Roleplay OOC Peace of the Grave (Taagi Baara Steppes)

So, seeing as how I'm a newcomer to this site and I'd like to get my feet wet, I would like to start my first ever thread in the Ixmus Graveyard for some undead slaying. I'm a very flexible RP-er and I'm more than willing to bounce ideas off my coplayers. The basic premise behind this thread is quite simple: A necromancer is attempting to make use of the graveyard's power to build himself an army of the living dead and my character, a Paladin is going to stop him. It is that simple. As I said, I'm more than willing to incorporate ideas offered to spice things up along the way.

Want to play an associate of this baddie? You can do it.

Want to be a pal and assist my pally? You got it.

The only thing I request is that there not be a "random schlub just happens to stumble on the conflict because they were passing through" - so, let's not have them there by happenstance. If your character is at the graveyard, then let's have them be there for a reason.

Looking forward to working with you!