Lailah's head tilted and her cheeks dimpled in a visible swoon as he spoke of his skills.. "Unless of course you're throwing the fight.." she added and pointed her fork at him, a slender brow arched as a reminder of how he'd conned her. Then again, if he hadn't, she'd never have met him. His family would also still be alive and he'd have had far less trouble in his life. Fates had a funny way of being twisted, but the thoughts were far too philosophical for her to pick apart right now.
"I watched you fight, around a month before that night. That fight should have been over in seconds." she smirked at him and tore another piece of bread to chew on whilst she considered her own use with weapons. She wouldn't have claimed to know much about blades or have any sort of skills with them, but she'd used them for their intended purpose thrice now and they’d worked just fine. She'd never killed anyone with a bow, but her brother had taught her well and she was quietly confident in that field. She swallowed the bread, finding it didn't go down as easy now that bloodier thoughts had been conjured.
"I'm not much use in a fist fight." she laughed quietly. He'd witnessed that for himself the first night they'd met, she was so easily picked up and carried off. "I have hollow bones. Why i'm so light. Makes me easier to shove around too." she smirked dryly. "The.. wings, gave much more balance. Took me
ages to learn how to walk properly without them, even still i'm clumsy." her eyes rolled.
She'd been about to bite into the last piece of bread when she stopped dead at his suggestion and lifted her eyes to meet his. "It
was important, but not
that important...That's not even funny." she frowned and dropped the bread onto her plate and shoved it away from her.
"If you think i'd let you risk your life for a bow." she blinked and shook her head. "I can get another bow."