Private Tales Out of Nowhere

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Myrcella Bochanan

Eldest daughter of House Bochanan
Character Biography
Myrcella was not a happy camper. Ever since Gwendolyn Bochanan had informed her that her Father had married her off in his will, she was just beside herself. It wasn't long ago that Myrcella had gotten her Mother's permission to marry Titus Phane once he had gained knighthood, lands and title. But now? Now she was sworn to duty and just accept it.

As fates would have it, her bethrothed had arrived to the Bochanan Estate on the very day that her Mother had gone through the will. Richard Henry the Eighth was his name. Sure he seemed nice and all, but this was so not fair!! Didn't he have his own plans for marriage that didn't involve her? Couldn't they just both say no?

The answer to that was simple. They couldn't. The politics of nobility and tradition wouldn't allow it.

Myrcella stood at the top of one of the landings in the Estate, her arms folded on top. Her chin was rested on them as she just puzzled over the situation and what to do about it. And that was when she spotted Richard down below. Was she to be bothered if he saw her sulking? No, not really. Surely he understood the shock that she was in. Maybe he felt the same way as her.
Richard was in a daze, it happened so fast first he was with the Bochanan family in their mourning for Lord Rorric: The head of the family. It was a typical funeral: Sad, dreary with family, friends, and servants giving their last goodbye to Rorric. Richard remained respectful during his stay at the manor. The Knight originally was supposed to stay for a few days to rest after a long journey through The Spine but he decided to stay and possibly lighten the family's spirits. Richard got out his Lute and began to sing: The Ousting of the Giants: A song of the fall of the Giant Kingdom in their war against the Monster Hunters during the Age of Urogosh.

The tone and lyrics were fitting for the atmosphere of the place, the crowd was appreciative and Myrcella sat next to Richard and wept on his shoulder while he played the song. Richard remembered Mycella saying that it was a beautiful yet sorrowful song and joked that he should be her singer. Richard joked back that she'll have to start paying him which made the two laugh. Mycella and Richard became close during his time here but Richard only got the sense that they were just friends. He didn't mind though, Mycella was a lovely girl but he wanted to look for a girl that was the right fit for him and Mycella wasn't it.

After the funeral, Richard was ready to mount his Horse and gallop far away from Cintra, however, Lady Bochanan read Rorric's will. The moment that she read that Myrcella was to marry Richard to unite the Henries and the Bochanan Houses the entire hall became silent. Richard's blood ran cold and he stared at the Lady saying that it must have been a mistake and that she misread. Gwendolyn insisted that it was what her husband wrote. All eyes descended upon Richard while marched towards the dais and read the letter himself. Richard's hands were trembling as though they were about fall off of his wrists it can't be possible! Rorric and his father made a secret marriage pact with each other?! Was Myrcella the one his father was talking about all those years?

Richard shut his eyes and tried to remember what his father said the day he ran off. It was so long ago and something Richard tried so hard to forget but it was hard to do so with every Cintran noble staring at the Elbion Knight. Now here he is wandering along the gardens racking his brains on the situation. He'd always expected to marry someone in Elbion to maintain relationships after all the Kingdom thrives on business or even someone from Vel Anir in an attempt to make peace with the war-hungry Kingdom. This was shocking, to say the least, his father making a marriage pact with an unknown Kingdom with an unknown family. Why?

It was then Richard looked up and saw Myrcella staring at him. He cursed at himself, he was so absorbed with his problems he didn't bother to know what his bride to be thought of all this. "Come down Myrcella," Richard said trying and failing smile. "Let's talk about what happened."
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Myrcella stared at Richard Henry the Eighth for a moment after he asked her to come down. She didn't move just yet. Now she had to look at the man differently. Before he was an outsider, a new friend that could play beautiful music and sing. She hadn't heard a man sing before, at least not like that. But now? Now she had to figure a way out of this mess.

With a reluctant air she straightened herself and made her way down the stairs to her betrothed. Now the term 'ball and chain' made some sort of sense.

She clasped her hands in front of her as she neared him. "Alright. I'm here. As you can probably guess, I'm not entirely thrilled with what my Father has done. Don't you feel the same?"
Richard chuckled at the Mycellas response, the obvious answer was of course he wasn’t thrilled! To say he was displeased would be an understatement. Richard was incensed, irate even that his father would keep this a secret from him. Richards siblings wondered who was the woman whom their father set up for him to marry. Richard didn’t care and didn’t want comply with his father’s demands so he left. His sister wrote to Richard saying that his father did not reveal his fiancé yet.

Which was fine and dandy, Richard had no intention in marrying anyone his father set up for. Of course the Gods has other plans for Richard as the place he was supposed to rest in was the house of his bride! “The Gods have a cruel sense of humor,” he thought.

“I’m shocked to say the least,” Richard said. “My father never told me who I was going to marry, well I didn’t bother finding out since I set off to explore Aerithel but I find it strange he would marry me off to a Kingdom that is not that well known. No offense Mycella.”

Richards father wasn’t known for being this surprising. It actually startled Richard a bit. Why was he married off to Mycella? What was the aim?
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Myrcella lightly shrugged her shoulders. "No offence taken. I just...always thought that I'd be allowed a love match. I mean, surely if my Father had this planned for a long time, then he'd of told me?" Or perhaps he wanted her to grow up a little first. Or maybe he just couldn't part from her.

She furrowed her brows as she looked up at Richard Henry the Eighth , pondering on the very same thoughts that he had. Why would they be matched together? Was it to somehow join one Kingdom to another? Did it have to do with some up and coming war? What history was there between the two families, if at all?

"Maybe our Fathers wanted us to see the world more? One of us would have to move, afterall..." And more often than not, that person was usually the new bride. But it just wasn't faur! If she were to move, then it was a good chance that she'd never see Titus again.

"What if we both refused our Fathers' wishes? Is that within our rights to do so?" Myrcella certainly hoped that it was.
Mycella may think of her self as a confident woman but she is dreadfully naive to the political machinations of the nobility. With people like Richard and Mycella, they aren’t paired out of love but political gain. Marriages are just chess pieces moving around in the game of thrones. “You are a noble Mycella,” Richard responded. “Meaning you are a chess piece in a grand game and in that grand game you either win or get set aside you can’t wrong make wrong moves.”

Richard then got a little closer to Mycella. “In the world of politics one must steel themselves and keep secrets from one another,” he explained. “That usually means secret alliances. It’s a common occurrence among us nobles: the scheming and the backstabbing.”

Richard gave Mycella a brief look. “Secret marriage pacts.” He said. “Sadly that means you’ll have to move with my family in Elbion. Father always wanted to get me a castle so I can rule with my future wife. I’m sure he’s planning campaign to dethrone a family who’s becoming a bit unruly.”

Once again Mycella has shown her navite. In a way Richard admired her innocence. To have a carefree childhood was something Richard wished he had instead training to become a knight to fight in wars that his father stared. However real life slaps you in the face and you realize you have a duty to your family. Richard tried to escape his but Mycella could not.

“Maybe if both of our fathers are dead and in the dirt,” Richard replied. “But my father is alive and well and he formed this alliance for a reason. I might as well write to him and tell him that I met my bride to be.”

He then looked at her sadly. “It seems that we both have to honor this arrangement,” he said with a tone of bitterness. “As mentioned before that means leaving your family to join mine.”
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Myrcella shifted her weight on her feet while unclasping her hands from the front and moving them in behind her. So she was a chess piece, was she? What was the overall game? That was something that both Richard Henry the Eighth and herself needed to discover.

The sooner the better.

She watched him as he approached, speaking of secrets, schemes and backstabbing. Was he giving her ideas? Or just explaining how things in the outside world were? It could very well be both.

Her jaw visibly clenched as he told her that she'd have to move with him to Elbion. Castle or no castle, the Bochanan Estate was her home. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Even in her plans with Titus, they spoke of living close by. But Elbion wasn't close by. Not at all.

Richard hinted at a suggestion of his own Father dying so that they'd both be free from this arrangement. But from the sounds of it, his Father was a very strong and capable man. Such a thing would be very difficult to accomplish.

"I'm not ready. I don't want to leave for a while. It's too soon. My Mother needs me." Of course Myrcella left out mentioning her siblings. Why not make it so that it seemed as though she alone was needed to console her mother during her grief?

At least she was lucky in that Richard wasn't an old man. Her Father had spared her that bad fate at least. But still, it just wasn't fair.

"Do you have to write your Father right away? Couldn't you wait a few years?" Myrcella looked up at him with a bit of a smile. It was a hopeful gesture, but one could also mistake it for a joke as well.
Richard sighed putting his hands in his pocket. One of the worst things about marriage is that the bride to be is whisked away from their home and is forced to live in a land that is far different than what they experienced. Richard heard stories of married nobles feeling alienated from one another due to their different customs and traditions. As a result, their marriages end up loveless and hollow but nobles don't marry for love like the fairy tales would like people to believe. Marriages are just another important move in the ever-continuing grand game.

It was why Richard left his home Elbion, he didn't want his life to be dictated by no one but himself. Yeah, it was childish and Theresa gave him a good scolding through her many letters but just for once in his life Richard wanted to pursue his own interests and passions. Part of Richard wanted to take Catherine with him as well but the girl was too young and it would break his mother's heart if she were to step away out of her reach. Richard and Catherine were very close and would spend many hours exploring the gardens around Henry Estate when they were children.

Mother was looking to marry Catherine off soon though preferably in Elbion with a handsome dashing knight hah! If any of those people were still around today. Still, Richard saw a little bit of Catherine in Myrcella: curious about the world and possesses a creative mind though still hopelessly naive to the inner workings of the world. "Of course," Richard mumbled to the blond young woman. "But my father is a man who doesn't really have the word "patience" in his vocabulary.

Richard Henry the Seventh: The Warmonger and his father. If Richard knew any better is that the man probably loves his troops more than his family but blood is thicker than water and family needs to stick together. Ugh..... "blood thicker than water?" a horrid cliche Richard will have to purge that phrase from his memory he got to read more now.

"If I had to guess Myrcella," Richard surmised. "Is that as soon as you finish mourning, you're going to have to come to Elbion. It's a wonderful place really if you ignore the ripoff merchants and corrupt officials."
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His father wasn't patient? Just what kind of a man was he? Myrcella didn't know and she wasn't exactly very eager to find out. What if he was cruel or unkind? If that were the case then hopefully he spent most of his time away from home. "What else is your father like? Is he loved by those under his charge?" She knew nothing about his family and right now she was certain that she'd have to find out for herself.

Go to Elbion. Not just to visit, but forever. Her times back here at her true home of the Bochanan Estate would be solely just visits. It was a strange thing to think about; leaving her bedchambers, her art room and her family behind. Not to mention Titus Phane . Oh how she would love to have him move with her. But she doubted neither men would like that.

A glimmer of hope was given as Richard Henry the Eighth suggested that she remain until her mourning period was over. "I could mourn forever, you know..." The words uttered under her breath. This whole situation was bringing about an air of stubborn defiance in her, and for the moment she didn't really care how that made her seem. It was her way of trying to gain control in a situation where the right to have a choice was taken from her.

"Might I go to Elbion for just a visit? At first. I would like to see where I would be staying, what my PRIVATE bedchambers would look like and what I would need to bring from here." Emphasis was given on the word private. Myrcella still retained her virtue and she wasn't planning on giving that up for him. It would be easier to hold to that if their bedchambers were seperate instead of shared.
His father.....

Richard took a step back feeling the urge to tell Myrcella the truth of his father maybe telling her how he really feels would be a good start to their marriage, relationships are built and broken based on trust after all. "Richard Henry the Seventh," Richard replied. "Is a man who laughed at bawdy jokes, envied those who were better than him, despised the weak and crushed those who opposed him. To those who my father loved, he showered them weapons such as Trebuchets and Longswords. It was those qualities that made House Henry continue to be a feared and respected house in Elbion and what made my father a charismatic leader for the troops and servants. My father is a man like any other, except he was born to lead."

What Richard neglected to tell Myrcella family, however, had to suffer through his indulgences. He was rather infamous for his libido and it put a strain on his marriage to Richard's mother. Of course, Mrycella chose the smartarse route in regards to mourning. She's definitely not like Theresa, Myrcella was definitely sheltered from the cutthroat world of politics and in many ways, he envied Myrcella's innocence. If anything the first thing Richard wanted to do was to maintain as long as he can. They were going to be a married couple her father might not be here to possibly oppose the marriage but his father would definitely try to push it as soon as possible.

"You're right," Richard chuckled. "You can't just stop after an arbitrary amount of time though for nobles the average period is a fortnight. Besides, you can't come to Elbion for a visit I'm afraid. Once you set on the road to Elbion, you can't go back."

It was the reality of every noble, they want to secure alliances as soon as possible. It was a tradition to have the wife be placed in the home as quickly and efficiently as possible. You never know when either side gets cold feet.

"And of course," The Bard Knight groaned. "If there's a chamber, it's only for you and me."

He nearly threw up in his mouth for a bit after saying that.
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Myrcella listened carefully. Richard the Seventh sounded like a man unlike her own late Father. However he was more of the warring type than the man that raised her. Myrcella recieved horses and art supplies from Rorric. She even learned how to use the bow and arrow. It made her wonder if he'd think her weak. He might of thought that all women were.

She was delighted to hear that she'd have at least a fortnite. That'd give her plenty of time for planning and plotting. But the following statement that Richard Henry the Eighth gave caused her to stare at him in such a way as though he had just told her that her beloved horse had just died. "I can never come back? Ever?! How can you be so cruel as to never allow me to come back? What are you afraid of? That it's too long a journey? That something could happen?" More than likely it'd be that she'd refuse to leave the Bochanan Estate at all. Maybe she could run away. That is if she memorized the journey.

Myrcella then frowned as Richard revealled that they'd have to share their bedchambers. "Surely I'd have my own chambers before we are wed...wouldn't I? Isn't that proper?" No doubt his own estate was a big one. She was already imagining herself finding some other empty room to sleep. More than likely they had those.
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Richard could tell that Myrcella would do anything to get out of this bethroal. In truth he wanted out as well it was the reason why Richard wanted ran off from Elbion in the first place. But alas, the Gods have other plans for the Bard Knight. Richard can never escape his father can he?

Right now, Richard will have to make the best of the situation. Right now he needs to know why his father would marry him off to a Cintran. What war was he waging this time? What did the Bochanans offer to him? So many questions hopefully Theresa will provide the answers.

“Forgive me Mycella,” Richard said hastily. “I tend to be melodramatic it’s a bard thing. You can go back to your old but you’ll be spending approximately ninety percent of your time in the Henry Estate. You’re a Henry and you will have to be a lady of my House.”

It was painful to say those words. Richard was really sounding like an cruel person. This girl has lost her father and has just realized that she was to be married to him. Why is Richard twisting the knife some more? He supposed it was due to habit. Being a sardonic knight for all those years became a mask for Richard.

“I recall that’s how my older brother did things once,” Richard said fondly remembering Justin. “My father put my brothers new bride and him in one chamber and I presume he’ll do it for us.”

Richard then smiled though it was clearly forced. “So,” he began. “I must stress that we must honor this arrangement. I’ll admit, I’m not as thrilled at the events as you are but we must honor it. You are an innoncent and I admire that about you Myrcella. But we are about to dive in to a den of Vipers and they will be merciless. I don’t what my father and yours planned but I assure you our marriage is a prelude to something.”
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Myrcella was relieved to hear that Richard Henry the Eighth wasn't going to bar her from coming back home. Or her old home as he had began to stress. "I am not a Henry yet...but thank you."

She reached for his right hand and held it in both of her own. Here she was treating him like some villain, but he wasn't. Before the reading of her Father's will, the two of them had been happy in eachother's company. They were becoming friends. "I don't despise you, Richard. Only this situation. And I'm sorry that I've been rude. We both had different plans and our Fathers think they know better. Just what this is preluding to, I'll see what I can discover before I am set to leave."

Myrcella let go of his hand then. Her thoughts drifted to what the Henry Estate was like. It sounded as though they had a much bigger court than what she was used to. "Does your Father often send you to war?" She had to know how much she'd be left on her own. Perhaps if she could bring a couple of staff with her, she'd be more comfortable.
Richard smiled a bit when Myrcella held his hand. It felt soft and petite compared to his more calloused one. The Bard Knight gave her hand a small squeeze before she let go. Richard couldn’t blame Myrcella for trying to find a way out. She was a frightened girl who just endured the death of her father. Richard couldn’t imagine how Myrcella is handling it emotionally when her father says that she is to be married to him.

Worst of all, Richard couldn’t imagine how Marcella’s mother was feeling about all this. She would be losing both her husband and her daughter at the same time. Richard really hated arranged marriages, he felt more like a pawn and now an innocent girl is thrusted in the grand game.

“I know how you feel Myrcella,” Richard said his eyebrows furrowing. “I’ll be honest I ran off from my home when my father told me that I was to be married. I never knew who she was nor did I cared. I wanted to be free from the Game of Thrones that is constantly played especially at Elbion. I was naive, I can never escape the Grand Game at the end of the day we are just pieces on the chessboard.”

Well that was depressing think happy thoughts. “I promise Myrcella,” Richard said placing a hand on her slender shoulder. “That I will do my best to protect you from the hungry wolves that’ll surely prowl at you. You have my word as a Knight.”

That was the most knightly thing that Richard said still wasn’t one of the Knights vow was to protect all women? Well it’s time for Richard to do it. “My father loves war as much as a Dwarf loves alcohol. He’s addicted to it and people have to die because of it. Well at least my youngest sister Catherine will have someone to talk to.”

Richard then placed his hands on his hips. “There’s something about this alliance that just doesn’t seem right,” he said. “My other sister: Theresa should looking into it.”
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Listening to Richard Henry the Eighth 's description of Elbion and the Game of Thrones made her wonder just what life was like there. Was it harsh? Was it always full of tension?

As he made his promise to her, Myrcella nodded, givinghim a small smile in appreciation. A knight in shining armour. Isn't that what every lady is supposed to dream of having? Of course she already had that with Titus.

She gestured for him to walk with her down the hallway in a slow pace. It was far better than just standing around. "How big is your court? Would the other nobles hate me because I'm an outsider?"

At the mention of his sisters, Myrcella smiled a little to herself. At least she wouldn't be alone. That is until later anyways. Oh but then she chided herself for even thinking of going along with this. She had her plans and so did Richard! It just wasn't fair...

"Could I bring some members of my staff with me? Just a couple. They know my routines and what I like to wear, plus my horse knows them too." Anything to make the transition easier would be a big help.

"Or alternatively, you could move here instead?"
Richard read that the Bochanan hallways was considered to be the largest in all of Cintra. It was said to be as wide as a Dwarven city. Judging by how spacious the hallways were, the stories didn’t lie. In fact Myrcella told Richard that she and her younger sister would scream in the hallways to see whose voice would travel faster. It was a shame really, if Richard did that then his father would’ve chained him on the top of the Merchants Guild tower for that.

Elbion is a city run by merchants,” Richard explained. “We get people from all corners of Arethiel. You’ll be plain compared to the different kinds of people let me tell you.”

Elbion was given the nickname the melting pot known for its diverse range of people that populate it. Many cultures and traditions were exchanged in Elbion. It’s little wonder that Vel Anir despises them so much. Of course Elbion is rather infamous for their brutal politics as well. Gotta have some bad to balance out the good so why not start with that?

“You’re welcome to bring your Horse,” Richard said giving her a sad grin. “Not sure my father would be welcoming of servants that aren’t his. Except perhaps your ladies in waiting. Though I highly suggest that they remain close with you Mycella. Let’s just say that there are a few men who have lustful eyes.”

Of course he means his father but no need to alarm her just yet.

“I’m afraid not,” Richard replied in regards of Myrcellas other question. “Unless of course that I can take over the estate.”

A sudden chill ran through Richards spine. With the death of Ronic and a despondent Gwendolyn. There was a huge possibility that Myrcella can make a claim to the Estate under the Henry name. With the Twin Brother missing and her younger sister being too young to rule. Richards family is primed to seize control of one of the most powerful families in Cintra. Was that his father’s plan all along?

“Well then Mrycella,” Richard said forcing a smile. “It will not be that bad I assure you. Just need to wait for the letter from my sister and we can get some answers after all!”
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"Well maybe if I'm so plain, they won't notice me as much. That could be a good thing." Myrcella knew that she was a pretty lady. She saw that as much from the looks that she'd get while visiting the markets close to the Estate. Elbion's own markets sounded vast. It made her wonder what kinds of wares that the merchants were selling consisted of. No doubt it was far different than what she was used to.

Myrcella was glad that Richard Henry the Eighth allowed her to bring her horse, although she was disheartened to hear that she couldn't bring a servant with her. "Not even a groomer for my horse could come? He is the finicky sort, so it would be better if he was among soneone that he knew..." Oh yes, she looked for any way that she could to bend the rules. As for the Ladies in Waiting, that was a given. However the caution was well noted. "I do hope that those men with lustful eyes stay well away from both myself and my ladies." Having to steer around leering men was never a comfortable thing. Especially when it was unwanted.

She frowned a little at Richard's response on whether or not they could just remain here. To have the Bochanan Estate change hands to someone else couldn't of been what her had wanted to happen in either if their lifetimes. "I don't think that my Father would approve of you taking charge so much as just...taking residence." The effects of marriage were quite different between the two sexes. Only now did it start to hit home to her.

Myrcella smirked a little as he said that it wouldn't be so bad. "Surely you didn't run away because you liked your home too much." For her it seemed as though Richard was running from more than the notion of an arranged marriage.
“Yes that could be a good thing,” Richard said though part of him did wonder if Myrcella would use that opportunity to sneak out and head home. The Bard Knight still harbored some doubts whether or not Myrcella would honor the arrangement. While she was a sweet girl, there was an iron will that was hidden beneath all that silk and Myrcella would scratch and claw before giving up and even then she would be plotting for the next attempt.

Given the ineptitude of the City Guard, Richard wouldn’t be surprised to see Myrcella waltz through the city singing and dancing right in front of them while heading for the exit. Richard was more worried about the other nobles who would take advantage of her. Stubbornness and naiveity don’t mix together in a cutthroat city like Elbion. News that Richard would be marrying a Cintran Noble will quickly spread and already there will be schemes cooked up as always.

“My father is kind a paranoid man,” Richard shrugged. “He once thought that his Elven squire was a Fal Addas agent out to get him. My brother had to move the poor Elf away from him and now he squires for my brother. Thing is the Elf is grew up in Elbion but given the amount of Fal Addas spies in the city, my father wouldn’t say a word to him.”

The Henry family were known to honor intelligence and strength. Since the Age of Expansion though, the House has been leaning towards military might. Richard did wonder sometimes if he grew up in the wrong generation. He preferred books and song to Swordsmanship. Reading the likes of Richard Henry the third and his breakthroughs in lost arts like Steam technology during the Age of Wonders or even Ava Henry and her many stories that were about satire, postmodernism and criticism during the Age of Expansion. But here Richard being a knight. Sometimes life is just something else.

“Well you said if I could move in,” Richard replied. “I’m saying that my is in Elbion and wherever I go, my bethroed will come as well.”

Richard paused, once again he was being a little too insensitive. “Forgive my bluntness,” he coughed. “But don’t worry, your ladies will be safe and no one will dare lay eyes on you lest they want to hung by their entrails and have their corpse paraded throughout the city. All done by me of course.”

The knight winked. “It’s my job as a future husband and a knight to keep you safe.”

Richard was then taken aback when Myrcella said that he ran off because he like his home too much. Richard did love his home, his family. He had a lot of fond memories of the Henry Estate, it’s just that he didn’t want to become a prisoner of fate. “Well,” Richard began “I just grew up being told what I’m supposed to be without any regards of what I wanted.”

The knight looked at Myrcella sadly. “I wanted to be more of an artist like you were. Sadly instead of a brush, I received a sword as a child and trained all day and night so I can fight and bleed in the Wars my father waged.”

All those memories and all those nightmares..... it still haunts him. That was something Myrcella should need to know.

“But tell me Myrcella,” Richard said forming a smile. “Let’s try to stay positive, you want to paint together?”
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"Well your Father doesn't need to worry about my staff. They'd be no more of a spy than I would be. And if he trusts me enough to arrange this marriage, then he just trust my judgement too." Of course she had no idea how he treated the judgements of others, especially young ladies. And Richard Henry the Eighth had already stressed that the motive for this marriage was still unclear.

Again Myrcella smirked as Richard claimed that wherever he goes, his betrothed would go as well. "So if you were to go off to war, I'd have to follow you?" Of course she was only kidding. That couldn't be true afterall. Yet it made her wonder just how close of an eye on her that he would keep. But she was glad for his protection, regardless. And for that of her ladies.

A brow was raised as he touched on the fact that he ran away so that he could get ahat he wanted; something that was vastly missing in his childhood. And here Myrcella always got what she had wanted. Until now.. Reality was both harsh and cruel.

Again the subject was changed. This time to something lighter. That was perhaps the break that they both needed. Myrcella hooked her arm in his. "Yes, let's go paint. I'd love to see what skills you possess." Surely there was room for improvement.
Richard shrugged, “well it’s not my call,” he said as they continued to walk through the hallway. “My father would prefer to have less mouths to feed.” He can never understand his father. In fact Richard was uncertain if anyone did understand him even mother. Richard and his siblings knew that beneath the swordsmanship and bravado of his father lies a cunning mind. The fact he managed to pull off a marriage with a powerful family from the Kingdom of Cintra was a stroke of genius considering that there were many more powerful nobles in Elbion trying to vie for an alliance with a family of Cintra.

Which leaves Richards father’s relationship with Rorric. No one in his family had any idea that he maintained a relationship with Rorric. What was the nature of it? Of course Rorric can’t answer but his father will now that it’s revealed that Myrcella is to marry Richard. “They say that a lady’s presence would give a knight good luck.” He smirked. “I mean given my father loves war the same way a Pig loves mud, I’m going to need all the luck I can get.”

The Bard Knight then shrugged smiling. “Besides,” he said. “I need a woman to confide with. Considering our army is seventy percent men, so much testosterone can burn you out. Sometimes a woman’s presence is needed.”

He was joking but of course he wanted things to be light after a dreary and quite frankly draining chain of unfortunate events that transpired. “Well my dear Myrcella,” Richard said. “I propose a wager. First one to the art room will have to paint the person first.”

Continue to the lightness, see? He can do happy things, it’s just that sometimes when life gives you shit, you have to mold it into something spectacular. Sadly in richards it means shit statues. Sure it’s mighty impressive...... but it’s still made of shit and people will walk away from you.
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Myrcella chewed the inside of her cheek a bit in thought. "Well if your Father's worried over the cost of my staff, I'll cover for them. Afterall, I'm not exactly a pauper." If the cost of food was the only thing getting in the way of herself and bringing staff along with her for the move, then she was well within her means to cover it.

At his jests about the armies needing a woman's presence, she snickered. Of course it made her wonder just how often he'd be gone. If this was some sort of chess game, she wondered just where her piece was to end up. At the Henry Estate first and foremost. But where to after that? Didn't Richard Henry the Eighth say something about a castle?

The subject was changed shortly thereafter to one that presented a challenge. A race? Myrcella unhooked her arm and then grabbed the folds of her skirt so that the material wasn't so close to her feet. "Do you know the way to the art room?" She wasn't sure of how much he had snooped during his time here so far.
Well at least Myrcella is sniggering, not a full on laugh but at least Richard managed to elicit a smile out of the girl. He has definitely outdone himself this time! The atmosphere was understandably dreary it was best to lighten the mood just a little bit. After all, Richard wasn’t nicknamed The BARD Knight for nothing after all.

Everyone saw that Richard was meant for entertaining audiences with his wit and song when he was a child. That is everyone except his father, he wanted all his children to be knights. His mother however, managed to prevent the girls from Knighthood oh how sometimes Richard wished that he was born a girl. “Oh Gods,” Richard thought. “Unsex me here.”

Myrcella unhooked her arm from Richards and ran off while hiking up her skirts. She was surprisingly fast for a lady who doesn’t get out much. “If there’s one thing my father taught me,” Richard said sprinting after her. “Is that you always have to scout your opposition”

As a part of a series of tests, Joshua and Richard were once sent by father to infiltrate the enemy camp. The enemies in particular were an ally of Vel Anir. Soldiers from lands far away who wielded scimitars, wore light armor complete with pointed full helms with a face of presumably their King. Richard always found them to be strange yet fascinating. The soldiers didn’t speak the common tongue and after killing two soldiers and placing their armor a challenge was to go deep into enemy territory to scout while trying to speak to the soldiers. It was a harrowing experience to say the least.

By now Richard already surpassed Myrcella in the race as he entered the door to the art room. “Now what have we here?!” He smirked. “The art room! How exquisite! I’ve beaten a Bochanan in something! Now where’s my praise?!”
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Thump! Thump! Thump!

The heavier footfalls of Richard Henry the Eighth were clearly heard on the stone floor, urging Myrcella to try to fun faster. Even while she held the folds of her skirt up, the heavy fabric still limited her movement. Plus it wasn't exactly suited for running!

Richard passed her easily enough. And sadly he stumbled right into the art room! Did he really scout the estate? Or was it just pure luck? Myrcella assumed the former.

Following in behind, she stopped running as she entered the room, her cheeks flushed by the exercise. The folds of her skirt were released as she chose to fan herself with her hand instead. "Enjoy the feeling of beating a Bochanan,.... for those victories will be few ....and far in between." She smirked, toying with him of course. Her tone was playful, despite the fact that she was nearly gasping for breath.

"I'll set up the canvas and paints. Why don't you...sit somewhere and make a funny pose." It wasn't as though she was planning on creating a masterpiece. No, this will be a comical one. Her best work was saved for others.
Richard raised his eyebrows in amusement at a flushed Mrycella out of breath and declaring that it'll be the first of few victories he'll have between her. "The Lioness of Cintra," Richard smirked leaning against the bookcase. "Unleashing her claws against the Fox. A bold statement and one that I should take caution on."

He was partly joking, Myrcella will find more ways to get out of the marriage. Richard would too but who knows what his father would do if it was Myrcella who broke the marriage. As much as Richard didn't want to admit it, his father knew that Richard would come back to his family. Myrcella on the other hand, his father would probably try to march his army on them. Wars were sometimes started on broken betrothals after all. So for her safety, Richard would need to make sure that young girl wouldn't try anything..... hasty. Though a younger Richard would try to do the same thing as well like you know? Running away.

"Well don't mind find if I do," Richard said sitting on to the black long couch and striking a pose. Richard always fancied himself as a rebel going against the grains what's acceptable in society. Judging by the paintings that Myrcella has placed around the estate, it seemed that she was more of a variety style of painter. Richard did hope that Myrcella would paint him in abstract.

"Be sure to get my good side my dear," he grinned posing.

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The Lioness of Cintra. Oh how she liked that! And Richard Henry the Eighth declared himself a fox? Well that certainly meant that he was cunning. She'd have to watch out for that. The question was though if he had learned such cunning from his Mother or his Father? Or it could very well be from the both of them. Either way she wasn't overly excited about being uprooted to Elbion. And she knew that Richard knew that as well.

While she set up her art station, Richard got himself comfortable on the couch. As Myrcella looked up to see just what kind of a pose he got himself into, she did a bit of a double-take. "Oh you can't be serious. I said to get into a funny pose. Not a 'come hither' pose." Really, he looked like someone trying to attract all the ladies. But Myrcella was having none of it. Yes he was attractive, and funny and a great bard and knight, but he wasn't who she fell in love with.

"If you insist on staying in that pose, then I'll have to add something to it..." Oh yes. Her gaze flitted over to a vase with flowers. There was MUCH that she could do with that. And not in any traditional sense either. No, the unlucky soul would have to wear it all in mockery of the seriousness of his pose.