Announcement New badge ideas

I'm opening up the floor to suggestions for new Badges!

Oddball awards tend to come with a blue flag. I've attached full size jpg and the PSD which has all kinds off stuff to this message.

Submissions should be 96x96 and come with a suggestion of when/why it gets awarded.

It can be something staff manually award, or based on user posting/wiki content/user configuration.


Full PSD
I've had this idea for a few days, and now I've remembered to finally suggest it here :D

How about some badges that encourage the use of RP prefixes that are criminally underutilized:


In particular, the "Letters" prefix I'd like to see with an associated badge or two with it. The exact numbers of creating, or participating in, these Letter threads can be debated, but having badges associated with them could prompt more characters to use Arethil's amazing courier service.