Open Chronicles Misdemeanours

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Thrukk Guldarp

Door Whisperer
Character Biography
Jodor Palace

"Yoo've got tae put a better display oan than 'at ye wee shite," Thrukk laughed.

He didn't have a throne but by virtue of physical requirement he had the largest chair around the fighting pits. He was dismayed by the prize fighter brought forward by one of the traders who had come to sell today.

Thrukk had taken control of the operation by working from the top to the bottom. Which meant he had thrown the previous owner from the top window, all the way to the bottom.

The local warlords hadn't been pleased. So far they had seven eight assassins. The last had used Green Alacene. A drop of which could kill ten men. It had given Thrukk a stomach ache. Business and slaves had continued to flow through the ruins and so they had lost interest in trying to murder the ogre.

"Reit thes is borin', who was comin' tae deal wi' these sand serpents wi' me?" Thrukk bellowed, stepping away from the fighting pits.

  • Drink
  • Trade (especially in slaves)
  • Conduct criminal business
  • Join Thrukk to do with a local pest problem (later)
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Fenic Creed