Private Tales Plots and Poisons

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography

Bruscilla’s Botanical was one of the most if not the most well stocked herbal markets Alliria had to offer. Bruscilla herself was a druid in times past, wandering with a conclave for many years before she was domesticated by exotic wines and lavish living quarters via a scandalous relationship with a merchant prince. Being an elf she outlived his mere human lifespan long ago and had found a way to support herself as a gatherer and seller of herbs.

For Lorenzo she was the best chance of having the skill he needed for a long job. On the other hand, she was the most likely person to try to be bought off by his opponent. Ideally he would want her on board, but at minimum he needed her out of the way. He made his way to the desk and found himself greeted with a completely hairless dwarf covered in tattoos. Such sights were not necessarily common in Alliria, but frequent enough that Lorenzo had grown used to them. His skin was a filled canvas mixed with druidic symbols and dwarven writing. Lorenzo knew enough dwarvish to translate a few of his tattoos as “Mother Tree over Father Stone”, “Cold Iron, Warm Earth” and a few other such platitudes.

“Wha cannae do ye fer?” He greeted.

“I’m here to see Bruscilla.” Lorenzo responded.

“She’s busy. Cannae show ye a sample of our Spine collection?”

“I think she might be upset to learn she was unable to claim a gift of 350 Napier reserve.” Lorenzo responded. The dwarf looked him up and down.

“I’ll check to see if any of her time has opened up.” The dwarf said and left, going to a back room. Lorenzo was alone, in the sense of how alone he could be while loosely surrounded by healers, hobbyists, and other patrons of herbs and concoctions.

Aristeia Darke
"I am not interested in keeping a garden when I do not intend on staying in Alliria long enough to reap the benefits." The low, smooth voice could be heard from behind a curtain, the occasional clinking of glass to be heard. "Should my plans change, then you will know of it and can assist in that matter."

"Then what's your poison?"

Aristeia smiled lightly, her eyes crinkling just so in conjunction of a smile. "Oh, belladonna and oleander are my favourites. In fact, oleander is what I prefer large quantities of. The scent is lovely and sweet, meant to draw people in."

But Aristeia had never touched another unless her hand was gloved. Even around her loved ones, she would take the utmost care in that she did not harm them. Antidotes were at least easy to prepare and distribute should the worse happen... but no one had ever dared to tell Aristeia to stop wearing her poisons like armour.

"Like that flower you were telling me about. The Anver Lily?"

"Yes." She answered to Bruscilla, unfastening the stopper to a vial and giving the contents a light sniff.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lorenzo Vitale
While Lorenzo waited at the counter one Herbert Whiteflower, formerly known as Horvath Redstone, made his way through the back towards Bruscilla’s entertaining room. He didn’t know exactly who Burscilla’s guest was, but he knew she wasn’t from the cities normal menagerie. Which meant she was a very rich out of town client, or a fellow herbalist of no small amount of skill. Neither were discussions Herbert wanted to interrupt, but neither did he want to deny the lady a proper gift. The dwarf made his way to the door and froze. He looked at the tattoo on his left forearm, the first he’s gotten in Alliria. It was a simple flower, coming out of the stone road with a root system that just barely found the soil it needed to survive. Herbet would not fail Bruscilla, not after she pulled him out of the stone.

A knock went through the room, announcing Herbert’s presence to Bruscilla and Aristeia Darke . Bruscilla would politely stop conversation and call to come in. Herbert would enter swiftly but quietly.

“I must apologize for disturbing your guest Bruscilla, but there is a Lorenzo seeking an audience with you. He says he has come with a gift of 350 Napier Reserve.” Herbert said with a tone of utmost politeness. Aristiea would note changes in Bruscilla’s demeanor, first curiosity at the name Lorenzo, then a small grin at the mention of the wine, then a glance at Aristiea. Curious though Bruscilla was she would not allow an unwelcome interruption on her guest’s time.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Aristeia Darke
Aristeia held a small frown on her face, not recognising the wine but trusted the delight on Bruscila's expression that it was something worthy.

"Shall I interest you in a glass, Lady Darke?"

"No, thank you."

Bruscilla waved to the dwarven one, a distracted way to relay that this Lorenzo may enter the back room. "Shame. It is a famous region, you should try it one day when you like."

It was dimly lit, walls lined with shelves that houses bottles and vials, tins and glass vases. There were dried and pressed herbs and flowers, mortar and pestles about the various tables down the back, but in the middle of the spacious room were two sets of brown leather chairs that could seat up to three people.

On one side sat Bruscilla, the other Aristeia. The low table between them held a variety of fresh cuts, samples that Aristeia had tried. At first, her body had seemingly forgotten that it could ingest poisons, for the Lady Darke reacted in a way that took her back to the first moments she had began to inoculate herself to every poison.

Blood fell from her lips, coughing up what precious blood she had but cleared up by the time blood slowly fell in one track down her cheek like a falling tear. It left her pale skin pink with blotching, so troubled she was in those mere seconds before her body healed and remembered the sweet flavours she had do enjoyed.

Once Lorenzo joined them, he would see the blood on Aristeia, left there as if to show her body's strength. Upon seeing the new guest, Aristeia would recognise him, but not make the move to acknowledge him either. She was curious, having seen him twice now.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lorenzo Vitale
Herbert gave a dutiful nod as Druscilla dismissed him and left the pair as gracefully as a dwarf could muster. He soon found his way to the front, Lorenzo right where he left him.

“You’re in luck. Bruscilla and her guest have graciously allowed you to join their meeting. With me then.” The dwarf said before waving a hand for Lorenzo to follow. Lorenzo raised an eyebrow, but followed promptly. While the path or Bruscilla’s entertaining room was filled with exotic materials, and even captured myths, it was nothing Lorenzo had not seen before. The extraction process for basilisk venom was intriguing the first time it was seen, but lost its charm eventually. Nor was Lorenzo particularly surprised that Bruscilla was already entertaining another guest. What was surprising was that she allowed another without dismissing the first. He was curious, as the lack of information was a distinct disadvantage for him. Yet he also knew the Dwarf was either unaware of the details of the meeting, or sword to secrecy. More likely the former in truth, for otherwise he would not have manned the desk. So Lorenzo kept quiet until the Dwarf presented him with the door.

Lorenzo arrived in time to see @Aristiea Darke coughing up blood and yet recovering and seemingly enjoying whatever had caused the mess. He recognized the girl, but where? Pagiano’s day! She appeared arm candy fir Zeevir at first glance, yet here she was. Representing him? No, Bruscilla wouldn’t have done such a thing to an emissary of his, and Zeevir wasn’t the type to be so involved as to hire an advisor with such a taste.

“Shall I pour one glass or two?” Lorenzo asked Bruscilla as thoughts whirred in his mind. The girl was now far more interesting than she has been a few days ago.

“Just one for now.” Bruscilla responded, apparently not giving up on sharing the experience just yet. Lorenzo poured the glass and thought of the intimacy of the scene. Was the girl an heir apparent? Unlikely, he’d have heard of her before Pagiano’s day, especially with that frame. Perhaps just a traveler then, intriguing and talented enough to catch Bruscilla’s eye. Lorenzo laid the glass down next to Bruscilla on the table, but did not sit.

“I’ve a commission that requires your expertise.” Lorenzo said, and pulled an envelope from his coat before handing it to the elf.

“Please Lorenzo, all business and no pleasure makes you seem duller than you are. Have a seat.” Bruscilla forced Lorenzo’s hand. He chose the leather couch occupied by Aristiea and sat. He noticed a wry expression of a brow from Bruscilla as she teared through the envelope.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Aristeia Darke
Aristeia turned her gaze to Lorenzo but said nothing to greet him with. There was something piercing about her gaze, as if the elegance she held herself with was merely a mask to something more sinister beneath. Nothing gave away that she was capable of such things, but the Lady stared all the same.

Bruscilla even caught Aristeia, chuckling to herself before continuing reading the letter Lorenzo had for her.

"Do you often precede favours with a gift, Lorenzo?"

She reached forward to the low table before her, taking a linen napkin and using it to blot at her blood stained cheek and blot at her lips. The blood left remnants of pale red, almost as if she wore rouge that day. "Rather bold, if I must say. You must be confident in your gifting skills that it would turn the tides into your favour."
Lorenzo glanced over at the woman cleaning her blood off her face. A definite foreigner.

"I've been trading Bruscilla rare bottles for consultation for the last . . . is it five decades now? Or would you say six?" Lorenzo pushed the conversation to Bruscilla.

"I'd actually prefer not to say, if it's all the same." Bruscilla replied. Lorenzo let out a laugh.

"And here I thought elves cared little for such things."
Lorenzo responded. Bruscilla looked pensively over the letter he presented, then took a sip of her wine. Then another. And a third.

"I admire your ambition Lorenzo, but I'm afraid I can't help you. What you're looking for is beyond the skill most can achieve. It's certainly beyond the materials I have at the moment. It is possible, but requires far more work than I can afford to give at present."

"A shame."
Lorenzo replied. "Are any of your understudies capable?"

"Krezler perhaps, if he hadn't challenged Tybalta to a duel seven years ago and opened his heart." There was venom in her voice, a pain at a loss that shouldn't have been.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Aristeia Darke