear! It had been a long time since anybody had considered him bright. Though the compliment may have had some truth to it. A lot of people assumed that Urchin wasn't particularly intelligent due to his inability to read and write and the fact that he had little knowledge in history, geography or anything a child might learn in school. Still, he did have his own kind of intelligence that few people knew about. For one, he was incredibly deceptive. So deceptive that he painted a completely false picture of himself to absolutely everyone he met. Very few knew anything about his true identity. In fact, part of that deception was convincing people that he was less intelligent than he actually was, so as to avoid any suspicion. Having someone see through the act and suspect that there was a brighter side to him... Well, it was certainly refreshing. And intriguing. Exactly how much about him did the unicorn see? "Well, I do like games," he agreed eagerly. "What exactly did ya 'ave in mind?"
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Niðþern
» Faries come in all sizes and shapes, some so small they wear morning glories for skirts, others so big they tower over trees.~« Though he found it amusing as the human looked neath their feet. »Oh you'd never be able to hurt one like that, « he chuckled before he resumed with a proud proclamation
» A riddle, «

»But let's start with something easy, if you win, I will let you touch my mane. «
» Faries come in all sizes and shapes, some so small they wear morning glories for skirts, others so big they tower over trees.~«

"They what?" Urchin asked, completely dumbstruck and bewildered... Clearly he and the unicorn had different definitions for the words 'morning glory'. And now Urchin would never be able to see fairies the same way again.

» A riddle, «

»But let's start with something easy, if you win, I will let you touch my mane. «

"Oh!" the lad declared, intrigued. Considering his less than average intellect when it came to common knowledge, the boy was surprisingly good at riddles. Essentially, while the boy knew very little, he was rather good at thinking. "Yeah, I'm up for that!" he declared, extremely excited by the prospect of stroking the beautiful unicorn's mane. "And... Uh... What if I lose?"
» They are pleased to meet you, if not, slightly amused. «

"Really?" he asked happily. Urchin had always been fascinated by magical creatures of all kinds, so he was very happy to hear that the fairies liked him, even if he couldn't see them. "Please tell 'em I like 'em too an' their singin' is real pretty," he asked the unicorn. Hopefully, if he played his cards right and kept a sharp eye, he might spot a fairy before the day was over, as well as a unicorn.

» If you lose, I will have a lock of your hair. «

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm due fer a haircut anyway." Urchin never allowed his hair to grow too long, lest people start thinking he was a girl... Though what exactly a unicorn would do with a lock of his hair, he had no idea.
The unicorn nodded, though he supposed he didn't need to say in turn that the morning glories already knew.
Nature had ears everywhere.

»Then let us begin, « he announced.

»I am a little boy who owns no hat, the hat owns me, and when came a little breeze, it was not the hat I lost the hat lost me! What am I? «
  • Cheer
Reactions: Urchin
»I am a little boy who owns no hat, the hat owns me, and when came a little breeze, it was not the hat I lost the hat lost me! What am I? «

"Hmm..." Urchin mumbled as he pondered to himself. A boy who owns no hat, but the hat owns him... Well, clearly this was no literal hat. It had to be something that looked like a hat... Something like... The boy's hand casually went into his pocket and a thought struck him instantly... Like a mushroom! But not a mushroom, as it would take more than a little breeze to blow the top from a mushroom. Something like a mushroom. A plant. A plant with a top... A top that could be blown away on the breeze! "A dandelion?" he asked, hopefully.
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»Sadly, you are incorrect, I give you two more tries. Do you wish for additional information, a hint perhaps?« The unicorn pleasantly snickered.
»Sadly, you are incorrect, I give you two more tries. Do you wish for additional information, a hint perhaps?«

Damn! And he'd thought it was such a good guess too! "Hmm... No, I think I can get it," he insisted. The lad could be very stubborn at times and he really wanted to prove to the unicorn that he wasn't the dimwit that everybody else assumed him to be. "How about ya gimmie an 'int if I get it wrong the second guess?" he suggested. Clearly this riddle was more difficult than he had at first assumed.

With his first guess gone, he racked his brain for further answers. Perhaps he hadn't thought about the second part of the riddle carefully enough. 'It was not the hat I lost, the hat lost me.' ... So, it wasn't the top part of the object that was blown away on the breeze, but the bottom? A dandelion stem grew from the ground, so when the breeze carried away the seeds, it was the top of the plant that was carried away and the bottom left behind. He needed something where the bottom was blown away and the top remained. Something that grew downwards? No, something that grew from a tree. Like a a fruit or... A nut! "An acorn!" the lad announced proudly. "Acorn shells look like little hats!" he sure hoped he was right this time, or he would look rather stupid.
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  • Haha
Reactions: Niðþern
The unicorn was about to think of a suitable hint only a moment before Urchin said out loud and clearly.
"An acorn!"
» That is indeed correct, a little acorn owns not its 'hat' it wears, and when the wind blows, the ripe acorns fall, leaving their hats on the mighty oak!« The unicorn seemed to be more pleased that a correct answer was given rather than losing. Perhaps that wasn't entirely the point of the game? Letting people run blindly in circles for no rhyme or reason is fun only to sadists.

»Of course, our part of the deal. You may now pet my mane.«
  • Cheer
Reactions: Urchin
» That is indeed correct, a little acorn owns not its 'hat' it wears, and when the wind blows, the ripe acorns fall, leaving their hats on the mighty oak!«

"Yes!" Urchin declared excitedly, looking ever so proud of himself. Always nice to get an opportunity to prove that he wasn't an idiot.

Despite already being granted to offer to pet the unicorn's mane, he still approached it slowly. Worried that he might somehow spook it and scare it away. "Okay," Urchin said nervously as he timidly reached out his hand to pet the unicorn's mane... Awh! So fluffy! "Ya got real nice fur, Mr Unicorn," Urchin complimented the creature. "It's all soft an' shiny. Do the fairies groom ya?" he asked.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Niðþern
Of course, as agreed, the unicorn let him come near with little fuss. » Sometimes I let the fae folk part my mane with their little hands.«
Rare are people who are allowed to touch a unicorn.

» Would you be up for ... another game? «

Once the hand left the unicorn's mane, a single strand of glistening white hair remained entangled within his fingers.

Unicorn taglock.
This taglock offers a sympathetic link with the fey beast, offering the one who possesses it a share of good health and unicorn bliss as well as hope in dark times. It also offers one-time protection from evil's harm.

Magic, of course, is not eternal, in due time this taglock will be lost, forgotten or devoured by time itself at which point it will look no different from a coarse horsehair strand.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Urchin
» Would you be up for ... another game? «

"Yeah, please," the boy said eagerly. "I like these games. Can't believe I actually got ta touch a real life unicorn. Reckon this 'as gotta be a dream or summin'!" He didn't try to pinch himself though, just incase. If this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

When the lad pulled his hand away and a single glistening strand of unicorn hair came away with it, the lad held it up, admiring how the hair shined as the suns rays hit it. "Wow, it's so pretty," the boy said, enthralled. "Can I keep it?" he pleaded. Of course, he had absolutely no idea just how lucky this unicorn hair was. He just wanted to look at it.
  • Bless
Reactions: Niðþern
» It is your's now, « the unicorn calmly explained before warning him. » Let it not fall to evil hands.«

» As I see that you are smart, this riddle should be not much trouble... I stake an enchanted coin if you win.«
» Sun and water make trees grow taller, but me, they make me smaller. Who am I?«
  • Cheer
Reactions: Urchin
» It is your's now, « the unicorn calmly explained before warning him. » Let it not fall to evil hands.«

"Oh, wow!" the lad declared enthusiastically. "I won't, I swear, I'll keep it forever." Well, he'd probably show it to Charity... And Charity would probably try to talk him into selling it... But there was no way that Urchin would ever give up a treasure like this! No way! Absolutely not... Probably.

» Sun and water make trees grow taller, but me, they make me smaller. Who am I?«

"Fire!" Urchin declared straight away. "No wait... That can't be right. Water makes fire smaller, but I'm pretty sure that sun makes fire worse. Scratch that answer, I'm sure I can think of a better one."

For awhile, the lad pondered the riddle. Something that both water and sun made smaller... Sun made shadows smaller, but he was pretty sure that water had no effect on them. Water made salt and sugar dissolve, but he didn't think the sun had much effect. The sun made the ice melt, but if you poured water onto frozen ice, then the water would freeze and just make the ice thicker.

This was a tricky one. The boy racked his brain for answers but could think of nothing that both water and sun could shrink. Except... Clothes! There were certain types of clothes that shrank when you washed them with hot water! They could even shrink if you left them out in the sun for too long. But not all clothes. Only certain kinds of clothes, like... "Wool?" the lad asked hopefully. "Or... Was it cotton? Summin like that."
  • Love
Reactions: Niðþern
The unicorn gave a slightly victorious smile, »Two guesses are false, you have one more left. Alas while the wool was an interesting answer, it is but an incorrect one.«

»Before you mistake yourself a third time, I grant you a hint, « he proudly proclaimed.
»While water does make me smaller, it sometimes makes me whole again. «
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Urchin
»Two guesses are false, you have one more left. Alas while the wool was an interesting answer, it is but an incorrect one.«
Damn, now he'd gone and wasted two of his guesses. It was a shame. He really wanted that magic coin. Perhaps he was overthinking things a bit.

»Before you mistake yourself a third time, I grant you a hint, « he proudly proclaimed.
»While water does make me smaller, it sometimes makes me whole again. «

Hmm... Perhaps one of his previous thoughts had been correct after all. Cold water would make ice thicker, but hot water would melt it, just as the sun would. "Uh... Ice?" he asked hopefully.
  • Haha
Reactions: Niðþern
»Incorrect, it is stone, « the unicorn proclaimed before leaning his head down to explain the reason why.
»Water and sun slowly wear down the stone to dust, and water, as in rivers which deposit the dust into sedimentary stone.«
»It seems your lock of hair is now mine. «