Fable - Ask Past Curfew

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
(For those who associate as nobles, dreadlords, initiates, or other ties to Vel Anir. Slice of life thread).

Her brother, Alistair Krixus, was away. Natasha had just gone to bed and so had the housekeeper. Still, the tween held her breath and counted down from ten, straining her ears for any creaks outside her closed bedroom door for any telltale signs that someone in the house was still awake.

She was met with silence.

A triumphant feeling began to spread in her chest as she threw off her covers, dressed to go out for the night instead of in pajamas. After a few minutes of stuffing down some pillows to make it look like she was sleeping (on the unlikely chance someone would check on her) she dashed to the window of what had been her room for the past year. The once bare walls now bursting with doodles, bright colors of paint, and other designs. She'd been working on a counter to the runes she knew her brother kept on the doors and walls to alert him of intruders. She figured out a way, she hoped, to temporarily turn that off with one of her own designs. Just long enough for her to slip free of the house undetected and to hopefully get back in when she came back.

Not that she was REALLY worried.

He was gone.

And she'd never been a rule follower.

A few moments later, her booted feet touched down on the brick roadway outside their house. That earlier triumphant feeling was near dizzying as it spread and she took in big lungful of air. A pocket-sized creature that looked between a cat and a dragon with bright paint colors peeked its head out of the dark hood of her jacket as she began scurrying down the dark streets.

"See that Splat? Easy-peasy just like I said. I hope we get there before they close."
"... season just ended, but it is always important to be seen around Vel Anir so you are not forgotten..."

Arcadia withdrew her gaze from the window to the carriage and fixated a narrowed gaze her lady maid's way. Belle paid no attention to her, and had kept up her incessant chatter that was hard for the Lady to drain out the other ear.

She growled with exasperation. "Please. It is late. This talk can happen tomorrow when the sun is up and I am not regretting bringing you along." Arcadia raised a brow, looking to her maid. Belle had the decency to remember her place, to pale and redden, embarrassed to have been caught rambling as she had been.

"Apologies..." She said in a small voice.

Cady wondered why she kept quiet all day, and in rare instances would speak her mind like so, as if Arcadia was an old friend and not her employer. The Lady sighed and knocked on the roof of the carriage to signal they come to a stop. She exited, turned around and held up a hand to her maid. "No, no. I require peace and quiet. Besides, I will meet you at the flat."

Arcadia could breathe finally as the carriage turned around a corner further down the street, and began to walk the same way.

Her father did not trust his only daughter and heir, and oftentimes Cady expected Belle was there to report all things to her father.
  • Bless
Reactions: Mariana
Was Vel Anir a city that never slept?

Though at a late hour, the streets weren't exactly empty. They were humming with firelight and some other magical means. It was enough to make Mariana forget any consequences her brother would bestow upon her if he ever found out.

He'd never find out.

Up ahead, an auburn haired woman got out of a carriage. And at the corner was a fiddle player who'd gathered a small crowd. There were also food vendors near by with smells of salted and roasted meat filling the air. Mariana's stomach growled in response. Always hungry. The house maid always teased that she'd eat them beyond what their coffers could pay for. Perhaps it was a side effect of the magic she used but she was always hungry.

Dark-haired head turned and she made a beeline for that meat vendor.
  • Smug
Reactions: Arcadia
Arcadia always built an appetite when she was particularly annoyed, and the tantalising scent of marinated meats had lured the Lady to the stall.

She had been offered a seat and a table, in which Arcadia believed her nice dress and her immaculate posture had clued the vendor of her status. "This, this is really good!" She remarked as soon as her mouth was clear of food.

The meat simply melted in her mouth, slathered in a sweet and tangy sauce that paired well with the saffron rice she was also served. The vendor was from Vel Lameus, famous for their cuisine, and had come to Vel Anir in hopes of opening a restaurant here to bring Lameus flavours to the capital.

"It is a good thing I chanced upon your stall, for I know the son of a banker that could help you with a loan." The noble lady conversed as another approached the vendor.
  • Sip
Reactions: Mariana
“But you have to add hot sauce to make it really good,” the teenager supplied to the woman in that nice dress. Giving her own kebab one
more slathering, she offered the small bottle capped with a skull to the stranger. The other woman would see that her arm was inked in various tattoos from oddly shaped runes to weapons and other tools, shapes, and some brightly colored butterflies.

She plopped down across from the woman who reminded her of other nobles she saw at parties that Alistair dragged her to. The vendor who’d been talking with her about boring stuff like money turned his attention to the other patrons in line.

If Arcadia was the image of grace and poise, Mariana was the opposite. She slouched and had a very relaxed posture. And practically scarfed down the snack.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Arcadia
Arcadia regarded the younger woman with intrigue, a smile stretching across her lips. "I must say, you do make a compelling argument there. I am intrigued." The vendor grinned, no doubt used to the girl's habit of spicing up her meal.

The Lady cleared her throat, sat straight in her chair, and reached for the bottle. "A sample..." She lightly dashed some over the meat, then prepared herself a small mouthful to taste. There was an explosion of flavour, a heat she was unused to, but the girl had been right in terms of it tasting really good.

"Mm!" Arcadia exclaimed with wide eyes, delight brightening in them. "Remarkable! And that burn on my tongue, awful but oddly worth it for that taste."
  • Yay
Reactions: Mariana

Mariana beamed. And continued to chew and wolf down her food. Eating quickly as if the food would disappear any moment. Growing up as a street urchin and snatching food when she could get it left some habits unchanged. Much to Alistair's annoyance, especially when it came to etiquette.

"I'm Marianna," she said between a mouthful of food. "I'm actually from Vel Lameus," Thumb hooked over her shoulder. "Where they're from. Oh man, sometimes I really miss the food."

Even if it was found at the bottom of a waste bin some times.
  • Bless
Reactions: Arcadia
"Mariana..." A pleasant smile spread at her lips, and Arcadia cleared her throat and held her hand out to the girl to make proper introductions. "I am Arcadia Argante, from Vel Redynne." Not many would know about Redynne, but perhaps they would know of the annual festivities that see the city lit up and made to be the place one should visit. The masquerade allowed all guests to attend without worry, and highlights the history and sights of the ancient city.

"I adore Vel Lameus. Our cook hails from there too, and my goodness, what a treat it is to have such a city that produces a quality that makes the region famous." Small talk was not a fuss to Arcadia, who in fact grew up finessing such a feat in order to be seen sociable amongst society.
  • Aww
Reactions: Mariana
"Vel Redynne, I think I've heard my brother talk about that place but I've never been." Finishing off the kabab she sat back with a happy look on her face. Then a small burp with a delayed.

"Oh, excuse me. I've been told that's rude."


Leaning forward, the young teen looked at Arcadia, an idea presenting itself. "So, I'm on my way to this new tattoo shop. Wanna come with me?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Arcadia
Arcadia's face settled into a passive expression, steeling herself from the lack of manners the girl showed.

She delicately set aside the cutlery she had been using to eat, her meal now finished, and as she began to dab at her mouth to ensure it was clean, the girl asked if there was interest to follow her to a tattoo parlour.

"Forgive me for asking, but... how old are you? Is it not late for you?" Did she have a home to return to? Arcadia was doing her best to remain polite now, but her dear friends would know that the Lady liked to keep to keeping up expectations, manners especially. She was a woman in society, and would behave accordingly.
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Mariana
The young girl looked at the demure lady with nothing shy of confusion. She'd just asked her to go get some tattoos. And she was being asked her age?!

Mariana puffed up her chest, hands going on her hips. A small indignant sniff and upward tilt of her chin.

"Old enough."

A glance around.

"Isn't it late for a LADY of Vel Anir to be out, too?" A small quirk of her brow in challenge at the other girl then a casual shrug. "Anyway, Violet's shop is my favorite. She has the best pigments in town." Standing from the bench, she turned to leave. "But if you're too scared, that's okay."
Cady donned a pleasant expression.

"Perhaps, but I found my lady's maid insufferable stuck with her in the carriage."

But it seemed the challenge was enough to pique Arcadia's interest. She leveled the girl with a sly smile, her eyes brightening with intrigue. "I served in the Guard and seen things. I would not scare easily!"

She stood up, her seat moving outwards behind her and the lady tucked it back into the table. Her brow angled into a rise, a soft spoken challenge back to the girl. "Then let us go visit this Violet. Cannot have you wandering the streets all alone. Although I do not know what your parents would think about... no, never mind."
  • Smug
Reactions: Mariana
Arcadia would miss the smug smile that twined around her lips as her back was to the Lady and she stood to join her, hearing her chair scrape away from her many skirts. Mariana was already up, hands stuffed into the pockets of her jacket. A glance over her shoulder as she slowed her pace enough for the woman to join her.

A small flicker of something like hurt crossed her Krixus blue eyes. Mouth puckered like eating a sour slice of lemon before smoothing out. She didn't have parents to worry about her, of course. And missing her mother was like carrying a shard of glass in her pocket. It was always there. Sometimes the edges were smoothed out and other times it pricked with a honed jaggedness.

Arcadia bringing up the mention of parents was a sharp, sudden prick.

One, Mariana swallowed roughly down.

"I'm not alone," Mariana forced a smile. "I have you and I have Splat." With a bump of her slender shoulder, that cat-dragon poked its brightly colored head out from her hood and blinked its jeweled eyes at the lady.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Arcadia
How had she not seen that thing hiding beneath the hood?

"Curious little creature!" It's small size was enough to have Arcadia softening at it. The name was an interesting one, but she had called the family hunting dogs all sorts of names at a younger age too.

Although Cady liked to think she was still young, her experience in the guard had helped her be confident to go alone in these hours anywhere. Of course, she was not a Dreadlord, nor could she do anything against magic that could incapacitate her, but Arcadia had the fortunate ability of using her sharp tongue to make others not underestimate her.

"Well, it seems I will be spending more time in your presence, I may as well introduce myself. Arcadia Argante of Vel Redynne."
  • Bless
Reactions: Mariana
Splat curled happily around Mariana's neck, one eye kept open on Arcadia, slowly becoming half-lidded. Reaching up, the painter scratched his cheek looking at Arcadia. "Oh, my brother would have a foul temper if I didn't remember something about your family's history or name."

Mariana looked ahead as they turned a street corner.

"Let's see. Aren't you all close with the royal family? Is it true that Wil gets drunk every night? Oh! Are you promised to any of them?"

Dark brows waggled as they continued down the darkened streets.
  • Derp
Reactions: Arcadia
Arcadia's brows rose, wondering just whom her brother could be to have such an expectation on his sister to learn the connections of every noble house in Aniria. "Admirable, and quite practical to know the lay of the land in such a way."

But the girl prattled on about the royal family, in particular the young prince. Arcadia's lips curled upwards. "My father has the close friendships with the King and Queen, and I alas, have rarely dined with the royal household as he has. Of course, I know them each and all, but when my father tends to his social life, I tend to the family estate matters he neglects."

She gave the girl a sidelong glance. "No, I am not promised to anyone. That would mean my father actually cared about the succession of the lands and title of our family, but perhaps once I am too old to marry off, he would stick me with one of the Dorfarens. That is an old and historic house native to Vel Redynne."
  • Bless
Reactions: Mariana
"Well, I hope my brother never does that to me," she declared as only a young girl could. "Boys are gross, anyway." Nose stuck up in the air as she harumphed. Splat's reptilian tongue flicked through the air.

Then a moment a realization as if it was the next logical thing to ask.

"But what do you want to do? If you didn't have to marry anyone or serve your father?"

People were singing loudly outside a pub they approached.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Arcadia
Arcadia held her head high, ignoring the commotion and festivities pouring out from the pub. Lady Argante took a moment to respond, feeling as if this were truly the first time she needed to answer such a question, but in fact, she had been asked so many times, she wondered where to start.

"I want to make Vel Redynne remain protected. If that means making alliances across Vel Anir, or even being seen in social circles of the nobles and elite, then that is what I must do. Due to the proximity of the ancient city to the war, we are seeing history repeat itself as the lands between Redynne and Vel Vara are camped with military numbers and encampments. The Redynnes have their own ancestral magic, and so few in the last few generations manifested. They are called Sealing Smiths, much like runes, and without the strongest Smith in a century, I fear for my home."

Arcadia had always told everyone else that seemed to ask that she only wished to lead her minor noble house and settle with a nice husband and bear children. It often satisfied them enough to never bother asking her again.

But with this young Anirian? Arcadia felt compelled to show strength and dedication.

"Are you of noble standing? Forgive me, you never quite introduced yourself..."
  • Yay
Reactions: Mariana
"That's really noble of you," the young girl gave the other woman a thoughtful look. "Selfless." She breathed, not really sure what it felt like to think of protecting a people over oneself. Perhaps that's how she felt about Alistair and her new family. Even though she was still getting used to the idea of having a family again.

"Oh. Well." she gave a cautious glance around as if the shadows had eyes. Her voice a whisper. "I'm Mariana Krixus. Alistair is my brother and he's an expert at rune magic...not sure if you've heard of him? In fact, if I introduced you two he might be able to answer any questions you have about rune magic."

Hand came up and sheepishly rubbed her own arm.

"But you have to SWEAR you won't tell him about how we met. He doesn't really like me going out on my own this late and all." She paused in the street long enough to face off with Arcadia. Looking as serious as a young tween could.
  • Aww
Reactions: Arcadia
"I'm Mariana Krixus. Alistair is my brother and..."

Her eyes widened, staring at the girl intently. Goodness, how did she not see it before? It was all obvious the more she looked at the girl and spotted all that distinguished the Krixus' of Vel Anir. Indeed, Arcadia had heard of him, had even met him briefly at whatever investment she had made to get her minor noble house in the history books beyond the lands of her home city.

"Oh, we can tell him we met at some social party. I attend every one I could whilst in Vel Anir. Although, now that I have said it, I now have the feeling you do not attend those often at your age..." For she did not look old enough to be paraded around for the marriage mart. "Sneaking out, getting inked upon your flesh..." Arcadia smiled, clicking her tongue in light chastisement. "I believe you actually give your brother grief. It would be entertaining to see his face after he sees whatever new addition you get tonight."

Reckless. Arcadia could not afford to do such things, but there was something about hearing the younger girl go her own way in this world of noble and manners. A breath of air that meant to bring life back into the lungs, and Arcadia would daresay she was beginning to enjoy this evening stroll.
  • Aww
Reactions: Mariana
"I go to some parties," she muttered. Then her face brightened, an earnestness in her voice as she looked at Arcadia. "I went to one at the palace with the royals and they had the best wine. I rather like wine, actually."

She beamed and looked innocent, like a rascal, and smug all at once.

Splat curved its bright bird-like dragon tail around her neck.

"Anyway, we're almost there," Mariana pointed up ahead at a sign swinging in the street. Everlasting Ink was in a cursive, inky script. "And who said he'll ever see what I get? You sure you don't want anything? No one would have to knooooooooooow."

Mariana began skipping the last few steps to the tattoo parlor and swung open the door for her lady friend.

She imaged if Al saw Arcadia, he would want her to be the kind of lady she was.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Arcadia
"At present, I must decline the offer. I hear such decisions are to be made with a clear head, and goodness knows I am not at all trustworthy of my thoughts..." Arcadia sighed, stopping herself from pinching the bridge of her nose and instead running a hand through her auburn locks that fell over her shoulder. "Now, let us cease speaking of your brother. I fear he may be summoned if we speak of him or anyone else responsible for you."

But Arcadia stepped through to the parlour, taking in the interiors with a look of apprehension.

It was dimly lit, making Arcadia all too aware of the hour it was in the evening, but upon clearing her throat, she looked to the young Mariana. "Shall you be quick, then?"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Mariana
Yeah and knowin gher brother, he probably had runes and 'eyes' all over this city as it was. For a moment, Mariana squinted into the darkness at a wall across the street. It wasn't like she saw anything but...eh. Splat rubbed his feathery-inky body against her ear and brought Mariana's gaze back to Arcadia.

Eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she saw her reaction to the interior of the parlor. Mariana doubted she'd ever get the lady in a shop like this again.

"I promise," she took up Arcadia's hand and lead her deeper into the establishment. There were a few others sitting in chairs with little partitions separating them. Artists sat over them surrounded by various needs and so many different pigments of ink.

"If you get squeamish you can sit there," Mariana pointed to a dark green settee. Then turned as a wiry-looking man came to greet her. He had a gold tooth and bright red hair with a handlebar moustache.

"Mariana, back so soon?"

"Yeah and this is my friend Cadi. She's not getting ink, Harold. Just checking things out."

His eyes briefly ran over Cadi, one rusty brow arching before he turned back to Mariana. "C'mon. Right here. What are we doing this time?"

Mariana took off her jacket, revealing her arms that were inked with various tattoos already. She pointed to an open spot on the underside of her wrist. "I would like a wasp and a bee. Right here." She took a seat in the chair she'd been in more than a few times before.

"Oh," Harold took her wrist gently, studying the skin before cleaning it. "For some reason I thought we'd already put something like that there."

Mariana gave a nervous smile. "Probably thinking of another spot."

Harold shrugged, letting the moment go as he got to work.

"See? Not that bad," she called over to Cadi.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Arcadia