LFG Plant Duo Looking for Friends



Hello ones of flesh and of bone! The Mycolyp is sending their trusted speaker, Caelia, to the Spine along with an acquired ally, Strangling Fig going by the name of This-One (Banshi). The purpose of this endeavor is to meet those of flesh and bone in the hopes of being able to exchange words. We understand that a sentient fungus-infested human and a sentient tree may be a tad bit odd and perhaps even a bit threatening, but I do assure you that we only wish to ensure the safety of our home from those that might do it harm. If that includes you, we still wouldn't mind meeting you, although a more combative interaction might be in order. Also, if you wish to become an Overgrown of the Mycolyp and gain some cool plant powers as well as an awesome new look with the slight change of being a part of a larger community of fungus, then come on down as well!

Orcs, Humans, Dwarves, friends, enemies, and everything in between, within the Spine are welcome to the thread right here: https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-garden-that-was-once-a-town.674/#post-13623
If you have a question or want some clarification on the thread, just ask.