LFG 1x1 Looking for new RP partners


Character Biography
Hey! Thanks for dropping by.

My name is MJK, and I'm a 21 year old female.

In terms of RP, my posts are usually paragraph-style with lengths of one to five paragraphs. Although I am new to this site, I am not new to rping and have been doing it for about 10 years now...at least, I stopped counting a while ago so that's my best guess. I prefer to RP with males who are between the ages of 19-25 and have characters who are also male and in that age group.
I do not enjoy anime, anything overly erotic, real-life based and extreme gore.

My response time can vary from once a week to twice a day. Real life takes precedence, although I will always let you know if I'm going to be absent for a period of time.

If you're interested in starting a RP with me, drop me a message or comment and I'll get back to you asap.
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My preferred genres are:
  • fantasy (this includes anything from medieval to the supernatural)
  • action
  • romance
  • adventure
  • sci-fi

Hey, a big welcome to the site MJK!

Just to let you know we are not a multi-genre site. All our roleplay is based in the fantasy world of Arethil. You can find out more about this setting under the "Getting started" drop down or on this page.
Hey, a big welcome to the site MJK!

Just to let you know we are not a multi-genre site. All our roleplay is based in the fantasy world of Arethil. You can find out more about this setting under the "Getting started" drop down or on this page.
My bad, thanks for letting me know! Was actually just reading up on the lore now, intended to edit this once I had finished reading.
  • Yay
Reactions: Raigryn Vayd
Hello there!

MadokaShinsei, age 22, male.
My RP style is rather similar to yours and while I used to RP a lot in the past I kind of fell away after a while. Now, though, I'm back and looking to write some more to develop character and plot ideas and really just keep creative juices flowing. It seems we both have similar ideas and styles, though, especially with irl taking the front burner and being courteous with warning leaves of absence. I've always preferred one-on-one RP and I'd be totally down to try out a story with you! Just PM me and we can discuss what kind of stories you'd be interested in and I'll write up a character or pull an old one to work with you.
