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Bruscilla’s Botanical was one of the most if not the most well stocked herbal markets Alliria had to offer. Bruscilla herself was a druid in times past, wandering with a conclave for many years before she was domesticated by exotic wines and lavish living quarters via a scandalous relationship with a merchant prince. Being an elf she outlived his mere human lifespan long ago and had found a way to support herself as a gatherer and seller of herbs.
For Lorenzo she was the best chance of having the skill he needed for a long job. On the other hand, she was the most likely person to try to be bought off by his opponent. Ideally he would want her on board, but at minimum he needed her out of the way. He made his way to the desk and found himself greeted with a completely hairless dwarf covered in tattoos. Such sights were not necessarily common in Alliria, but frequent enough that Lorenzo had grown used to them. His skin was a filled canvas mixed with druidic symbols and dwarven writing. Lorenzo knew enough dwarvish to translate a few of his tattoos as “Mother Tree over Father Stone”, “Cold Iron, Warm Earth” and a few other such platitudes.
“Wha cannae do ye fer?” He greeted.
“I’m here to see Bruscilla.” Lorenzo responded.
“She’s busy. Cannae show ye a sample of our Spine collection?”
“I think she might be upset to learn she was unable to claim a gift of 350 Napier reserve.” Lorenzo responded. The dwarf looked him up and down.
“I’ll check to see if any of her time has opened up.” The dwarf said and left, going to a back room. Lorenzo was alone, in the sense of how alone he could be while loosely surrounded by healers, hobbyists, and other patrons of herbs and concoctions.
Aristeia Darke