Private Tales Raised Stakes & Braised Steaks

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Rhan Terrwyn

Character Biography
Raised Stakes & Braised Steaks



The Thirsty Dragon
Outer City, Alliria

The Thirsty Dragon was rather busy considering it was only afternoon, though this was normal for a Sunday. A lot of people had the day off and were enjoying it at the pub. Rhan had no idea what she had gotten herself into, however. Sat at a table with a motley looking group of individuals, she looked very much out of her comfort zone. She looked down at the pair of cards in her hand, a two and five of hearts, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. Clearly, she had been thinking with her stomach when she was invited to take part in a game involving stakes because these were not the kind of steaks she was thinking of. She glanced down at the person sat to her left and nudged him lightly with her elbow. He immediately hid his cards defensively. “Ewan,” she muttered out the corner of her mouth. “What am I supposed to do?”

Ewan shrugged. “Just watch what other people are doing and do as they do,” he replied dismissively.

“Okay,” Rhan sighed, placing a few gold coins on the table like the person to her right did. “Uh, call?”

Ewan nodded. “Call,” he said, also placing a few gold coins on the table.

Rhan’s brain worked furiously as she tried to make sense of what was going on. She didn’t know anyone other than Ewan, but she knew the other players were called Aaron, Peter and Bowen. This odd, almost ritualistic, game went on for a few more rounds. After the first round of bets, the dealer placed three cards face up on the table, a three of hearts, three of spades and a four of hearts. After the next round, he placed down an Ace of hearts. Rhan was beginning to feel anxious as she did not have a lot of gold with her and she was eager to see what was to become of the pile that amassed on the middle of the table. “Final bets,” the dealer said, placing down a six of hearts.

Rhan took a long swig of her ale and watched the others. “Raise,” said Aaron, a smug smirk playing across his face as he placed a bigger stack of coins on the table. “Call,” said Peter, placing the same amount. “Fold,” said Bowen, sighing as he placed his cards down.

“What the hell do I do now?” Rhan thought. She glanced at the man who raised. He seemed oddly satisfied with himself, so it seemed a good move to make. “Raise,” she said, placing another stack of coins on the table.

Bowen nudged her. “You’re supposed to put more coins down,” he said.
The others at the table laughed. Rhan blushed as she placed a couple of extra coins on top of her stack. “Fold,” Ewan said, dropping his cards. Aaron was still smirking. “Call,” he said, placing more coins on the table.

“Call,” said Bowen, doing the same.

Everyone looked at Rhan expectantly. “Uh, call,” she said, placing another stack of coins down. That was almost all she had.

“Showdown,” the dealer said.

Aaron placed his two cards face up. “Full House,” the dealer said.

Bowen put his cards on the table. “Four of a Kind,” the dealer said.

Rhan placed her cards down. “Straight Flush,” the dealer said, eyebrows arched in surprise. “Rhan wins.”

“Pah, beginner’s luck!” Aaron muttered, getting up and storming away from the table.

“Money’s yours, Rhan,” said the dealer.

Rhan beamed as she pulled the pile of coins towards her. “I can buy a whole lot of steaks with this!” she thought gleefully. Her stomach growled at the thought of eating a steak dinner this evening. “We playing some more?” she asked excitedly.

“I’ll pass,” said Peter, getting up and leaving.

“Maybe,” said Bowen. “If more people join in.”

“I’m in,” Ewan said.

“I’ll buy us a round,” Rhan said, finishing off her ale and gesturing for the bartender to bring over another four.


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