Not all who wander are lost - but some are.


Megalomaniacal Arbiter
Hello, all. My name, as you might have guessed, it TMITM. My endless hungering for roleplaying has brought me to yet another site with the intention of telling stories that might be... unorthodox. If you don't understand them: don't worry. Nobody does.
I've seen a reoccurring theme in a lot of these sites where the UI and layout are almost identical, including this one, so the learning curve on this one will be next to none.
Pleased to meet you.
My endless hungering for stories has brought me to yet another roleplay site.
My apologies in advance.
I love being an author, and have this thing called 'maladaptive daydreaming' in which I can't stop daydreaming. All the time. Big, epic adventures, small slice of life, it all happens in my head and I'm just the one writing it down. I have a... tendancy to be as uncontrolling with my characters as I can, and sometimes they have a mind of their own. They surprise me sometimes, which is the best part of this, so... yeah.
And, surprise, surprise, the daydreamer has a tiny problem with authority.
Well, maybe not tiny.
But I'm sure it won't get in the way... right?
My writing style is... weird, to say the least. I bet you'll see.
But, anyways, I'm here now, and whatever the future brings, may it be disaster or... i don't know. Is aster the opposite of disaster?
Whatever, I'm glad to be here.
  • Yay
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