LFG Need for Enlightenment

Huang Tien

Character Biography

Looking for someone for a dedicated rp, either free flowing or plotted out. My lad's name is Huang Tien, and some ideas I had included advancing his backstory a little, or rather revealing it. Some ideas for these rps are as follows:​
  1. Bandit Infestation- As simple as it sounds, bandits have plagued the countryside, wrecking havoc for the local village. Tien's on his way to...persuade them to take up a new craft.
  2. The Beggar Fugitive- Tien's on the run from da law. Why? He might have "murdered" some noble or another(murdered in a provoked "dual") and now he must leave the city. Will he have help or will he be caught? Time will tell.
  3. An Urgent Package- Tien has been tasked with delivering a...precious cargo...one some noblemen has an interest in getting his hands on. Tien's a persistent bastard, so he'll see the delivery through.
If you also have any plots in mind, feel free to pm me!​