Letters Message in a Bottle (Notarius)

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.


The Necromancer
Character Biography
To whomever finds this bottle adrift on their shore:

I would greatly appreciate knowing where and when you found it, in as much detail as possible.

If you have any relevant tidal charts or mariner's maps, I would certainly compensate you for your trouble.

Harrier Wren
Crossroad Mire
Bayou Garramarisma

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Notarius sat at the dark mahogany desk in the center of his study. Through open paned windows the late afternoon sun splashed the room with warm light. A breeze rolled in off the sea ruffling stacks of parchment that covered the desk's surface. The man, now approaching his late-50s, adjusted the half-moon spectacles on the bridge of his nose before reading the letter one more time.

He set the letter aside, reached for a clean piece of stationary, and dipped the nib of his pen into its ink pot:

Harrier Wren,

Your message seems to have found its way to the small port city of Sestone- about seventy leagues south-east of Alliria as the crow flies. It was a pleasant surprise to find this letter bobbing alongside one of my vessels during my midday stroll.

I am Marko Notarius, a merchant here in Sestone. Our city hosts no more than four thousand inhabitants, however, we do quite well in the lumber and fishing industry; and we are often a stopping point for many vessels on their way to, and from, Alliria. Though I no longer find myself directly involved, I am in the business of spices and herbs, along with the occasional shipment of spirits.

Before Sestone I had lived the life of a soldier. I fought. I traveled. I slept beneath the stars. After a little more than a decade I decided to trade my sword for a scale. Thankfully I've been rather successful with my business ventures and I was able to retire from the bustling streets of Alliria.

Attached are several copies of local tidal charts corresponding to various seasons. With them I have also included a local mariner's map. A vessel of mine is set to leave for Bayou Garramarisma in two days- This parcel will be departing with them.

If you wish to continue a correspondence, and perhaps tell me more of yourself, I'd me more than happy to do such.

Marko Notarius
Allir Reach
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Marko Notarius
Allir Reach

Master Notarius,

Thank you for your letter and the treasure trove of navigating materials. I'd be happy to continue the correspondence.

I'm a magician by trade. I was a Maester of the College in Elbion before my exile for necromancy. Most of my work involves helping people speak with departed loved ones and so forth, though I do raise the odd skeleton. I've spent years on the road, as you'd imagine.

Recently, however, I've settled down. Crossroad Mire is a small village of fringe magicians and associates, from a huge variety of traditions. It sounds dreadfully formal to say that I've founded a school; travelers come to buy or learn magic from anyone who'll have them as students or customers.

I also have a strong interest in portal stones. In thanks for your help, the glyph at the bottom corner of each page of this letter is a tearaway portal key. I'm sure a mostly retired merchant will have a better sense than I do of a portal key's current market value in the Allir Reach.

Portal stones are the reason I distribute messages in bottles. One active rune is known to send travelers to a fascinating but lethal location under the ocean, at unknown coordinates. For some years now I've sent various skeletal scouts through to deposit messages and beacons and so forth. In short, your assistance has been invaluable.

Harrier Wren
Crossroad Mire
Bayou Garramarisma
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