Fate - First Reply Praeterita Vulnera

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join

Eberis Shodo

Dr. Praetor
Character Biography
"A...fire? Why does....this concern me?" he asked the messenger, beaked mask peering eyelessly at the comparatively small man.
"Er, Mr. Shod-
Mr. Shodo, you are known to have healing experience."
they explained, nervously holding out a piece of paper. "Ugh...what is your name...sir?" Shodo replied, a bit exasperated. This was not exactly a corrupt curite, but he supposed something must be done. "Coriou, sir!" the messenger stated. Shodo rested a hand on the boy (it seemed, now looking at his face and body) 's shoulder, patting it. He didn't exactly know how to interact too much normally. His social interaction pretty much extended to his clients and that's about it.

"Thank you...for being...prompt." Shodo said, walking past. Upon reading the letter, he facepalmed. Obviously, "Coriou" had not been given exact information. The fire had been caused by a Curite's magic, one of a group Plaage liked to call Anarchists, ones who were born and raised in gild but developed anger against Regel as opposed to faith in him. This sometimes culminated in these rebels using magic, often without knowing how to control their powers. "I had planned to have a good day too, but...you deserve this." he sighed, envisioning their foe. Looking down to the paper once more, he would chuckle. Somebody else had to do the grunt work with them. Well, at least it's another chance to become better at this whole socializing thing, Shodo thought.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Regel. I will fix this problem in your name so no other might go through it." he said reverently. He always prayed at least once per day, and always, always gave thanks before he squished yet another bug.

Walking out of the barracks, Plaage would swing his double headed war axe a few times, getting used to the feel. He had to do this in order to feel sane, as pathetic as that was. Standing there, he would place the axe in a sheath on his back and take out a book small enough to palm. It was generally frowned upon to move out without your partners in a mission, and Dr. Shodo was nothing if not traditional. That is to say, he could wait all day if he managed to get engrossed in the novel he was currently enjoying.
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