Private Tales Never trust the shadows

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
The gypsy's heart leaped at the sight of Fingal, even in the form of the large white dog she had only glimpsed the night he saved her in the woods. Her tension broke, and tears welled in her eyes as she smiled at him, closing the door behind her before going to kneel before him with a soft laugh in relief.

“I’ve missed you so terribly,” she breathed, shaking her head. A trembling hand reached out to touch his face, fingers gently brushing through the soft, white fur. She felt an overwhelming surge of emotions, not all of them her own. The bond that had been stretched so tightly now felt as though it had been wrapped securely around her, bringing an immediate sense of peace and wholeness.

'You’ll be alright now'..

Anais nodded, his reassurance a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. “I know.."

She knew she couldn’t be without him, not again. The last few days had taken their toll, leaving her visibly drained and weakened. It'd been unbearable, and she quietly wondered if he had felt as terrible as she had. She closed her eyes, leaning her forehead against his, savoring the moment of reunion.

“I can’t do that again." she murmured, her fingers still tangled in his fur.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"You were never meant to in the first place," Fingal replied. "I am sorry for that."

He leaned into Anais. For a few seconds he simply breathed in her scent. It was so familiar, so intrinsically tied to her when he was a hound. He took a degree of satisfaction in how readily she recognised him even in this form.

They were pack animals, but he ran alone. That was rather odd among their kind, except for the black shuck.

His fingers worked through her hair. Fingal risking his human form for just a few moments. There was no warning of the transformation, one moment he just was like this. Both were him. A thumb brushed a tear from her eye.

"Now...there is an abandoned house not far from the road past the city when you move on. If you wait that long you could claim you found me tied to a stake and the owner dead."

"I couldn't come up with a particularly convincing plan for how you might find me in the city. I am, of course, rather more magnificent than the common mutts I've seen around the town."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Anais
Her senses seemed to attune themselves to him, sharpening, almost. He had a particular scent too, she realised. She could hear his heartbeat, could feel it pulse through her, as though her heart synced with his own, could feel the thrum of energy, of fae magick that seemed to have tied itself around one of her ribs like an invisible thread, and tethered her to him. She could feel him beside her in more ways than simple touch.

Mossy eyes fluttered open as she felt his fingers in her hair, her weary smile spreading into something bright and warm at the sight of his face, as though it hadn't been etched into her mind every second since he'd been forced to part ways with her.

Beautiful. He was beautiful, and her fingers couldn't help but explore the contours of his face as her gaze studied it anew. She listened, nodded, and laughed another tear free as he denied his likeness to common mutts. "Far more magnificent." she agreed, grazing her nose against his and drawing him toward her, taking the kiss she'd been starving for.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal and Talorgan
Fingal tilted his head into the kiss. It wasn't a fierce thing, not a gesture of fiery passion. Something between a moan and a sigh rose from the back of his throat as she kissed him. It was a reunion.

It might have been foolish to bind her to him. It wasn't something he did lightly. She fascinated him. He lived a slow life, delighting in finding lost things for his master. Anais, he had found for himself.

He broke the kiss and the small room was filled with the sound of the pair breathing.

Fingal kept his nose to hers and met her verdent green gaze. He could feel her exploring the bond.

"We should have been close and I should have been there to guide you through the quickening of this. It will all be alright now."

He laughed quietly.

"We cannot stay here long. You will need to choose another name for me."
A deep sigh dislodged from her chest, tumbling free and taking the last of her tension with it. Her head shook, her eyes diving ever-so-deeply into his. "It's alright.. It doesn't frighten me, I knew you would be here, I just.." hadn't realised that she had been speaking such an oath in saying she was his. But she was his, and regardless of what this bond meant, she wanted him so terribly that she could find not a single speck of regret in her mind. "I want to understand it."

Anais laughed softly, the sound light and filled with affection. She leaned back slightly, her fingers still resting gently on his jaw "Another name, hmm? Let me think..." She gazed into his eyes, her own green ones sparkling with mischief and tenderness.. "I suppose it'd be salt in a few wounds to call you Radagan." she mused. "What about Finn..?" her head tilted, her fingers combing into his hair. "It's either that or biscuit."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal leaned back. He brought his hand to his chin and rubbed at his white beard.

"Finn will be better than biscuit," he agreed with a smile. "But do not say my true name by accident in front of your people."

Old travelling troupes like hers tended to believe in old tales. Some of those were old laws that the fey wished the mortals would forget.

Before her gaze he faded into himself as a hound. It was hard to understand the transformation. Her gaze would almost slide off of him and when it returned he was on four legs.

"You have lots of time to understand it. How to draw strength from me. It will never hurt like that again. I promise."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Anais
'Finn will be better than biscuit'

Ana grinned, though it faltered at his warning and her head shook quickly. "I never have, never will." she promised, her voice steady and filled with conviction. The fact that he trusted her with his true name meant so much to her, it was as precious to her as it was to him.

Her eyes and mind both struggled with the seamless transition as he shifted back, once again the large, white dog with familiar, intelligent eyes.

She nodded at his reassurance and stroked Finn's fur one last time before standing up, her determination clear in her eyes. "Let's go. They'll be looking for me," she said, her voice resolute and her movements significantly stronger than they had been upon her arrival.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal gave a sharp nod of his head.

"Oh and don't let anyone put an iron chain on me," he added quickly. He trusted her not to reveal his name. He didn't trust her people not to tie a stray dog.

Then it was the time for silence. In time she would come to learn to communicate using their connection. When it had been the source of such agony it would be wise to let her settle before teaching her to understand and use it.

She was bound to him now. In return she would be able to borrow from his power, would live a longer life.

With his head bowed, he followed her out into the street.
"I'll protect you, just as you protect me." she assured him as they stepped outside.

Her steps felt easier now, her heart and mind settled by the comfort of his presence beside her, though she had to remind herself that she had been, in her elders' eyes, sick and vehemently angry before she had strode into town, and appearances had to be kept up, at least for now.

"Alright. Where is this abandoned home you told me about.." she said quietly, peeking around a corner before crossing the street. Her people would be visiting the market for supplies, perhaps to earn a coin or two, she'd steer clear.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal could feel the change in her. They had been bound tightly together. Over time they would have learned to stretch that connection. To make it strong, but flexible.

Instead it had been pulled at far too soon. Now it was frayed, but being together soothed that ache.

He glanced from side to side. The world was less rich in colour through these eyes. He had a hunter's focus. Instead his awareness stretched through scent and sound.

"East, a mile up the road."

When they could communicate complex concepts to one another it would be much easier to tolerate silence as a hound.
Fingal's plan had gone smoothly, and by the time he followed her back to their camp site, most were gathered around the fire, cooking a fat goose, the smell of which made Ana's stomach tighten with hunger. At least, it seemed, she'd be able to stomach food tonight.

She heard her name spoken, Polina having noticed her and alerted the others to her arrival. "Need to stop wandering off like that, Ana." Oliver chided as he stood, looking to one of the younger boys. "Ren, off you go and find Zach and Brendan, let them know she's back safe."

"Sorry, I wandered a little too far." she apologised as she pressed a kiss to her father-figure's cheek, and then to Polina's, who took her face in her hands and looked over her.

"Fever broke then.. You must be hungry." she said, before her gaze fell to the hound.

"Shoo now." the woman waved a hand, but Ana's head shook.

"No, he's staying with me, I found him tied up, his owner dead in his home. He's hungry too."

Victor grunted. "Another mouth to feed."

"Yes, well, we just got rid of one, didn't we?.." Anais cut in sharply and met Victor with a glare. The man sighed and waved a hand at her. "Cut the mutt some meat."

Ana cut a look at Fingal and frowned. "His name is Finn, not the mutt." she corrected, the tension still palpable. Oliver cleared his throat and nodded, wandering to crouch before the dog and extended a hand.

"He's a handsome thing, certainly.." he commented. "Welcome to the family, Finn."
  • Devil
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal closed his mouth as Oliver approached. He didn't look mangy, nor badly fed. He had to play the part.

He idly wondered if he could still find a way to give Zach a bite while maintaining the visage.

He played up to a nervous disposition, sniffing towards Oliver's hand. He kept his tail between his legs.

They were a community. Despite their hatred of Radagan, he had to remind himself that they meant well. The stern demeaours they had worn to cast him out had been replaced now they were concerned for Anais.

Fingal stood up, letting his tail flick back as he sniffered at the offered hand. It wasn't difficult to stay in this form. It was as much a version of himself as his humanoid shape. Pretending to be a common dog, however, would be a slight challenge.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Anais
Oliver's hand was gentle as he pet the dog's head. Anais had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from grinning at the amusement of it all. Poor Fingal, having to endure such things, poor, oblivious Oliver, unaware that he had just welcomed the very creature back into his camp that he had but days ago cast away.

Anais cleared her throat and found a place by the fire, setting down a plate of meat for Finn before taking a plate of her own, as well as a cup of wine. Polina fussed over her, some of the girls gossiped whilst several of the boys were still off looking for her, the men chattered, and some instruments played. Everything was as it had been ever since she could remember, and yet it was all so entirely different to her now.

"How are you feeling, my dear? I understand if you are still angry with me.. Though, I hope you understand, that I only want what is best for you." Oliver said quietly as he sat on her other side.

"He helped us. Several more lives would have been lost had it not been for him. It was not right to send him away like that. I know why you did it," she cast a look to Victor. "But it was not for my benefit."

Anais sighed as she turned back to the only man she'd ever known as a father. "I'm not a child any more, Oliver. I have my own mind, and should have my own choices to make. I know you care for me, as I care for you, but how can you call us free folk when you remove our choices?" she challenged gently, and the man's expression grew somber. Ana reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I will not stay upset with you.." she reassured before the sound of more voices approached the camp, the several boys' eyes falling on her in disgruntlement at having wasted their time looking for her. She gave them a smile clearly forced.

"Where were you? We looked everywhere." Zachary demanded.

"Wherever I wanted to be." she responded, and a muscle tightened in his jaw.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal was perfectly content to take his time chewing down some meat. He wasn't pretending to be a hound with some kind of illusion, he was a hound. He was supposed to be bound to a pack and even though he was happy on his own, there was a peaceful kind of feeling that came with being part of a group. It touched a deep, instinctive part of himself that he rarely acknowledged.

However, his nose twitched at the scent of wine. To have such a scent of smell to appreciate the aroma whilst he was going to have to go without was it's own small torture.

He listened intently to the conversation with Oliver. They were each, in their own way, trying to rebuild a little of that burned bridge.

He knew it had to happen. Whilst he did enjoy holding a grudge - particularly against someone who used iron against him - this was her family.

Zachary's voice put an end to such musings. He had to resist flashing his teeth. That would have started a mystery for people to unravel.

"We don't know anyone in this town," Zachary snapped. "You shouldn't go off alone. She shouldn't go off alone," he added towards Oliver.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Anais
"Last I checked, Zachary, you had absolutely no right what so ever to tell me what I should nor should not do.." Anais commented calmly, her hand settling on Finn's head, her fingers combing gently through his fur. The conversations around them quieted to a hush, though the girl remained unbothered by it whilst the boy bristled with irritation.

Oliver fixed the boy with a look of caution. "I will not be deprived of one more peaceful night amongst my family, if you are unable to resist the urge to argue then take your supper and eat it elsewhere." the man frowned.

Zachary quieted, but Ana could knew him well enough that he'd save whatever else he had to say to her for another time. The way he looked at her with such disgust caused her stomach to twist, though none of it showed on her face.

The rest of the night was as peaceful as Oliver had hoped for. A few cups of wine eased her nerves and dulled the ache in her shoulder. Polina re-dressed her wounds, and she insisted upon taking Finn for a walk before she turned in for the night, assuring her elders that she would keep their camp within her sights.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
They didn't go far before Fingal took a few bounds ahead and turned to face her. They were too close to risk changing back. H

e was quite accustomed to silence, spending most of his travelling time alone.

Staying mute whilst they had so much to discuss had been fair more difficult.

"I am going to have to slowly develop a dislike for that boy," Fingal mused. "No one would be surprised by an overprotective hound growling at his master's least favourite.

"But more importantly, we're going to have to teach you to listen for me with your mind."
"Slowly?.." she answered dryly, "Feel free to develop that dislike as quickly as you please. He's determined to control me one way or another." Anais scowled back in the direction of the camp before turning back to Fingal and dropping onto her knees with a sigh. "Not that I have any problem putting him straight." she smirked, though it was strained and tired of the tension that festered in her mind.

She nodded uncertainly, unsure how one could learn such a thing. Unsure how it might feel to have someone in her mind at all. "I wish it were not this complicated. I am grateful that you are with me, I just.. want to see you." she admitted, a touch of vulnerability in her tone. She had missed him dreadfully and had only a short moment to see his face, to feel the affection she so sorely craved. Anais had never had much more than brief dalliances, she had never had anyone she had truly needed, and this.. This was a baptism of fire, and she wasn't entirely sure how to navigate any of what she was feeling.

Her frustration was obvious. "Why should I care what they say? What they think? I'm not a child, Fingal. Now even Zachary thinks he can treat me like one?" her jaw tightened and her gaze dropped with a shake of her head. "I'm sorry. You must think me so weak."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"No. I am sorry that I left you in pain."

His head dipped. Sighing had never been easy in this form and he expressed his feeling of regret in a different way.

"Zachary's frustration is only matched by his stupidity. He does not see that you have your own strong will. He feels powerless because you chose to have me. He will grow and let it go, or I will find a way to punish him," Fingal declared. "I did enjoy you putting him down."

"I do not know where we go from here," he admitted. A lot would be down to how she processed this. He didn't want to tear her from her family. A small part of him also wanted to find an angle for retribution against to stupid youth who had cut him with iron.

"You can talk to me out here, but see me in the privacy of your caravan. You are bound to me and that will grow stronger now."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Anais
"Don't do that. You've nothing to be sorry for." she said, reaching to cup the hound's face and lift it. His regret would have been difficult enough to look at in his human form, but in this one he literally looked like a kicked puppy, and such things were a weakness to soft hearts.

She couldn't help but smile with a rush of pride as he praised her strength of character, and a quiet laugh tumbled free. "Yes, well. He deserved it.." she shrugged, and the amusement turned to fret at his uncertainty.

"Together. We go together.. Don't we?" she asked, flinching at how needy she must have sounded. She had never been needy, had prided herself on her independence and her ability to look after herself, but the thought of being apart from him again made her nauseous..

"I still don't really understand what has happened to me," she whispered, resting her head against his, her fingers running back and forth through his soft fur, more to sooth herself than anything. "I just know I can't bear to part from you again. My place is with you. If they cannot accept that.." her head shook and she sighed deeply.

"My choice is already made."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
He met her gaze. His eyes might have changed shape, but his irises were exactly the same.

"It is my fault that you do not understand. I did not want to steal you away. I will explain.

"Things may settle in your caravan. People may change."

Certain people might change very rapidly as they hit the bottom a ravine if they kept up their behaviours, he thought to himself.

"But if they do not, then we can leave. I will look after you, Anais."

"You are bound to me now. It is not a thing easily undone. You will be able to draw from my magic and use it. You will live longer. I will always know where you and and you will always be able to draw my thoughts to you mind."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Anais
Ana gave a quiet huff of doubt as he spoke of people changing. They had been overprotective of her ever since she could remember.

His promise caused her lips to curl and her chest to tighten. What was it about him, that made her want to let him look after her? To simply submit to being his, in every possible way? She supposed it was the magic she had felt fall over her when she had done exactly that. When she had spoken the words, promised that she was his. She had meant it, even though she had no idea what it had truly meant. She still meant it.

Her mind reeled as he explained a little more of how such an oath had changed her, would change her still. She had bound herself to him in those words, forever more, it seemed. In something so much more profound than the empty promises humans made to one another. She'd given him more than her heart and her body. Her soul, her life, was his, and all it made her feel was pride.

"Fire's out, Ana!" she heard Victor call from back at camp, as the others started retiring for the night.

"What sort of magic, exactly?.." she asked curiously, a hint of dubiety in her tone.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal turned his head back to the centre of the camp at Victor's call. He had so much to discuss with Feyre and so little time. He didn't want to tear her from her people at a whim, but he wanted her all to himself.

"To connect with me no matter how far apart we are. To speak into my mind. I don't use my magic unless I have to, but I am just a simple conjurer."

She had asked 'exactly' which was quite difficult to answer.

"My magic depends on many things, the moon, the stars and the ley. You will be able to use it to alter the minds of mortals, enforce a promise, many things. Now, I absolutely must have you tonight. So I think I had best go back to silence so you can be done with questions soon."
  • Smug
Reactions: Anais
She knew they expected her to return soon, but her mind was caught on Fingal’s words, the weight of what he’d revealed pressing down on her with awe and uncertainty.

Her fingers still threaded through his fur, she took a deep breath, trying to grasp the enormity of what he’d just explained. The power to connect with him no matter the distance, to wield magic that could alter the minds of other mortals—it was so far beyond anything she’d ever imagined. The life she’d known, the simple joys of dancing by the fire, of telling stories and wandering with her people, felt suddenly small in comparison to the vastness of what lay ahead with Fingal.

“Enforce a promise… Alter minds…” she murmured, more to herself than to him, her mind racing to understand the implications. The idea of wielding such power both thrilled and terrified her.

But when he spoke of having her, his words sent a different kind of thrill through her. She knew she couldn’t let herself get lost in the unknowns now, not when she could feel his presence so keenly, so intimately.

With a small, shy smirk, Ana nodded. “Very well.. No more questions tonight,” she whispered, suddenly all the more eager to see him.

“Lead the way then, boy." she taunted as she stood.
“Lead the way then, boy." she taunted as she stood.

"You will be made to regret that," he promised under his breath as he padded past her. He intended to come good on that promise in very short order.

They approached the camp to a quiet thumping sound. Oliver was knelt beside her caravan. He turned and stood to face them, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Ana, seeing as we don't know the dog yet, did this for you..."

He waved at the stake he had drive into the ground. Then he picked up the chain with its looped end and jangled it.

Anais would feel the flutter of fear and rage from Fingal.

"This way he can keep you safe but won't go raiding the food."
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Anais
She felt it. Him. His mind. They weren’t her emotions—she knew that—but they surged through her as if they were. Fingal’s fear, his anger, burned hot and wild inside her, and for a brief, disorienting moment, she struggled to separate his feelings from her own. Her eyes flicked down to the dog at her side and she hesitated, trying to compose herself, and then slowly lifted her gaze to meet Oliver’s.

“I know him well enough,” she said, her voice assured. The words came out steady, but she could still feel Fingal’s emotions coursing through her like a second heartbeat, quick and relentless. “He was scared and alone when I found him, Oliver. I won’t let him be scared and alone again.”

Her tone was calm, deliberately so, as she fought to avoid an argument. She knew Oliver meant well, and she didn’t want to lash out, even though Fingal’s fear made her want to. Her hand dropped to his head, her fingers sinking into the thick, warm fur. She hoped the contact would reassure him, would reassure them both.

“I appreciate your concern,” she continued, “but he’s safe with me, and I’m safe with him.” She nodded as she spoke, her eyes catching sight of a few others lingering by their wagons, watching the exchange with mild interest.

“I can think of others who could do with a night or two chained to the post, though. Your efforts needn’t be in vain.” she added loudly.vThe comment drew a snort from Zachary, who was leaning against his wagon with a smirk. He raised his hand and flipped his middle finger at her, his grin widening as he did.

Anais rolled her eyes, her annoyance blending with Fingal’s. She gave Oliver a wide berth as she moved past him, keeping Fingal close at her side. “Goodnight, Oliver,” she said, her tone final.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal